Test 2

  • George Grenville 

  • Quartering Act 

  • Stamp Tax (major)- any paper goods in the colonies. Playing cards, will, bill of sales, etc; all has to written on a paper from England that has a royal stamp. Without royal stamp, your property could go to the town.  

  • Boycotting, smuggled everything. Taxation without Representation,  

  • Virtual Representation, every member of parliament represents every person in the British Empire 

  • Stamp Tax is repealed within a year, British Gov. Claims it’s because they decided it was unfair 


  • Declaratory Act 

  • they repealed the Stamp Tax, but every other law passed will be enforced, they must pay everything 


  • Charles Townsend 

  • Chancler of the Exchequer 

  • Townsend Taxes or Townsend Act 

  • Taxes on British imports and goods such as: paper, lead, glass, tea 

  • Boycotting the British imports and goods, except for tea 

  • Repealed the Townsend taxes, except the one on tea 


  • Lord North 

  • Prime minister  

  • Tea Act of 1773: Gives a monopoly to the British East India Company 

  • Tells the colony they can only buy from the British East India Company, leads to the  

  • Boston Tea Patry (major) 

  • Sons of Liberty 

  • Samuel Adams 

  • Gets abt. 40 colonialist together, boards the ships and throws the tea into the Boston harbor 

  • Lord North passes the Coercive Acts, colonialist call them the Intolerable Acts 

  • Coercive Acts 

  • City and port of Boston is closed until the tea is paid for  

  • If colonialist harms soldiers, they are sent to Britian for trial 

  • Boston Massacre (sons of liberty) 1776 –bonus on test 

  • General Thomas Gage 

  • Married to a new yorker, severs time in Canada, goes to England, tells Britian it is a bad idea  

  • Lord North places him in Boston  

  • Gets orders to go to Lexington 

  • First Continental Congress 

  • Everyone is invited to meet in Philadelphia 

  • Lots of lower South doesn’t send reps 

  • Petition of Grievances  

  • Sends it to England, they reject it. 

  • Lexington 

  • Finds colonialist stock piling weapons 

  • “Shot heard around the world” -named the first shot fired 

  • Not a declared war, yet 

  • They want to get Gage out of Boston, he is traveling from Lexington to Concord, then back to Boston 

  • Colonialist are killing off many British soldiers as they are marching back to Boston, they are hiding in and behind trees 

  • Killed abt 275 British soldiers (number is not important for test) 

  • Battle of Bunker Hill; Battle for Boston 

  • Colonialist hope that they can defeat the British in Boston and Britian will leave them alone 

  • “Don’t fire until you see the whites in their eyes”  

  • Colonialist are defeated, but still confident 

  • Second Continental Congress 

  • All 13 colonies are present this time and have to make a plan for Britian 

  • Draw up a second petition 

  • Olive Branch Petition  

  • Truce, negation  

  • Sends it to King George 3rd rejects the petition and hangs their leaders 

  • Colonies are still trying to negotiate  

  • Starts preparing a standing navy and army 

  • George Washington  

  • Chosen to head the Continental Army 

  • Anti-Federalists

    • Wanted the Bill of Rights

    • Madison

    • Supported poorer/debtor classes

    • Didn’t want wealthy to dominate gov

    • Criticed gov for not having bor

    • States rights activist

    • Farmers/landowners

  • Federalists

    • Don’t trust that the majority can make good decisions

    • Hamilton

    • More wealthy class

    • Wanted to dominate new gov

    • Didn’t trust democracy 

    • Believed that the wealthy and more educated should rule because they didn’t believe that

    • Business owners; the rich

  • 9 states agreed to 

    • Last state was Rhode Island, nobody 

    • They waited on Virginia & New York because they were bigger/more important 


    • First one was 1788, every 4yrs

    • They become president the year after the election, HAVE TO KNOW, up to civil war/reconstruction; up to 1872

  • George Washington was not apart of any political party

    • People are telling him he can be King, he refuses, he doesn’t want this nation to have a king. 

    • Wins election in 1792, all presidents run for two terms until Franklin D. Roosevelt 

    • Important Cabinet members: 

      • Alexander Hamilton, 

        • wanted Washington to be king 

        • old time Federalist

        • Writes a tariff, for revenue for the federal government; Jefferson fights him when he wants to higher it.

        • Has to make sure the U.S. has a good credit rating

        • Creates the first bank of the U.S.

        • Writes an

        •  Excise Tax; a tax on luxury goods

      • Thomas Jefferson, ‘Anti-Federalist’ type, Secretary of State, always wants to be sure there is a balance & that the poorer class was represented fairly

        • Constantly argues with Hamilton; about everything

        • Doesn’t want Hamilton to take the states debts

        • Agrees with the banks, wants a singular currency to move through the states

        • Fights him because of certain aspects that he doesn’t like. E.x., it will start with Federal money and Private investors. 

        • Argues that Private investors are js another way to take money from the poorer class

        • Argues that we can’t have a bank of the U.S. because it doesn’t say we can in the constitution; Hamilton pulls out the Elastic Clause, nowhere does it say we can’t have a bank, so we can.

  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    • John Jay, first Chief Justice

  •  Excise Tax

    • A tax on Whiskey 

    • Washington has to run a melicia

    • Enforces the tax & they will go to jail if they don’t pay; establishes credibility

  • Treaty of Greenville

  • Bill of Rights 

    • Added

    • NEED TO KNOW: 1st, 9th, & 10th amendments 

    • 1st - Freedom of Speech & to Gather

    • 9th - Covers all rights that aren’t listed in the previous 8

    • 10th - If a power is not clearly given to the Federal Government in the Constitution, that power is reserved to the states

  • Britain claims victory after the French & Indian war 

    • British Taxpayers are upset that we are sending money to the colonies because they are not doing well with money 

  • France & England are fighting

    • France ask for our help

    • Washington drafts a statement of neutrality

    • American diplomats are required to leave France 

    • France cuts off communication 

  • 1796

    • John Addams is President

    • Thomas Jefferson is Vice President

  • John Addams re-opens communication w/France & sends reps to talk to them

    • El bridge Gerry

    • Marshall

    • Charles pinckney

    • All eyes are on the Federalists because John Addams is a Federalists

    • Known as the XYZ affair (we didn’t know the names of the three French men)

    • They sit outside for days, waiting to see the Prime Minister. Told they have to pay to talk to them and loan them thousands of dollars

    • XYZ Affair leads directly to an undeclared naval war between the U.S. & France

    • John Addams starts preparing for war

      • Starts appropriating money

      • Draws up Alien + Sedition Acts

        • Naturalization Act - takes 12yrs for an immigrant to become a naturalized citizen

        • Sedition Act - any dangerous person can be jailed and/or fined

          • Thomas Jefferson & James Maddison

            • Virginia Kentucky Resolutions - a state can void a federal law within that state's walls 

    • Convention of 1800

      • Treaty of 1800

      • France sends reps to us 

  • Aaron Burr & Thomas Jefferson running for president

    • Burr & Jefferson tie

    • House of Representatives elects Thomas Jefferson as President in 1800

  • Judiciary Act of 1801

    • John Marshall is Chief Justice for abt 34yrs

  • Thomas Jefferson's presidency marked a significant shift in American politics, emphasizing a more agrarian society and reducing the federal government's power

    • Albert Gallatin

      • Secretary of Treasury

      • Cuts debt in half

    • James Maddison

      • Secretary of State

  • Sugar island

    • Santo Domingo

      • A key location in the Caribbean, known for its strategic importance during colonial times.

      • Successfully rebel against France

  • Louisiana Purchase: A significant land acquisition by the United States from France in 1803, which doubled the size of the nation and facilitated westward expansion.

    • France needs money fast for an army and sells Louisiana to us cheap for 15mil

    • Lewis & Clark : The explorers commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson to map the newly acquired territory and find a route to the Pacific Ocean.

  • Thomas runs in 1804 and becomes President, Burr is no longer Vice President
