Antigone Vocab A2/A3

. carouse: (v) to drink freely or excessively


2. pretense: (n) a claim made or implied; false show


3. palpable: (adj) capable of being touched or felt


4. equivocate: (v) to seem to say one thing, but to intend something else; to deceive


5. unruly: (adj) not readily ruled, disciplined, or managed


6. repose: (n) a state of rest 


7. divulge: (v) to make known (something, such as a confidence or secret)


8. malice: (n) evil or injurious intent

9. dauntless: (adj) incapable of being intimidated or subdued; fearless


10. fruitless: (adj) unsuccessful


11. sundry: (adj) of various kinds; miscellaneous


12. mirth: (n) amusement or merriment, generally expressed in laughter.


13. affliction: (n) a condition causing suffering or distress.


14. jovial: (adj) characterized by good-humored cheerfulness; jolly

15. indissoluble: (adj) incapable of being undone, or broken; permanent

16. rancor: (n) bitter deep-seated ill will

