Module 2 unit 1

Economic Systems Overview

  • Economic Systems are classified into various types based on how they manage resources, production, and distribution.

  • Types of Economic Systems:

    • Pure Planned Economy:

      • Entirely controlled by the government, which makes all economic decisions.

    • Mixed Economies:

      • Combination of market and planned economic systems.

    • Pure Free Market:

      • Economic decisions made by individuals and businesses without government intervention.

    • Pure Communism:

      • All property is publicly owned, and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

    • Socialist:

      • Sharing of resources and wealth, managed by the state and promoting social welfare.

    • Capitalist:

      • Based on private ownership and the free market, promoting competition and profit.

  • Competition Levels:

    • Countries with various economic systems include North Korea (Communism), China (Socialism), France (Mixed), United States (Capitalist), Sweden (Mixed), Japan (Capitalist), and Venezuela (Socialism).

Market Economy

  • A market economy centers on production intended to satisfy community needs while maximizing profit.

  • Key Features:

    • Resources: Owned by individuals and businesses.

    • Capital: Sourced from banks and private investors.

    • Labour: Individuals choose who they work for and who works for them.

    • Entrepreneurs: Determine production based on community demand and earn profits.

Planned Economy

  • In a planned economy, the government orchestrates all economic activities.

  • Key Features:

    • Resources: State-owned.

    • Capital: Provided by the government.

    • Labour: The government assigns jobs to its citizens.

    • Entrepreneurs: Non-existent as the state manages all businesses, focusing on goods distribution rather than profit.

Mixed Economy

  • A mixed economy incorporates aspects of both market and planned economies.

  • Balances government and private enterprise roles in economic decision-making.

Economic Problem Dealing

  • Different economic systems tackle economic problems in distinct ways.

  • They define how society determines:

    • Types of goods produced.

    • Quantities produced.

Factors of Production (FOP)

  • Efficient use of the factors of production is crucial for economic success.

  • FOP Categories:

    • Land: Natural resources available for production.

    • Capital: Includes tools, buildings, money, and equipment needed for production.

    • Labour: The workforce providing physical and mental effort.

    • Entrepreneurship: Involves identifying community needs and managing risk in providing goods/services.

Detailed Explanation of FOPs

  • Natural Resources:

    • Include water, sunlight, land, plants, animals, and fish available for human use.

  • Labour:

    • Encompasses both physical and mental work performed by people.

  • Capital:

    • Represents the tangible assets necessary for production (e.g., equipment, buildings).

  • Entrepreneurship:

    • Entrepreneurs recognize and respond to community demands using FOPs, accepting both risks and rewards.

Role of Factors of Production in the Economy

  • The owner of any factor of production holds significant power in the economic system.

  • Each economic system distributes ownership of FOPs differently, influencing control and decision-making within the economy.
