Plato The Republic (Cambridge, Tom Griffith)
Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought
Series Editors:
Raymond Geuss: Professor of Philosophy, University of Cambridge
Quentin Skinner: Professor of the Humanities, Queen Mary, University of London
Purpose of the Series:
Established as a major student textbook series in political theory.
Aims to provide important texts in the evolution of western political thought, spanning from ancient Greece to the early twentieth century.
Includes classic texts and lesser-known works, many newly available in modern English.
Features of Each Volume:
Critical introduction, chronologies, biographical sketches.
Guide to further reading, glossaries, and textual apparatus.
Goal of the Series:
Plato's The Republic
Edition Information:
Edited by G. R. F. Ferrari, University of California, Berkeley.
Translated by Tom Griffith.
Publication Details:
Published by Cambridge University Press in 2000, 3rd printing in 2018.
Academic dissemination of knowledge in education and research.
Translators and Editors
Translator's Preface
Reason for Translation:
Translation Challenges:
Editor's Preface