Chapter 8: Presentational Writing: The Argumentative Essay

Exam Section II, Task 2


  • The essay requires you to take a position on an issue and to write an essay to support your position.
  • You’ll have 3 sources (a text, a visual source and an audio selection)- they need to be incorporated into your writing


Strategies and Tips

  • ==Read the question== carefully and find keywords
  • ==Take a position==- yes or no.
  • Look for ==info that will support== your position
  • ==Take notes== while the audio is playing
  • Integrate all the ==three sources== in your narrative (as shown below):
    • l’article, l’audio, l’infographie
    • la source 1, la source 2, la source 3
  • ==Present your arguments== with pertinent analysis and vocab
  • Use ==transition words==- moves your idea forward
  • Write a ==conclusion== (even if it’s short)
  • ==Proofread== your work


The Guide

a) The Introduction

  • Introduce the topic
  • State your opinion
  • Mention in which part of your essay you’ll approach a point- this will provide a structure of your essay and the arguments


b) The Body

  • do not make a montage of quotes- integrate them into your own writing
  • show your vocabulary! Avoid repetitions, for ex the word idée (replacements):
    • Cette affirmation, contestation, confirmation, question, explication, nuance, analyse ou précision
    • Ce souhait, conseil, sous-entendu, sentiment ou détail
  • you need to include all 3 sources
  • use specific transition words:
    • D’une part… d’autre part, en fait, ceci étant
    • En effet, en ce qui concerne, par ailleurs, néanmoins
  • use specific verbs to explain your point of view (textbook p. 247)


c) The Conclusion

  • summarize your point of view, restate your position, briefly explain why
  • look beyond the issue and link what you have written to a broader issue


d) Proofread

  • 2-3 minutes
  • decide what you wish to proofread first to be more efficient:
    • verb-subject agreement throughout the essay
    • noun-adjective agreement throughout the essay
    • spelling and conjugation


  • use the Self-Evaluation Checklist (p.248)

