
AP World 4.5

  • Capital - Material Wealth

  • Price Revolution - high rate of inflation, or general rise in prices in the 16th and 17th century.

  • Joint-stock companies - Owned by investors who bought stock or shares in them.

  • Limited liability - Investor was not responsible for a company’s debts or other liabilities beyond the amount of an investment.

  • British East India Company & Dutch East India Company - 17th century Joint-Stock companies

  • Triangular trade - Three segments of trade. Europeans goods travel to West Africa, then enslaved Africans go to the Americas, finally sugar and tobacco travels to Europe.

  • Asians exhanged silks, porcelain, and steel products for silver

  • Monopolies - granted merchants or the government the exclusive right to trade

  • The Dahomey and Oyo - conducted slave raids and became richer from selling their captives to Europeans.

  • Intergroup warfare became more common and bloodier as a result of the slave trade

  • Most slaves came from Ghana and Benin

  • Polygyny - Having more than one wife

  • American crops were Manioc (cassava/yucca), maize, peanuts; became African Staples

  • Spanish and Portuguese erased the basic social structures and many cultural traditions of the indigenous Americans.

  • Viceroys - Administrators and representatives of the Spanish crown.

  • Audiencias - Royal courts

  • Bernardino de Sahagún compiled the Florentine Codex, a source of Aztec life before conquest.

  • Syncretism - the combining of different relgious beliefs and practices

  • Santeria - way of the saints. African Faith in Cuba

  • Vodun - means “spirit” or “deity”. Originated with African peoples of Dahomey, Kongo, and Yoruba enslaved in Haiti.

  • Candomblé - “dance to honor the gods”. Combination of Yoruba, Fon, and Bantu belief from different parts of Africa. Developed in Brazil.

  • Virgin of Guadalupe - Revered in Mexico for her ability to perform miracles
