Price Revolution - high rate of inflation, or general rise in prices in the 16th and 17th century.
Joint-stock companies - Owned by investors who bought stock or shares in them.
Limited liability - Investor was not responsible for a company’s debts or other liabilities beyond the amount of an investment.
British East India Company & Dutch East India Company - 17th century Joint-Stock companies
Triangular trade - Three segments of trade. Europeans goods travel to West Africa, then enslaved Africans go to the Americas, finally sugar and tobacco travels to Europe.
Asians exhanged silks, porcelain, and steel products for silver
Monopolies - granted merchants or the government the exclusive right to trade
The Dahomey and Oyo - conducted slave raids and became richer from selling their captives to Europeans.
Intergroup warfare became more common and bloodier as a result of the slave trade
Most slaves came from Ghana and Benin
Polygyny - Having more than one wife
American crops were Manioc (cassava/yucca), maize, peanuts; became African Staples
Spanish and Portuguese erased the basic social structures and many cultural traditions of the indigenous Americans.
Viceroys - Administrators and representatives of the Spanish crown.
Audiencias - Royal courts
Bernardino de Sahagún compiled the Florentine Codex, a source of Aztec life before conquest.
Syncretism - the combining of different relgious beliefs and practices
Santeria - way of the saints. African Faith in Cuba
Vodun - means “spirit” or “deity”. Originated with African peoples of Dahomey, Kongo, and Yoruba enslaved in Haiti.
Candomblé - “dance to honor the gods”. Combination of Yoruba, Fon, and Bantu belief from different parts of Africa. Developed in Brazil.
Virgin of Guadalupe - Revered in Mexico for her ability to perform miracles