Baby Boom
The sharp increase in birth rate in the United States following World War II
Space Race
The intense competition between the U.S. and USSR for superiority in space exploration
The policy of pushing a dangerous situation to the brink of disaster to achieve goals
Cold War
The period of tension and competition between the United States and the Soviet Union from 1945-1991
A planned community built in New York that became the model for post-war suburban development
A member of the 1950s counterculture movement known for rejection of conventional society and interest in artistic expression
Iron Curtain
The symbolic and ideological boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas after World War II
The first artificial satellite to orbit Earth, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957
Truman Doctrine
U.S. foreign policy strategy aimed at stopping the spread of communism around the world
A military alliance formed in 1949 between North American and European countries to counter Soviet influence
National Defense Education Act
A 1958 act passed to improve American schools in response to the Space Race
An economic system based on collective ownership and the absence of social classes
House Un-American Committee
Congressional committee that investigated suspected communist activities
Berlin Airlift
The 1948-1949 operation to supply West Berlin by air after Soviet forces blockaded ground access
Marshall Plan
American economic and military aid program to support countries resisting communism, announced by President Truman in 1947
Warsaw Pact
The Soviet-led military alliance formed in response to NATO
Domino Theory
The theory that if one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would follow
GI Bill
Post-WWII legislation that provided education and housing benefits to returning veterans
Polio Vaccine
The medical breakthrough developed by Dr. Jonas Salk that helped end a major disease epidemic
Sun Belt Migration
The movement of Americans from northern cities to southern and western states after World War II
Interstate Highway Act
A 1956 law establishing the interstate highway system under President Eisenhower
Elvis Presley
The 'King of Rock and Roll' who revolutionized popular music and youth culture
Cuban Missile Crisis
The 1962 confrontation between the U.S. and USSR over Soviet missiles in Cuba
Joseph Stalin
Soviet leader during World War II and the early Cold War period
Korean War
The 1950-1953 conflict between North and South Korea
This group of people were investigating people they felt were disloyal to the United States, without proper evidence
Arms Race
The competition between the U.S. and USSR to build up their respective weapons arsenals
An economic system based on private ownership and free market competition
Hollywood 10
A group of screenwriters and directors who refused to testify before HUAC about alleged communist influences