Criteria for Evaluation
a) By quality of solution
b) By speed
c) By memory consumption
d) By interpretability
Finite Problems
All real problems are theoretically finite.
Can be solved by exhaustive search over all combinations.
Example Problem: Finding the closest pair of points on a plane.
Algorithm: Compute the distance between all pairs of points.
Running Time as a Characteristic
The main characteristic used to evaluate algorithms is running time or time complexity.
Factors Affecting Running Time:
Depends on:
CPU architecture and power
Input size
Input structure
Elementary Operations:
Function calls
Logical operations (AND, OR, comparison)
Arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /)
Assignment operations (e.g., x = 5)
Accessing array elements by index (e.g., a[i])
Running time for input X is the number of elementary operations performed while processing X.
Input: X = [2, 3, 1, 4, 2]
Initial sum = 0
For i = 1 to n, sum = sum + X[i]
Output: 12
Count of Elementary Operations:
Assignments: 2
Additions: 5
Accesses: 5
Comparisons: 5
Total Running Time: 27 operations.
Input: X = [2, 3, 1, 4, 2], m = 4
For i = 1 to n, if a[i] = m, return true; return false.
Running Time Calculation: 1 + 4(4) + 1 = 18
In worst-case if not found: Running time is calculated as 1 + 4n + 1.
Definition: Time complexity T_A(n) is the measure of running time of algorithm A on inputs of size n.
Types of Measures:
Worst-case (standard)
Average-case (sometimes)
Best-case (never)
Ignoring Machine Dependent Constants:
Use of e-notation and O-notation.
O-notation: A function f is O(g) if there exists a constant C > 0 such that f(n) ≤ Cf(n) for sufficiently large n.
Interpretation: f grows no faster than g.
Θ-notation: A function f is Θ(g) if there exist constants C1, C2 > 0 such that C1g(n) ≤ f(n) ≤ C2g(n).
Input: X = [2, 3, 1, 4, 2], m = 4
Running time: 1 + 4n + 1 = O(n).
Input Size Definition: Amount of memory occupied by input with reasonable encoding.
Example: 13 = (1101) is reasonable; 13 = (1111111111111) is unreasonable.
Common Time Complexities:
O(1): constant-time algorithm
O(n): linear
O(n^k): polynomial
O(k^n): exponential
Comparisons of complexities: O(n log n) < O(n^2) < O(n^3)
Comparison of algorithm performance on different processor generations.
Example for 1 million inputs on Intel Pentium III vs. Intel Core i5.
Green Computing:
Emphasis on faster algorithms leading to fewer computations and reduced energy consumption.