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An – if

Alack – woe

Anon – at once, soon

As life – rather

Barnacle – a shellfish

Baffle - embarrass

Beget – bring forth

Beguile – charm, trick

Belike – probably

Bona roba – a showy wanton, a courtesan

Bots – worms which infest horses

Brook – endure, suffer

Butter-woman – a woman who deals in butter, a dairy-maid, a chatterer

Carbuncle – tumour, growth, or lump

Chamber – room

Coxcomb – vain, silly, creature

Cunning – clever

Desist – stop, cease

Didst thou? – Did you?

Dog-fish – a type of small shark

Dost thou? – Do you?

Fie – shame, for shame

Fare ye well – farewell, good luck

Fond – foolish

Giglet – a rude or silly person, a fool

Gleeking – projecting of saliva

Gramercies – many thanks

Haggard – bony, very thin

Hark – listen

Hence – from there

Hither – to this place

How now? – What is happening?

Idle – foolish

I’ faith – in faith, really, truly

Importune – beg

Iwis – certainly

Joy – rejoice

Knave – a scoundrel, rascal, or rogue

Lily-livered – white livered, cowardly

Loon –a worthless rogue, an idler, especially one of low birth

Lout – an awkward and clumsy person

Open-arse – the common name for fruit of the medlar tree

Marry – truly, by the Virgin Mary

Maypole – a painted pole, decorated with flowers

Meet – suitable, fitting, and appropriate

Medlar-fruit – a small brown apple that is only eaten when decayed or overripe

Minion – darling (alternative use – a saucy woman)

Miscreant – villain

Mumble – low and unclear speaker, one who chews without teeth

Nut-hook – a constable, a beadle, an officer

Pignut – a bitter nut

Pribbling – rank, reeking and puny

Prithee – I pray you, please
Prune – a dried plum

Purpled – blood-stained

Raiment – clothing

Rank – puffed up, swollen

Sawst thou? – Did you see?

Scullion – a kitchen helper

Sirrah - Hey, you there – usually addressing servants

Surly – ill humored, threatening

Tarry – delay, be late, wait

Thee, thou – you

Thy – your

‘tis – it is

‘twas – it was

Unto – to

Varlet – a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel

Vassel – a servant

Want – lack

Wench – woman

Wilt thou? – Will you?

Yeasty – superficial

Yonder – situated over there, in that place

Wanton – unrestrained, undisciplined, boisterous, uncontrolled

Wherefore – for what reason? Why?

Wherefore art thou? – why are you?


An – if

Alack – woe

Anon – at once, soon

As life – rather

Barnacle – a shellfish

Baffle - embarrass

Beget – bring forth

Beguile – charm, trick

Belike – probably

Bona roba – a showy wanton, a courtesan

Bots – worms which infest horses

Brook – endure, suffer

Butter-woman – a woman who deals in butter, a dairy-maid, a chatterer

Carbuncle – tumour, growth, or lump

Chamber – room

Coxcomb – vain, silly, creature

Cunning – clever

Desist – stop, cease

Didst thou? – Did you?

Dog-fish – a type of small shark

Dost thou? – Do you?

Fie – shame, for shame

Fare ye well – farewell, good luck

Fond – foolish

Giglet – a rude or silly person, a fool

Gleeking – projecting of saliva

Gramercies – many thanks

Haggard – bony, very thin

Hark – listen

Hence – from there

Hither – to this place

How now? – What is happening?

Idle – foolish

I’ faith – in faith, really, truly

Importune – beg

Iwis – certainly

Joy – rejoice

Knave – a scoundrel, rascal, or rogue

Lily-livered – white livered, cowardly

Loon –a worthless rogue, an idler, especially one of low birth

Lout – an awkward and clumsy person

Open-arse – the common name for fruit of the medlar tree

Marry – truly, by the Virgin Mary

Maypole – a painted pole, decorated with flowers

Meet – suitable, fitting, and appropriate

Medlar-fruit – a small brown apple that is only eaten when decayed or overripe

Minion – darling (alternative use – a saucy woman)

Miscreant – villain

Mumble – low and unclear speaker, one who chews without teeth

Nut-hook – a constable, a beadle, an officer

Pignut – a bitter nut

Pribbling – rank, reeking and puny

Prithee – I pray you, please
Prune – a dried plum

Purpled – blood-stained

Raiment – clothing

Rank – puffed up, swollen

Sawst thou? – Did you see?

Scullion – a kitchen helper

Sirrah - Hey, you there – usually addressing servants

Surly – ill humored, threatening

Tarry – delay, be late, wait

Thee, thou – you

Thy – your

‘tis – it is

‘twas – it was

Unto – to

Varlet – a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel

Vassel – a servant

Want – lack

Wench – woman

Wilt thou? – Will you?

Yeasty – superficial

Yonder – situated over there, in that place

Wanton – unrestrained, undisciplined, boisterous, uncontrolled

Wherefore – for what reason? Why?

Wherefore art thou? – why are you?