Lesson Overview

Fundamentals of Nursing

Lesson 1.C: Healthcare Delivery SystemThe Healthcare Delivery System (HCDS) includes policies, facilities, equipment, resources, and services addressing health needs in a complex and multi-disciplinary framework. It consists of:

  • Public Sector

  • Private Sector

Public Sector

  • Executive Order 102:Identifies the Department of Health (DOH) as the national authority for health, with key functions: Leadership in Health, Enabler and Capacity Builder, and Administrator of specific services.

  • Local Government Code (Republic Act 7160):Transfers healthcare delivery responsibilities to local governments to promote community engagement and self-reliance.

Formula One PlusA strategic framework for health service reform aiming for Filipinos to be the healthiest people in Southeast Asia by 2022 and in Asia by 2090.

  • Vision: Healthier population

  • Mission: People-centered, resilient, and equitable health system

  • Goals: Better health outcomes, financial risk protection, responsive health system

  • Five Pillars: Health Financing, Service Delivery, Health Regulation, Good Governance, Performance Accountability

2030 Agenda for Sustainable DevelopmentIn 2015, UN member states adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) building on 8 Millennium Development Goals.

Universal Health Coverage (UHC)Ensures all individuals receive health services without financial hardship, mandated by Republic Act 11223 (Universal Health Law).

Primary Health CareA method for making essential health needs universally accessible, promoting efficient and cost-effective UHC.

Public Health ProgramIncludes interventions for policy operationalization, focusing on four major areas: Family Health Services, Control of Communicable Diseases, Control of Non-Communicable Diseases, and Environmental Health and Sanitation.

Illness and Disease

  • Illness: Diminished function in holistic health; not the same as disease.

  • Disease: Alteration in body function with known causation (etiology).

Classification of Illness

  • Acute Illness: Short duration

  • Chronic Illness: Long-lasting with periods of remission/exacerbation

Illness BehaviorsCoping mechanisms in response to illness.

Rights of Clients:Clients are not held responsible for their condition and are obligated to seek competent help.

Five Stages of Illness:

  1. Symptom Experience: Identifying abnormal symptoms

  2. Assumption of Sick Role: Accepting being sick and self-treating

  3. Medical Care Contact: Seeking professional advice

  4. Dependent Client Role: Relying on healthcare professionals

  5. Recovery/Rehabilitation: Resuming normal responsibilities post-recovery.

Impacts of IllnessDiscussion on the effects of illness on individuals and families, considering internal and environmental variables.
