Important role of parents in child development.
Babies grow rapidly, and parents can support this with daily activities.
Quote by Eda LeShan emphasizes the wonder of a new baby.
Importance: Touching helps the baby feel secure and loved.
Gently hold your baby's hand or finger.
Cradle the baby and maintain eye contact; smile often.
Kissing the baby's forehead fosters affection.
Significance: Talking nourishes the baby’s brain as food does the body.
Use five-word sentences to describe surroundings.
Sing or express love when putting your baby down to sleep.
Benefits: Reading aids vocabulary development and prepares for reading and writing in kindergarten.
Establish a daily reading routine for comfort and security.
Role in Development: Play enhances social skills and creative thinking.
Engage in games like "peek-a-boo" and mimic silly faces to encourage interaction.
Use board books for exploration and talk about pictures.
Participate in crawling or chase games to bond with the baby.
Discuss colors and shapes, count objects, and narrate actions during diaper changes.
Attend story time at local libraries for socialization.
Holding and nurturing the baby is beneficial; it contributes to a secure and confident child.
Conversation is essential; take turns talking and allow the baby to respond with vocalizations or movements.
Introduce noise-making toys like rattles or pans to stimulate interest.
Emphasize that it's never too early to start reading or playing with the baby.