The areas around the equator are hotter because the sunlight is less spread across a given area.
A terrestrial biome is determined by its temperature and level of rainfall.
The 10 major biomes:
Tropical rainforest:
Location: Equatorial regions
Physical environment: Rainfall exceeds 230cm/year, no dry season ,hot (25-29˚C) all year round, soils often shallow & nutrient-poor
Dominant plants: phanerophytes: trees, lianas, epiphytes
Animals: Diverse range of insects, amphibians, reptiles and mammals.
Rainforest levels:
Forest floor: Low light levels mean few ground flora so large animals are present.
Understorey: Plants: Shade-adapted shrubs & herbs, small trees, woody vines, and also seedlings of canopy trees. Animals: Insects, reptiles, birds, small mammals.
Canopy: Absorbs 95% of sunlight, dominated by evergreen trees, which house epiphytes and animals such as monkeys, birds and sloths.
Emergents: Trees that grow beyond the canopy and are more exposed to wind, home to species such as large flying foxes.
Tropical deciduous forests:
Location: Equatorial regions with monsoon rainfall.
Physical environment: Rainfall 130-280 cm/year, hot (25-39˚C) all year round, has a 2-3 month dry season
Plants: Dominated by deciduous phanerophytes, understorey shows strong growth after leaf-fall, dense closed ‘tropical jungle’.
Animals: Diverse: large mammals well-represented
Temperate rainforest:
Location: Coastal regions in higher latitudes
Physical environment: Rainfall exceeding 200 cm/year, condensation of water from coastal fog augments normal rainfall, rarely below freezing, rarely over 27 ˚C, slow decay – thick leaf litter
Plants: Coniferous or broadleaf phanerophytes; epiphytes, Understorey: ferns & mosses
Animals: UK forests have high animal diversity.
Taiga: (temperate coniferous forest)
Location: Vast tracts of N. America and Russia
Physical environment: Precipitation 30-100 cm/year – mostly snow
Very cold, often below freezing for long periods
Soils are poor – needles decay slowly and build up, acidifying the soil
Plants: Coniferous phanerophytes: spruces, firs and pines dominate. Low tree species diversity. Trees are conical to reduce bough breakage from snow.
Understorey: sparse because of year-round canopy
Animals: Too cold for amphibians & reptiles, insects seasonal, Bears, lynx, moose, squirrels, elk
Temperate deciduous forest:
Location: Eastern US, Northern Europe, eastern Asia, Southern South America, New Zealand, Australia
Physical environment: Rainfall 75-200 cm/year, temperatures do drop below freezing, but not usually below -12 ˚C, four seasons, soils are rich due to annual leaf-fall & are easily converted to agriculture
Plants: Dominated by deciduous broadleaf phanerophytes, much less diverse than tropical rainforest – 3-4 tree species per square km e.g., leaves are shed in Autumn, herbaceous plants get growth in before the canopy regrows in Spring
Animals: Adapted to a highly seasonal climate, many hibernate, birds may migrate, insects may enter diapause.
Non forest biomes:
Tropical grasslands (Savana):
Location:5-20 degrees from the equator
Physical environment: Low and highly seasonal rainfall, extensive dry season, temperatures of 24-29 C, frequent fires, soils are often poor due to rainfall leaching nutrients, overgrazing leads to desertification.
Plants: Dominated by hemicryptophytes, with scattered trees and shrubs some of which are adapted to fire either with easy recovery from fire or germination is triggered by fires.
Animals: Diverse mainly consisting of migratory species, herbivores are grazer and predators include large cats such as lions..
Temperate grasslands:
Physical environment: Low annual rainfall 25-100 cm/year.
Wide range of temperatures from -10 C in the winter to >30 C in summer.
Soils have 12 times as much hummus as forest soils. Rainfall is affected by which side of a mountain range it's on, which affects levels of diversity.
Plants: Dominated by hemicryptophytes
Animals: Burrowers and grazers.
Hot desserts:
Location: 30 degrees latitude.
Physical environment: Less than 30cm/year, evaporation is greater than precipitation, high salinity, extreme temperature differences between day and night.
Plants: Therophytes or xerophytes, cacti evolved barrel shaped bodies while agaves and crassula evolved tough skin.
Animals: Live on annual seeds, includes ants, birds and rodents.
Cold desserts:
Location: Polar regions and continental interiors.
Physical environment: Less than 25 cm/year of precipitation (often in snow form), Freezing temperatures.
Location: North of boreal forests, vast areas of Russia and Canada.
Physical environment: 25 cm/year of precipitation, growing seasons have long days but only have 50-60 of them, water is stored in the soil as permafrost (which stores CO2 and Methane).
Plants: No trees, small low lying lichen and plants.
Animals: Migratory birds, mammals include grazers and predators.
Bonus biome: Mountains
Location: Along continental convergent boundaries.
Physical environment: Changes with altitude, will border different biomes so animals and vegetation will vary from place to place. Biodiversity will decrease the higher the altitude.