Scientific revolution

  • What is the age of exploration

    • Scientific revolution occurs during the 17th century, this is when humans used observation to solve questions or problems

  • Empiricism:

    • Empiricism led to the development of the scientific method it was introduced by Roger Bacon, (you learn through experience) 

  • Francis bacon:

    • Introduced the first scientific method 

  • Rene Descartes 

    • Makes famous quote, “I think therefore I am” this means you can solve any problem using your brain

  • Ptolemy

    • Introduce the idea of geocentric model (earth- centered) Idea is that the earth is at the center is in the middle of the whole universe 

  • Nicolas Copernicus 

    • Hiliocentric: the sun is at the center of the universe all heavenly bodies move around the sun including the earth, because geocentric was indureced by the church and schools copernicus idea will go agaist that 

  • Johannes Kepler

    • Kelper will prove that others bodies move in elliptical motion (cirular motion) 

    • 3 laws of planetary motion 

      • Law of ellipses 

      • Law of equal area

      • Law of harmonies 

  • Galileo Galilei 

    • He is considered the father of science, he gives us the telescope, He is the first person to say 

      • saturn has rings 

      • Jupiter has four moons

      • There were mountains on the moon

      • stars were farther away than planets 

    • Galilei supported hiliocentisum that went against the catholic church and he is put on trial during the roman equsition he did not wanna be burned at the stack, he reccant then he was put on house arrest for the rest of his life 

  • Issac Newton, said the world was like a clock and was runned on a certain rules,

    • First person to introduce gravity 

    • 3 laws

      • Law of interia 

        • Bodies in motion stay in motion 

      • Fundaments law of dynamics 

        • Velocities of objects change when outside force is applied 

      • Law of reciprocal action 

        • Every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

    • Issac newton created calculus 

      • study of rate of change 

  • Galen (Acient medicine) 

    • Galen will write a book “ on the elements according to Hippocrates” where he describes 2 types of blood, good or bad so he supported blood phlegm (thats when he used leches to suck out blood to make it pure) 

    • Also belives that he can force people 

  • Adresas Vesalius 

    • He writes the book “on the fabric of the human body” where he writes about the dissection on human cadvers he had performed (meaning he would cut people open) 

  • William Harvey

    • He tells us the differences between veins and arteries (how blood flows) 

  • Joseph British 

    • He gets creidited for telling us earth is made up of oxygen, hydrogen and water

  • Carlous Linnaeus 

    • He is gonna be the founder of botany (studie of plants) 

  • Jean- Baptiste lamarck

    • He is the father of zoology (study of animals) 

  • Rene Descartes 

    • Came up with analytical geometry 

  • Leeuwenhoek 

    • Gives us the very first microscope 

  • Robert Hookes 

    • Very first person to see a cell

  • Galileo 

    • sketch the first grandfather clock 

  • Evangelista Torricelli 

    • Created a perfect vacuum, noticed that the atmosphere pressure, created a barometer (mesures air pressure) 

  • Gabriel Fahrenheit 

    • Gives us a temperature, in 1654 it is still used in the united states today

  • Andres Celsius 

    • introduced Celsuis scale which is used everywhere else around the world 

    • Kelvin is another temperature scale used by scientist 

  • Age of exploration accrued during the 15th and 16th centuries

    • The monarchs of europe had money and new technologies that made exploration possible the caravel, was a newly designed ship, it was smaller and more manuverable making exploration into open waters possible 

    • The astrolabe and the compass will allow the explores to navigate during trips and in planning trips 

    • Cartography, map making was improved during this time period because of the use of longitude and latitude, there were 3 motivations for exploration gold, god, glory

  • Prince henry the navigator of portugal will help with the improvement of cartography by starting a navigational school which is why the first explorers came from portugal

    •  this first place the portuguese explored was the west coast of africa

    • after establishing trade the porgugese also started trading african slaves 

    • Pop Nicholas the 5th will approve the slave trade in 1443

  • Bartololmeu will sail around the southern tip of africa he will name this area the cape of good hope

  • Vasco Da Gama will sail to india in 1498 portugal will first develop trade byt later economy in india 

  • King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella both ran kingdoms when there were married the kingdoms were combined to form spain once spain was formed the new monarchs wanted to send out explorers like the portuguese those explores specifically Ferdinand Megellan will help them create a colonial in the philippines in 1521

  • He curcumnavicated the globe, first one to cross the southern tip of south america and called it the straight of magellan 

  • Christopher was sent on a missionary on an exploration by queen isabella to india 

  • colomabs sailed west from spain not knowing he didnt know the new world was there and stopped him from going to india 

  • He calles the people indians because he dose not relize he has landed in the caribbeans 

    • He will set sail in 1492 with 3 ships

      • Nina, pinta and the santa maria 

  • 1507 america vespucci will create a map with the new world on it so it will become known as south america and north america named after him

  • the spanish explores were called conquistadors 

  • Hernando cortes will defeat the astech empire in mexico
