Define Economics: Study of how individuals allocate limited resources to fulfill unlimited wants. Scarcity is critical as it necessitates choices.
Opportunity Cost: Value of the next best alternative forgone when making a decision.
Four Factors of Production:
A. Land: Natural resources
B. Labor: Human effort
C. Capital: Tools and machines
D. Entrepreneurship: Innovation and risk-taking
Three Fundamental Questions:
A. What to produce?
B. How to produce?
C. For whom to produce?
Six Economic Goals:
A. Economic efficiency
B. Economic freedom
C. Economic security
D. Economic equity
E. Economic growth
F. Economic stability
Determining Factors: Income, access to goods/services, education, and overall quality of life.
PPC Concepts:
A. Illustrates scarcity and opportunity cost
B. The line is called the PPC frontier
C. Categories: Capital and consumer goods
D. Production capabilities: On or inside the curve is attainable; outside is not.
E. Movements: Outward shift indicates growth; inward shift indicates decline.
Specialization: Focus on efficient production of specific goods increases productivity and trade.
Adam Smith Details:
A. Economic System: Free-market capitalism
B. Book: The Wealth of Nations
C. Most Important Goal: Economic freedom
D. Private Property: Permitted
E. Government Role: Minimal intervention (laissez-faire)
F. Economic Questions: Consumers and businesses answer them
G. Laissez-Faire Meaning: Limited government in markets
H. "Invisible Hand": Self-interest + Competition
I. Example Country: United States
Karl Marx Details:
A. Economic System: Communism
B. Book: The Communist Manifesto
C. Most Important Goal: Economic equality
D. Private Property: Not allowed
E. Government Role: Controls production/distribution
F. Economic Questions: Government answers all
G. Example Country: Soviet Union
Traditional Economic System: Based on customs, bartering, limited tech, and defined roles.
Mixed Economic System: Combination of free market and government intervention.
Economics: Study of resource allocation.
Goods: Physical products.
Services: Intangible activities.
Scarcity: Limited resources vs. unlimited wants.
Needs: Essentials for survival.
Wants: Desirable non-essentials.
Opportunity Cost: Next best alternative forgone.
Choice: Selecting among alternatives.
Competition: Private ownership of production.
Capitalism: System of private ownership of production.
Communism: Government-controlled economy.
Socialism: Some level of government ownership mixed with private ownership.