Indications of Hopelessness
Key behavior: decreased energy level (Option B).
Data Collection in Preschoolers
Behaviors indicating readiness to cooperate:
Allows nurse to touch his arm (Option A).
Plays with toys in the examining room (Option B).
Answers questions asked by the nurse (Option C).
Makes eye contact with the nurse (Option D).
Client Priority
First client to see: a client with schizophrenia experiencing command hallucinations (Option C).
Responses to Newborn Crying
Recommended nurse response: "Let me show you how to swaddle and cuddle him, then you try." (Option C).
Glucometer Use Guidelines
Proper procedures:
Test the first drop of blood after the puncture (Option A).
Keep the finger in a dependent position (Option C).
Clopidogrel Precautions
OTC medication that interacts adversely: Naproxen (Option D).
Complications of Leg Cast
Indication of complications: pale foot, weak pedal pulse, foot numbness.
Recommended action: Check for pain with passive movement (Option C).
Adverse Effects of Cigarette Smoking
Include: Decreased hemoglobin (Option A).
Medication Administration Without Court Hearing
Situations: if the client is attempting to hurt self or others (Option D).
Client Instructions
Essential instruction: "Monitor for muscle weakness while taking the medication" (Option A).
Sharing Client Information
Appropriate to share with: a social worker assigned to an involuntarily committed client (Option B).
Abnormal Findings in Pregnancy
Report to provider: Urine protein 3+ (Option B).
Priority Assessment
Immediate concern: Oxygen saturation 89% (Option C).
Findings to Report
Immediate reporting: Blurred vision (Option B).
First Actions During Chest Pain
Elevate head of the client's bed (Option D).
Most Accurate Diabetes Management Test
Glycosylated hemoglobin (Option C).
Intervention for Inappropriate Nurse Actions
Intervene with: nurse telling a client they will lose phone privileges if they do not take medication (Option B).
Materials for Seizure Precautions
Equipment: Oral suction equipment (Option A).
Post-discharge Instructions
Encourage social interactions (Option C).
Post-surgery Instructions
Avoid crossing legs for 3 months (Option A).
Recommended Practices
Eat small meals every 2 to 3 hours (Option B).
Understanding Patient Education
Expect to remain upright for 1 hour after taking ranitidine (Option A).
Isolation Precautions
Airborne precautions (Option A).
Nutritional Guidance
Suggest performing pulmonary hygiene 1 hour before meals (Option B).
Expected Therapeutic Effect
Reduced fat in stools (Option D).
Nurse Response to Hallucinations
Response to use: "This must be very frightening for you. Let’s talk more about it." (Option D).
Buck's Traction Care
Ensure weights are hanging freely (Option B).
Validity of Readings
Peripheral vascular disease can affect saturation readings.
Visual Indicators
Nodule on eyelid.
Recommended Precautions
Contact precautions (Option A).
Communication Guidelines
Write at an 8th-grade reading level (Option D).
Prioritization of Data Collection
Priority statement: "I would rather be alone than with my friends." (Option D).
Appropriate Dressing Types
Use transparent film (Option C).
Medications for Pain
Administer the medication to the client (Option B).
Tasks to Include
Set time frames for meeting goals (Option A).
Base goals on peer comments (Option C).
Include standards the AP should meet (Option E).
Post-Radiation Guidelines
Avoid exposure to cold on the neck (Option D).
Implemented Interventions
Apply rubber-soled slippers (Option B).
Education for Residual Urine Measurement
Use a leg bag for urine (Option C).
Encouraging Autonomy
Allow client to choose treatment times (Option B).
Feeding Guidelines
Feed newborn 8 to 12 times every 24 hours (Option C).
Initial Actions for Admission
Place child on bed rest for 24 to 48 hours (Option B).
Client Nutritional Needs
Measure abdominal girth daily (Option C).
Diet Recommendations
Suggest yogurt to lessen diarrhea (Option D).
Wound Monitoring
Elevate the head of the bed to 30 degrees (Option C).
Interventions to Alleviate Edema
Apply support stockings (Option C).
Caring Measures
Remind the client of the day and time often (Option A).
Food Inclusions to Avoid
Grapes (Option C).
Teaching Point
Schedule sputum examination every 4 weeks (Option A).
Actions Prior to NST
Explain that nonreactivity might require immediate medication (Option A).
Meal Safety Protocols
Tilt head forward during meals (Option C).
Signs to Report
Report persistent headache (Option D).
Group Approach for Sharing
Engage the partner by discussing what support is needed (Option C).
Nurse Response
"That must have been a difficult experience for you." (Option A).
Infection Reporting Protocol
Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Option A).
Client Symptoms
Nuchal rigidity (Option B).
Laboratory Value Expectation
Creatinine 15 mg/dL (Option A).
Expected Provider Instructions
Administer protamine sulfate (Option C).
Fluid Volume Excess Indicators
Distended neck veins (Option C).
Instructions for Parents
Place the diaper over the strap of the harness (Option A).
Where to Document
Incident report (Option C).
Sterile Technique Practices
Place sterile objects 2.5 cm from the edge of the sterile field (Option A).
Boundary Crossing in Care
Provide client a meal before nurse bathing (Option D).
Isolation for Herpes Simplex
Contact precautions (Option A).
Corrective Action
Draw a horizontal line through the space and sign at the end (Option A).
Disinfection Solution for Blood Spill
Bleach (Option B).
Identified Risk for Falls
Electrical wires run under carpeting (Option B).
Client Rights in the Informed Consent Process
Notify client of their right to change their mind about signing (Option C).
Personal Care Practices in Different Cultures
Rubbing coin lengthwise on the child’s back (Option C).
Timolol Teaching for Open-Angle Glaucoma
Check heart rate while taking this medication (Option C).
Severe Dehydration Assessment
Weight loss of 10% (Option C).
Physiological Changes with Aging
Decreased liver function (Option A).
Referrals to Nutritionists
Referral for dietary concerns to a dietician.
Signs of Allergic Reaction
Dyspnea (Option C).
Care Plan Conferences to Facilitate Needs
For clients with low serum albumin levels.
Understanding Infection Control Protocols
Soiled dressings in biohazard receptacle (Option A).
Purpose of Vitamin K
Decrease hemorrhage risk (Option A).
Findings to Report
Fruity breath odor (Option A).
Expected Care Actions
Replace the wound dressing every 12 hours (Option B).
Understanding Client’s Concerns
Client's awareness of postoperative examinations (Option D).
Emergency Protocol During Tonic-clonic Seizure
Measure duration of the seizure (Option A).
Expressing Divergent Feelings
Many women experience ambivalence during pregnancy (Option D).
Documentation of lawful protocols in client care
Signed consent for invasive procedures (Option B).
Initial Assessment Focus
A preschooler with epiglottitis (Option A).
Assessment for Respiratory Efficacy
Measure the movements of the chest wall (Option D).
Awareness of Post-procedure Changes
Client's understanding about surgeon follow-ups (Option C).
Adjusting Approach of Care given Children’s Development
More of a tendency to revert to earlier stages of learning and development (Option D).
Withdrawal Treatment Medications
Anticipate administering Lora for detoxification (Option A).
Weight Gain Expectation
Adjustment guidelines for overweight mothers (Option B).
Monitor for Post-Procedure Side Effects
In expected care for post-ECT procedures: disorientation should be anticipated (Option C).
Initial Strategies to Intervene
Observing during/after meals to prevent purging (Option C).
Priority of Data Review Process
Without any change to nutritional assessment (Option A).
Inclusion of Vital Information
Information on last pain management for priority intervention (Option D).
Reinforcing Client Knowledge
Importance of avoiding grapefruit juice (Option D).
Navigating Nurse’s Personal Conflict with Task Assignments
Invite discussion of concerns in a private area (Option B).
Impact Activities to Reduce Joint Pain
Low-impact aerobic exercises to facilitate recovery (Option A).
Postplacement Protocol
Educating on elevation during ambulation (Option C).
Prioritize Self-Determined Choices
Recognize important personal relationship changes as a step toward autonomy (Option C).
Expected Calibration Interventions
Calcium levels normalized for follow-ups (Option D).
Education around Snack Options
Consider choosing healthier, low-sodium snacks with more fruits (Option D).
Validation of Protective Supplies
Presence of matching security ID bracelets for newborns (Option D).
Monitor the emotional state of clients
Emphasis on ensuring they can manage their concerns constructively at each phase of recovery (Option B).
Healthier Codes or Recipes for Daily Implementing
Reduce risk features or lower calorie recommendations (Option C).
Subsequent Consequences of Treatments
Decide on cautious measures throughout (Option B).
Awareness of Environmental Safety Risks
Never manage cords or automation below anticipated floor levels (Option D).
Manage Confidentiality from Start to End
Be sure documents delineate clear impairments and respond accordingly (Option E).