Electrical Career Terms

Vocabulary List: Vocabulary List: Key Terms for Electricians


  • Grade Level: 9th Grade

  • Subject: Career and Technical Education

  • Topic: Electricians

  • Number of Words: 50

Vocabulary Words

  1. Word: Circuit

    • Definition: A closed loop that allows electricity to flow.

    • Example: The circuit needs to be properly connected to function efficiently.

    • Pronunciation: sər-kət

  2. Word: Conductor

    • Definition: A material that allows the flow of electrical current.

    • Example: Copper wire is a common conductor used in electrical systems.

    • Pronunciation: kən-ˈdʌk-tər

  3. Word: Voltage

    • Definition: The electrical potential difference between two points in a circuit.

    • Example: The voltage of the circuit was tested to ensure it met safety standards.

    • Pronunciation: ˈvōl-tij

  4. Word: Amperage

    • Definition: The strength of the electric current in amps.

    • Example: The amperage ratings help determine the load that can be safely handled by the circuit.

    • Pronunciation: ˈam-pə-rij

  5. Word: Resistance

    • Definition: A measure of the opposition to current flow in an electrical circuit.

    • Example: Resistance in a circuit can affect the overall performance of electrical devices.

    • Pronunciation: ri-ˈzis-təns

  6. Word: Grounding

    • Definition: The process of transferring surplus electricity to the earth to prevent damage.

    • Example: Grounding the electrical system is vital to prevent electric shock.

    • Pronunciation: ˈgraʊndɪŋ

  7. Word: Transformer

    • Definition: A device that changes the voltage of electrical energy.

    • Example: The transformer stepped down the voltage for residential use.

    • Pronunciation: trænsˈfɔːrmər

  8. Word: Fuse

    • Definition: A safety device that interrupts the flow of electricity to protect circuits.

    • Example: The fuse blew when the circuit was overloaded.

    • Pronunciation: fjuːz

  9. Word: Breaker

    • Definition: A switch that automatically stops the flow of electricity in an overload situation.

    • Example: If there's a short circuit, the breaker will trip to prevent a fire.

    • Pronunciation: ˈbreɪ.kər

  10. Word: Busbar - Definition: A metal strip that conducts electricity and connects multiple circuits. - Example: The busbar connects several circuits to the power supply. - Pronunciation: ˈbəsˌbär

  11. Word: Load - Definition: The amount of electrical power used by a device. - Example: Each device contributes to the total load on the circuit. - Pronunciation: lōd

  12. Word: Continuity - Definition: The uninterrupted flow of electricity through a circuit. - Example: The electrician tested for continuity to ensure the circuit was complete. - Pronunciation: ˌkɒntɪˈnjuːɪti

  13. Word: Insulation - Definition: A protective material that prevents the flow of electricity. - Example: Insulation helps protect wires from damage and prevents electrical shorts. - Pronunciation: ˌɪn.sʊˈleɪ.ʃən

  14. Word: Watt - Definition: A unit of power equal to one joule per second. - Example: The light bulb's wattage determines its brightness. - Pronunciation: wɒt

  15. Word: Amp - Definition: Short for ampere, the unit of measure for electric current. - Example: The device operates on a low amp setting for safety. - Pronunciation: æmp

  16. Word: Overcurrent - Definition: A condition where the load current exceeds the rated limit. - Example: The circuit protector tripped due to an overcurrent situation. - Pronunciation: ˈoʊvərˌkɜrɪnt

  17. Word: Short Circuit - Definition: An unintended path in a circuit that allows current to flow, potentially causing damage. - Example: A short circuit caused the lights to flicker and shut down. - Pronunciation: ʃɔrt ˈsɜr kɪt

  18. Word: Outlets - Definition: Points in a circuit where electrical devices can be connected. - Example: Make sure to install outlets at proper heights for accessibility. - Pronunciation: ˈaʊtˌlɛts

  19. Word: Trenching - Definition: The process of digging trenches to lay electrical cables. - Example: Trenching is required for underground wire installation. - Pronunciation: ˈtrɛn.tʃɪŋ

  20. Word: Voltage Regulator - Definition: A device that maintains a constant voltage level. - Example: A voltage regulator stabilizes the output voltage of the equipment. - Pronunciation: ˈvoʊl.tɪdʒ ˈrɛɡ.jə.leɪ.tər

  21. Word: Relay - Definition: An electrical device that opens or closes circuits electronically. - Example: The relay automatically switches the circuit on or off based on current flow. - Pronunciation: rɪˈleɪ

  22. Word: Panel - Definition: A box containing electrical meters and circuit breakers. - Example: The electrical panel houses all the circuit breakers for the home. - Pronunciation: ˈpæn.əl

  23. Word: Grommet - Definition: A protective ring for wiring that prevents wear and damage. - Example: The grommet protects the wire as it passes through the metal surface. - Pronunciation: ˈɡrɒmət

  24. Word: Voltage Drop - Definition: The reduction in voltage in an electrical circuit. - Example: Long wire runs can lead to significant voltage drops. - Pronunciation: ˈvoʊl.tɪdʒ drɒp

  25. Word: Phase - Definition: The distribution of electrical power across multiple conductors. - Example: Three-phase systems provide more consistent power delivery. - Pronunciation: feɪz

  26. Word: Schematic - Definition: A representation of an electrical circuit using symbols. - Example: The schematic diagram illustrates the circuit layout clearly. - Pronunciation: skɪˈmætɪk

  27. Word: Capacitor - Definition: An electronic component that stores and releases electrical energy. - Example: The capacitor stores electrical energy for later use. - Pronunciation: kəˈpæsɪtər

  28. Word: Diode - Definition: A semiconductor device that permits current to flow in one direction. - Example: The diode allows current to flow in one direction only. - Pronunciation: ˈdaɪoʊd

  29. Word: Circuit Breaker - Definition: A device that automatically cuts the power in the event of overload. - Example: The circuit breaker reset after clearing the short circuit. - Pronunciation: ˈsɜrkɪt ˈbreɪkər

  30. Word: Safety Switch - Definition: A switch that disconnects power to protect against electrical hazards. - Example: A safety switch prevents accidents by cutting power during risky conditions. - Pronunciation: ˈseɪfti swɪtʃ

  31. Word: Heat Sink - Definition: A component that absorbs and dissipates heat generated by electrical devices. - Example: A heat sink dissipates heat away from critical components. - Pronunciation: hiːt sɪŋk

  32. Word: Wiring Diagram - Definition: A diagram that illustrates the connections and layout of an electrical system. - Example: The wiring diagram helps technicians install the system correctly. - Pronunciation: ˈwīəriNG ˈdīəˌgræm

  33. Word: Arc Fault - Definition: An electrical fault that occurs when electricity jumps through the air. - Example: The arc fault detector prevents potential fires caused by faulty wiring. - Pronunciation: ɑrk fɔlt

  34. Word: Load Center - Definition: The main distribution point for electrical circuits in a building. - Example: The load center is another term for the main electrical panel. - Pronunciation: loʊd ˈsɛn.tər

  35. Word: MC Cable - Definition: Metal-clad cable used for electrical wiring in various installations. - Example: MC cable is used for both residential and commercial wiring projects. - Pronunciation: ˈɛmˈsi ˈkeɪ.bl

  36. Word: Stranded Wire - Definition: Wire made from multiple smaller wires twisted together. - Example: Stranded wire is more flexible and easier to work with than solid wire. - Pronunciation: ˈstrændɪd waɪər

  37. Word: Romex - Definition: A brand of non-metallic sheathed cable commonly used in homes. - Example: Romex is widely used in residential circuits for wiring. - Pronunciation: ˈroʊ.mɛks

  38. Word: Thermostat - Definition: A device that controls the heating or cooling systems in a building. - Example: The thermostat regulates the temperature in HVAC systems. - Pronunciation: ˈθɜrməˌstæt

  39. Word: Wire Stripper - Definition: A tool used to remove insulation from electrical wires. - Example: The wire stripper was essential for preparing wires for connection. - Pronunciation: ˈwaɪər ˈstrɪpəʳ

  40. Word: Screwdriver - Definition: A hand tool used to turn screws and fasteners. - Example: He used a screwdriver to tighten the terminal connections. - Pronunciation: ˈskruːˌdraɪvər

  41. Word: Pliers - Definition: A hand tool used for gripping objects and twisting wires. - Example: Pliers are useful for gripping and bending wires. - Pronunciation: ˈplaɪərz

  42. Word: Electrical Tape - Definition: A type of tape used for insulating electrical wires and connections. - Example: He wrapped the connection with electrical tape to prevent complications. - Pronunciation: ɪˈlɛktrɪkl teɪp

  43. Word: Plumb Level - Definition: A tool used to check if something is vertical or aligned straight. - Example: The plumber used a plumb level to ensure the pipes were vertically aligned. - Pronunciation: plʌmb lɛvl

  44. Word: Safety Gear - Definition: Appropriate clothing and equipment to protect against electrical hazards. - Example: Wearing safety gear is crucial when working with electricity. - Pronunciation: ˈseɪfti ɡɪr

  45. Word: Circuit Tester - Definition: An instrument used to verify the presence of electrical current. - Example: He used the circuit tester to check if the circuit was live. - Pronunciation: ˈsɜrkɪt ˈtɛstər

  46. Word: Probe - Definition: An electrical measuring device used for testing and troubleshooting. - Example: He used a probe to check the resistance of the circuit. - Pronunciation: proʊb

Study Tips

  • Create flashcards for each term with the definition on one side and an example sentence on the other.

  • Group similar terms together to help memorize related concepts.

  • Engage in practical exercises or projects that relate to the vocabulary for hands-on learning.

Extension Activities

  • Create a glossary notebook with definitions and examples for each vocabulary word.

  • Conduct a research project on different tools electricians use.

  • Develop a safety training presentation using the vocabulary words.
