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AP physics 1 cram sheet!


  • Remember to read systems carefully in order to not get the question wrong

    • Ex: Block earth spring system

      • Energy conserved in the air and when block is on the spring

    • block earth system,

      • energy is NOT conserved when in contact with the spring since the system does not include the spring.

      • Energy is conserved in the air though because only gravity is acting on it

Gravity stuff!!! <3

  • Different masses(both are the same in value but different in how they’re measured)

    • Inertial mass is measured by measuring an objects resistance to changes in velocity

    • Gravitational mass describes the force on an object in a gravitational field

  • Free fall: only force acting on it is gravity :)


  • Types of collisions

    • Inelastic: energy is not conserved

      • perfectly inelastic: objects stick together

    • elastic: energy is conserved

  • Momentum is ALWAYS conserved

  • when blocks are on a ramp, gravity affects the velocity so its an OPEN system not closed

  • when not inclined, closed system since no outside force is affecting the velocity

AP physics 1 cram sheet!


  • Remember to read systems carefully in order to not get the question wrong

    • Ex: Block earth spring system

      • Energy conserved in the air and when block is on the spring

    • block earth system,

      • energy is NOT conserved when in contact with the spring since the system does not include the spring.

      • Energy is conserved in the air though because only gravity is acting on it

Gravity stuff!!! <3

  • Different masses(both are the same in value but different in how they’re measured)

    • Inertial mass is measured by measuring an objects resistance to changes in velocity

    • Gravitational mass describes the force on an object in a gravitational field

  • Free fall: only force acting on it is gravity :)


  • Types of collisions

    • Inelastic: energy is not conserved

      • perfectly inelastic: objects stick together

    • elastic: energy is conserved

  • Momentum is ALWAYS conserved

  • when blocks are on a ramp, gravity affects the velocity so its an OPEN system not closed

  • when not inclined, closed system since no outside force is affecting the velocity