Chapter 8: Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis contrasts with cellular respiration

  • Endergonic-
    • Redives CoQ to sugar
  • cellular respiration is exergonic
    • oxidizes sugar to cAy


  • uses sunlight to power the synthesis of organic molecules
  • Energy for all life comes from photosynthesis
  • Global photosynthesis captures only 1% of the huge supply of radiant energy

Forms of Photosynthesis

  • Anoxygenic photosynthesis does not produce oxygen
    • found in four different bacterial groups
  • oxygenic photosynthesis does produce oxygen
    • Carried out by Cyanobacteria, 7 groups of algae and land plants
    • primarily in leaves - in chloroplasts
    • combines 102 and 120 to produce sugar and 02


  • have own DNA
  • symbiotic

Stages of Photosynthesis

  • 2 sets of chemical reactions
    • reactions that use the energy in sunlight to make ATP and reduce the compound NADP+, an electron carrier to NAPH.
    • Reactions that use the ATP and NADPH to power the synthesis of organic molecules using CO2 from the air

photosynthesis reactions

  • light-dependent reactions - Daytime
    • Light
    • energy from sun-captures
    • makes ATP and Reduces NADP+ to NADPH
  • Carbon fixation reactions or light-independent reactions
    • no light required
    • uses ATP and NAPPh to synthesize organic molecules from COQ

chloroplast is a photosynthetic machine

  • internal and external membranes contributes to its function Thylakoid membrane- Internal phospholipid bilayer
    • contains chlorophyll and other photosynthetic pigments for capturing light energy
  • Pigments Clustered into photosystems
    • Grana - Stacks of flattened sacs of Thylavioid membrane
    • Stroma - semiliquid substances surrounding thylakoid membranes
  • houses the enzymes needed to assemble organic molecules from CO2

Research on Photosynthesis

  • photosynthesis is a chemical process
  • originally thought plants obtain food through soil
  • experimentation shows the role of carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight

Jan Bapista van Helmont (1580-1644)

  • showed substance of the plant was not produced from soil alone
  • incorrectly concluded that water was the reason for plant growth

Joseph Priestly (1733-1804)

  • plants restore air
  • Air restored by vegetation is not inconvenient to a morse

Jan Inger/hous 2 11730-1799)

  • extended priestly's results
  • Air is restored by leaves and the pressure of sunlight, not roots
  • sunlight splits carbon dioxide carbon and oxygen
  • oxygen released as O2 gas into the air.
  • carbon forms with water to produce carbohydrates

F.F. Blackman (1866-1947)

  • photosynthesis is a multistage process.
  • light v. Darn reactions
  • evolved enzymes

C.B. Van Neil (1897-1958)

  • purple sulfur bacteria as not release O2
    • accumulate Sulfur
  • Photosynthesis Formula - 7O2 + 2H2A+ light energy→( CH2O) +H2O + 2A
    • plants -> A = oxygen, H2O = water, water is split; providing electrons and releasing oxygen
  • Bacteria -) A = sulfur

Robin Hill (1899-1991)

  • light energy can be harvested and generate reduced power
  • chloroplasts isolated from leaves reduce a dye and release oxygen
  • electrons from water become NADP+
  • Illuminated Chproplasts deprived of CO2 Accumulate ATP
  • CO2 is assimilated into organic molecules

Light is a form of energy

  • light exhibits properties of both waves and particles
  • wave nature produces an electromagnetic spectrum that differentials light.
    • visible light is small: separated into colors via prism
  • Photon - a particle of light
    • Discrete energy
    • helps us understand energy transfers during photosynthesis

Energy in Protons

  • energy content is inversely proportional to wavelength
    • short wavelength-higher energy
    • long wavelength-lower energy
  • photoelectric effect - Photons transfering energy to an electron
  • chloroplasts are photoelectric devices base of light depenset reactions
    • Pigments absorb light and excited elections are transfered to a carrier

Pigments in Photosynthesis

  • 2 types used in green plant photosynthesis
    • Chlorophyll - several
    • Carotenoids - orange

Absorption spectrum

  • when a proton strikes a molecule, energy is
    • lost as neat
    • absorbed by the elections of the moleule -
      • boosts energy
  • To be absorbed, energy in Photon must match energy needed to rais the electron
  • each molecule has a characteristic absorption spectrum-range and efferiency of photon absorption
    • Carotenoids absorb blue and greenlight and transmit yellow, orange, or red light
      • has a broader spectrum


  • reflect photons with wavelengths between 500 and 600 nm
  • chlorophyll A
    • main pisment in plants and cyanobacteria
    • only pigment that can act directly to convert light into chemical energy
  • Chlorophyll b
    • Absorbs what chlorophyll A doesn't.

Structure of chlorophyll

  • chlorophyll porphyrin Ring
  • Alternating double and single bonds
  • magnesium ion at the center of the ring
  • The tail keeps Molecules embedded in the thylakoid membrane
    • photons excite electrons in the ring
    • elections are shuttled away from the ring

Action spectrum

  • corresponds to the absorption spectrum
  • for chlorophylls


  • can absorb photons with a wide range of energies
  • scavenge free radicals acting as antioxidants to lessen the damage

photosystem organization

  • Antenna complex
    • hundreds of accessory pigment molecules
    • Gather photons and feed the captured light energy to reaction center
  • reaction center where photons gather
    • 1 or more chlorophyll A molecules
    • passes excited electrons out of the photosystem
      • Pigment = something excited by the proton

saturation of photosynthesis

  • Robert Emerson And William Arnold
    • Tested hypothesis - output of photosynthesis plateaued because all the chlorophyll molecules had absorbed a photon
    • saturation was achieved with one molecule of 02 per 2500 chlorophyll molecules
    • light is absorbed by clusters of chlorophylls - photosystems
    • light absorbed by pigment in photosystem results in transfer of the excitation energy - reaction center


  • 2 closely linked components
    • Antena complex of hundreds of pigments gather photons and feed captured light to the reaction center
    • reaction center consisting of one or move chlorophyll A molecules in Protein matrix. passes excited elections to photosystem

Antena complex

  • light-harvesting complex
  • captures photons from sunlight and Channels them to reaction center chlorophylls
  • Chloroplasts, consists of a web of chlorophyll molecules linked together and held tightly in the thylakoid membrane by a matrix of proteins
  • varying amounts of carotenoids
  • Excitation energy from absorption passes from one pigment to another on the way to a reaction center
    • Reduces in the reaction center

Reaction Center-Gathers Photon energy

  • Transmembrane protein-pisment complex
  • chlorophyll in the reaction center absorbs photon- electron is excited
  • Light energized electrons can be transferred to the primary election acceptor-reduces
  • oxidized chlorophyll then replaces lost electron by oxidizing another molecule

Light-dependent reactions

  • Primary photoevent
    • Photon is captured by a pigment molecule
  • Charge separation
    • the excited electron is transferred to an acceptor
  • Electron Transport
    • electrons more through carriers to reduce NADP+
  • Chemiosmosis
    • movement of protons up
    • like aerobic respiration
    • produces ATP

Purple and Green Bacteria

  • generate ATP through election transport
  • does not generate sufficient oxidizing power to oxidize water to form oxygen gas
  • chloroplasts utilize two connected Photosystems

Oxygenic Photosynthesis

  • photosystem 1 (700)
    • Absorption peak at 700 NM
    • functions live sulfur bacteria
  • Photostem 2 (P680)
    • Absorption Peak at 680 nm
    • can generate an oxidation potential high enough to oxidize water
    • happens before 1
  • Makes ATP
  • Both carry-out non-cyclic Transfer of
  • electrons-Generate ATP and NADPH

Photosystems 1 and 2

  • named in order of discovery
  • photosystem 1 transfers electrons NADP+ becomes NADPH
  • Electrons lost in 1 are replaced in two
  • photosystem I oxidized water to replace electrons transferred to photosystem 2
  • connected by Cytochrome

NonCylic Photophosphoralation

  • plants use photosystems 2 and 1 to produce ATP and NADPH
  • photosystems replenished with electrons from splitting water
  • Z-diagram demonstratse

Photosystem 2

  • essential for the oxidation of water
  • Protons pumped into the thylakoid space

Photosystem 1

  • unique to plants
  • accepts an electron from plastocyanin into the hole created by the exit of light energy
  • NADP+ to NADPH
    • Except electrons from photosystem 2

Chemiosmosis uses a proton gradient

  • proton concentration is higher in thylakoid Space
    • b6f complex in photosystem 2 pumps protons from the stroma into the thylakoid compartment
  • splitting of water adds protons to the thylakoid compartment
  • electromechanical gradient synthesizes ATP
    • electrons replenish chlorophyll

ATP synthase

  • chloroplast has atp synthase enzymes in the thylakoid membrane
    • form a channel, allowing protons back to Stroma
  • As protons pass out of the thylakoid, ADP is phosphorylated to ATP and released from the stroma
    • uses energy from the proton stream

Production of Additional ATP

  • passage of an electron pair from water to NADPH in noncyclic photophosphorylation generates…
    • one molecule of NADPH
    • A little more than one ATP molecule
  • Building organic molecules takes 1.5 times more ATP than NADPH
  • cyclic photophosphorylation is used to produce additional ATP
    • Addition of proton gradient instead of electron

Carbon Fixation - Calvin Cycle

  • To build carbohydrates cells use…
    • Energy
      • ATP
      • provided by cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation
      • Drives endergonic reaction
    • Reduction
      • NADPH
      • provided by Photosystem 1
      • source of protons and energetic electrons

Calvin Cycle Builds organic molecules

  • Melvin Calvin 1911-1997 )
  • C3 photosynthesis
    • The first intermediate in the cycle is a 3-carbon acid
  • Attachment of CO2 to ribose 1, 5 biphosphate forms 3 phosphateslycerate
    • the reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme ribulose biphosphate carboxylase

Phases of Calvin Cycle

  • Carbon fixation
    • RUBP+ CO2 → 2 3PG
  • Reduction
    • 3PG becomes G3P using ATP and NADPH
  • Regeneration
    • G3P converted to RUBP by ATP
  • 3 turns move new G3P
  • 6 turns man I glucose molecule

Output of Calvin Cycle

  • G3P-3 carbon sugar
    • Used to form sucrose
      • major transport of sugar in plants
      • Disaccharride mac 28 Fruose and Glucose
    • used to more starch
      • Insolvable glucose polymer
      • stored for later

energy cycle

  • photosynthesis is used products of respiration is starting substrates
  • Respiration uses products of photosynthesis as starting substrates
  • production of glucose glycolytic Pathway in reverse
  • Principle proteins in ATP and election transport related to mitochondria


  • Carbon-fixation
    • Addition of CO2 to RuBP to make 3PG


  • specialized openings in the leaf
  • closed to conserve water
  • closing cutts of supply of CO2 entering the leaf, O2 cannot exit

conditions favoring phosphoralation photorespiration

  • under not, aria conditions, casing Somata to conserve water favors photorespiration

Types of carbon Fixation

  • C3 combines with RuBP using the Calvin cycle to form 3PG
  • C4 Plants fix carbon by combing it with photophoeolpyrovate using PEP Carboxylase to form oxciocate
  • 2 advanagesof PEP
    • Grater affinity for CO2
    • no oxidase activity

4-carbon advantage

  • decarboxylated, releases CO2
  • CO2 is used in Calvin Cycle
  • CO2 stored in organic form and released in different cell or time

Plants that use PEP

  • C4 plants
    • use spatial solution to avoid photorespiration
    • capture of CO2 happens in one cell
    • decarboxylation occurs in adjacent cell
  • CAM Plants
    • both reactions in same cell, Avoid photorespiration
    • capturers coz at night
    • decarboxylate during the day

C4 plants

  • corn, suger cane, sorghum
  • fix carbon using PEP in mesophyll cells
  • produces oxaloacetate, converted to malate, transferred to bundle sheath cans
  • decarboxylate to produce pyruvate and CO2
  • carbon fixation then calvin cycle
  • Pyruvate is transported back to mesophyll cells to be converted back to PEP

Cost of C4 pathway

  • requires 12 Additional ATP
  • Advantages in not dry chimalcs

CAM Pathway

  • somata opens at night, close during the day
  • Fix CO2 using pep At night a store organic compounds in vacuole
  • during the day, high levels of CO2

CAM and C4

  • both use C3 and C4 pathways
  • C4-paths in different cells
  • CAM-night pathway (L),