CSI Hair

morphology - form and structure of hair

hair - protein polymers, repeating units, natural or synthetic

cuticle - tough, clear covering of hair shaft

imbricate - broken glass

spinous - bundled spines

coronal - stacked crowns

cortex - middle layer, gives strength and mass and color

keratin - tough protein polymer made up of 20 amino acids

melanin - gives the hair color

medulla - spongy interior

fragmentary - less than half

interrupted - more than half

continuous - all there

stacked - multiple scales, only in animals

human medulla - fragmentary, interrupted, continuous

animal medulla - continuous or stacked

medullary index - dmedulla/dtotal

MI for humans - <1/3

MI for animals - >1/2

round - asian or NA

oval - europeo, mexican, mid eastern

crescent moon - african

association - link betwenn unknown sample and known sample

questioned - sample of unknown origin

exemplar - sample of known origin

metabolite - product of a substance formed by chemical processes in the boddy

false positive - hair absorbs chemicals from surroundings

cheiloscopy - study of lip prints
