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Propaganda - is a form of a communication that is aimed at influencing the attribute perspectives and emotions of people or communities

Types of propaganda techniques

(Can be products, acceot ideas and avail services)

  1. Card Stacking - technique that shows the products best features

  2. Name Calling - the use of names that may evoke fear or hatred

  3. Plain Folks - use common people to sell or to promote a product or service

  4. Glittering Generalities - this is the use of words or ideas that evoke a positive emotional response from an audience

  5. Soft Soap - this is the use of flattery or insincere compliments designed to get the audience on the side of the speaker

  6. Bandwagon - this is a technique that persuades people by showing them that everyone else are doing the same thing (just folllowing a trend)

  7. Testimonial - this is a technique wherein a famous or seemingly authoritive person recommends a product or service

  8. Transfer - this is a technique used in propaganda and advertising known as association this technique of projects positive or negative qualities of a person,entity, or value to another in order to make the second more acceptable or discredit it

  9. Simplification - this is used to reduce crucial issues to basic ideas and packages them with catchy slogans and images

  10. Loaded words - this is a technique uses words in attempting to influence an audience by using emotional appeal or stereotypes that cannot be supported by concrete evidences


  • from the latin word litaritura/litteratura which means “writing formed letters”

  • it pertains to a collection of written, compositions, encompassing poetry, novels, etc.

Types of literature

  1. Fiction - form of literary expression stemming from a writer’s creative mind

  2. Nonfiction - grounded in reality focusing on actual people, places, and events.

Elements of a story

  1. Setting - it refers to the time and place in which the action of the story happens

  2. Plot - it is characterized as a connected series of events within a narrative where each occurrence influences the others demonstrating a cause and effect connection

    • Exposition/initial action - beginning of story

    • Rising action - tension starts to build

    • Climax - characters face the major conflict

    • Falling action - after climax

    • Resolution/denouement - conclusion of the story

  3. Character - it refers to a person, object, or an animal

    • Protagonist - it is the main character who does heroic acts in the story

    • Antagonist - it is also a main character who opposes the protagonist

  4. Conflict - it refers to the problem that the main characters have to face

    • Man vs man - protagonist vs antagonist

    • Man vs self - protagonist vs himself

    • Man vs society - protagonist vs govenment, culutural or societal tradition

    • Man vs supernatural - protagonist vs gods or supernatural forces

    • Man vs nature - protagonists vs environment, weather, animals, etc

  5. Point of view - this is the angle of narration or the perspective from which the story is told

    • First person - the narrator is a character in the story who can reveal only personal thoughts and feelings. it uses the personal pronoun I

    • Third person - this is when the narrator is removed from the story

  6. Theme - refers to the idea or the message of a story

Issue - significant problem

Common issue

  • Social

  • Moral

  • Economic

Social issue - problem that impacts numerous individuals

Moral issue - disagreements in beliefs

  • Abortion - termination of pregnancy

  • Stealing - involves unlawful taking someone else’s property without permission

  • Corruption - is a criminal act that involves the improper utilization of public authority for personal gain

Economic - scarcity of resources considered inadequate to fulfill human wants and necessities

  • Inflation - fluctuations of prices for goods

  • Poverty - lack of basic needs like food, housing, education, and health

  • Unemployment - lack of jobs


Propaganda - is a form of a communication that is aimed at influencing the attribute perspectives and emotions of people or communities

Types of propaganda techniques

(Can be products, acceot ideas and avail services)

  1. Card Stacking - technique that shows the products best features

  2. Name Calling - the use of names that may evoke fear or hatred

  3. Plain Folks - use common people to sell or to promote a product or service

  4. Glittering Generalities - this is the use of words or ideas that evoke a positive emotional response from an audience

  5. Soft Soap - this is the use of flattery or insincere compliments designed to get the audience on the side of the speaker

  6. Bandwagon - this is a technique that persuades people by showing them that everyone else are doing the same thing (just folllowing a trend)

  7. Testimonial - this is a technique wherein a famous or seemingly authoritive person recommends a product or service

  8. Transfer - this is a technique used in propaganda and advertising known as association this technique of projects positive or negative qualities of a person,entity, or value to another in order to make the second more acceptable or discredit it

  9. Simplification - this is used to reduce crucial issues to basic ideas and packages them with catchy slogans and images

  10. Loaded words - this is a technique uses words in attempting to influence an audience by using emotional appeal or stereotypes that cannot be supported by concrete evidences


  • from the latin word litaritura/litteratura which means “writing formed letters”

  • it pertains to a collection of written, compositions, encompassing poetry, novels, etc.

Types of literature

  1. Fiction - form of literary expression stemming from a writer’s creative mind

  2. Nonfiction - grounded in reality focusing on actual people, places, and events.

Elements of a story

  1. Setting - it refers to the time and place in which the action of the story happens

  2. Plot - it is characterized as a connected series of events within a narrative where each occurrence influences the others demonstrating a cause and effect connection

    • Exposition/initial action - beginning of story

    • Rising action - tension starts to build

    • Climax - characters face the major conflict

    • Falling action - after climax

    • Resolution/denouement - conclusion of the story

  3. Character - it refers to a person, object, or an animal

    • Protagonist - it is the main character who does heroic acts in the story

    • Antagonist - it is also a main character who opposes the protagonist

  4. Conflict - it refers to the problem that the main characters have to face

    • Man vs man - protagonist vs antagonist

    • Man vs self - protagonist vs himself

    • Man vs society - protagonist vs govenment, culutural or societal tradition

    • Man vs supernatural - protagonist vs gods or supernatural forces

    • Man vs nature - protagonists vs environment, weather, animals, etc

  5. Point of view - this is the angle of narration or the perspective from which the story is told

    • First person - the narrator is a character in the story who can reveal only personal thoughts and feelings. it uses the personal pronoun I

    • Third person - this is when the narrator is removed from the story

  6. Theme - refers to the idea or the message of a story

Issue - significant problem

Common issue

  • Social

  • Moral

  • Economic

Social issue - problem that impacts numerous individuals

Moral issue - disagreements in beliefs

  • Abortion - termination of pregnancy

  • Stealing - involves unlawful taking someone else’s property without permission

  • Corruption - is a criminal act that involves the improper utilization of public authority for personal gain

Economic - scarcity of resources considered inadequate to fulfill human wants and necessities

  • Inflation - fluctuations of prices for goods

  • Poverty - lack of basic needs like food, housing, education, and health

  • Unemployment - lack of jobs