What do we mean by capacity?
The capacity of a business is a measure of how much output it can achieve in a given period
Capacity is a dynamic concept:
Capacity can change:
E.g. when a machine is undergoing maintenance, capacity is reduced
Capacity is linked to labour: e.g. by working more production shifts, capacity can be increased
Capacity needs to take account of seasonal or unexpected changes in demand
E.g. Chocolate factories need the capacity to make Easter Eggs in November and December before shipping them to shops after Christmas
E.g. Ice-cream factories in the UK needed to increase capacity during a heat wave quickly
Why capacity utilisation matters:
It is a useful measure of productive efficiency since it measures whether there are idle (unused) resources in the business
Average production costs tend to fall as output rises- so higher utilisation can reduce costs, making a business more competitive
Businesses usually aim to produce as close to full capacity (100% utilisation) as possible to minimise unit costs
A high level of capacity utilisation is required if a business has a high break-even output due to significant fixed costs of production
The costs of capacity:
Since capacity is all about the output a business can achieve, it is easy to see what costs are involved in making that capacity available
Equipment: e.g production line
Facilities: e.g building rent, insurance
Labour: Wages and salaries of employees involved in production or delivering a service
Why most businesses operate below capacity (utilisation <100%):
Lower than expected market demand: A change in customer tastes
A loss of market share: Competitors gain customers
Seasonal variations in demand: Weather changes lead to lower demand
Recent increase in capacity: A new production line has been added
Maintenance and repair programmes: Capacity is temporarily unavailable
Evaluation: Dangers of operating at low capacity utilisation:
Higher unity costs- impact on competitiveness
Less likely to reach breakeven output
Capital tied up in under-utilised assets
Evaluation: Problems working at high capacity:
Negative effect on quality (possibly):
Production is rushed
Less time for quality control
Employees suffer:
Added workloads and stress
De-motivating if sustained for too
Loss of sales:
Less able to meet sudden or unexpected increases in demand
Production equipment may require repair