Adam Smith (Father of modern of Economics)
Wrote The Wealth of Nations published in 1776
Strongly opposed mercantilism
Moral philosopher—foundation of good society is good morals
Classical economics
“Propensity to truck, barter and exchange one thing for another is common to all men, not found in any other races of animals”
"Virtue is more to be feared than vice, because its excesses are not subject to the regulation of conscience”
“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest”
Good society results from self-interest not adhering to moral values—in market economy business stimulated by demand no need for government to tell them/control what to do
“The real and effectual discipline which is exercised over a workman is that of his customers. It is the fear of losing their employment which restrains his frauds and correct his negligence”
No need to be told to act morally; too many civil servants come up with too many unnecessary regulations
“No human wisdom or knowledge could ever be sufficient for the duty of superintending the industry of private people”
Forces of the market supply and demand should decide prices
Key Ideas of Classical Economics
Invisible Hand of the Market (forces of demand and supply) vs visible hand of the government
Division of labor- greater efficiency
Free trade/exchange
Market/market system (exchange products of their labor with each other)
Pursuit of self-interest (not egoism)- no contradiction between self interest and common good vs doing things at the expense of others/society
3 laws of economics: Law of Supply and Demand, Law of Self-Interest, Law of Competition (lack of competition does not incentivize businesses to produce high quality goods/services)
Classical economists: Adam Smith, David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, Jean-Baptiste Say
John Maynard Keynes
Demand side economics/Keynesian economics government intervention
Helped solve great depression—government create public works jobs
Intellectual, civil servant, director of the Bank of England, Cambridge
Wrote the General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money which was published in 1936
Made the transition from statics to dynamics, converted economics into a study of the flow of income; concern with the economic health of the community a measured by the national income and symbolized by state of employment
Milton Friedman (Chicago School of Economics)
Supply-side economics—monetarism
Tax cuts, support companies to create supply
Wrote Monetary History of the US which was published in 1976
Due to US unable to compete with Japanese companies
Strongly opposed demand side economics
“When government in pursuit of good intentions tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the cost come in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom”
Karl Marx
Founder of scientific socialism/communism/Marxist economics
Wrote Das Kapital which was published in 1867
Strongly opposed capitalist system—against private property (means of production—factory, machines, etc.) believed it was the root of evil
Quote: “like slave labor, like serf labor, hired labor is but a transitory and inferior form, destined to disappear before associated labor plying its toil with a willing hand, a ready mind and a joyous heart”
Independent scholar, philosopher, economist, free-lance journalist (wrote articles supported by Abraham Lincoln)
Austrian School of Economics
Ludwig von Mises
Wrote The Theory of Money and Credit 1912
Fredrich von Hayek*
Wrote The Road to Serfdom 1943
Ideas adapted to Ronald Reagan—criticized communist/socialist economic policies
Peter Drucker
Laid foundation of modern business corporation
Joseph Schumpeter
Theory of innovation (“creative destruction”)
Whenever new industries created old industries are replaced
Carl Menger
Marginal theory of value/marginalism—all value is subjective society/government no place to impose objective concepts on society (no intervention in economy)
Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk
Theory of interest—savings as investments
Level of Government Control
Government Control: Marxism—ownership, wages, level of production, prices
Government Intervention: Keynesian Economics—involvement when economy is failing in times of crisis
Limited Government: Chicago School
Laissez Faire: Austrian School
Level of Government Involvement
Adam Smith: Border protection, enforce civil law (policing), public works (infrastructure)
Chicago School: Subsidies and tax cuts (to stimulate business—supply side economics), low interest rate (encourage investments)
Austrian School: No government intervention—society perspective is wrong as values are subjective
Keynesian (British): Government spending when economy is not doing well
Laissez Faire
“Let us make” coined by Finance minister Jean-Batiste Colbert at end of 17th century
Economics is a dismal (miserable) science - Thomas Caryl because it’s very technical vs. Poetry was considered a “joyful science”
Thomas Malthus famously predicted that short-term gains in living standards would inevitably be undermined as human population growth outstripped food production thereby driving living standards back toward subsistence causing societal collapse; believed human population increases geometrically while food production only increases arithmetically; however food production and yields also increased exponentially
Marxism | Keynesian Economics | Classical Economics | Chicago School of Economics | Austrian School of Economics |
Karl Marx- Founder of scientific socialism/communism/Marxist economics -Wrote Das Kapital which was published in 1867 opposed Capitalism | John Maynard Keynes- Wrote the General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money which was published in 1936 | Adam Smith -Wrote The Wealth of Nations published in 1776 (opposed mercantilism) David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, Jean-Baptiste Say, John Maynard Keynes | Milton Friedman -Wrote Monetary History of the US in 1976 (opposed demand-side economics) | Ludwig von Mises- Wrote The Theory of Money and Credit 1912 Fredrich von Hayek- Wrote The Road to Serfdom 1943 (criticized communist/socialist policies) Joseph Schumpeter- Theory of Innovation- whenever new industries created old industries replaced Peter Drucker- Foundation of modern business corporation Carl Menger- Marginal theory of value/marginalism Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk- Theory of interest—savings as investments |
-Collective ownership of the means of production (factories, machines, etc.) - Government control over economy (setting prices, production quotas) -Redistribution of wealth | -Demand-side economics-total demand (consumer + government spending) drivers the economy -Encourages government intervention especially during economic recessions -Concern with the economic health of the community as measured by the national income and symbolized by the state of employment | -Invisible hand of the market (forces of supply/demand) not government intervention Free market + free trade -3 Laws of Economics: -Law of Supply/Demand- Forces supply/ demand should decide prices -Law of Self-interest- No need for moral governing people acting in self-interests will promote common good (NOT egoism--at the expense of others/society) Law of Competition- competition incentivizes higher quality goods at lower prices -Division of labor increases efficiency | -Supply-side economics (support corporations to create supply) -Limited government intervention—government is inefficient | -Marginal Theory of Value: All values are subjective—government/society cannot impose values -Laissez-faire free market economy |
Complete government control over the economy + ownership of the means of production | -Government spending during economic crisis (creating public works, jobs) to create jobs + encourage spending | -Government enforce civil laws (policing) -Create infrastructure -Border protection | -Government subsidies to stimulate businesses -Tax cuts (corporate) -Low interest rates-encourage investments | -NO government intervention |
Economics is the science of scarcity- we have unlimited wants but limited resources and since we have everything we desire, we must make choices on how we will use our resources—study the choices of individuals, firms, and governments
Economics- Social science concerned with the efficient use of scarce resources to achieve maximum satisfaction of economic wants—how individuals/societies deal with scarcity
*Shortage- Artificially created (often caused by inefficient management) occurs when producers will not or cannot offer goods/services at current prices; temporary
Scarcity (natural limitations) occurs at all times for all resources
Types of Scarcity
Absolute (time—24 hours in a day)
Relative (water scarcity in certain regions)
Supply-induced- insufficient supplies/resources to make products (i.e. supply chains broke)
Demand-induced- too high demand
Structural- different social groups have different access to resources like housing
Created scarcity (panics)
Needs and wants
Mentality of scarcity
Utility → satisfaction (satisfaction increases or drops)
Marginal → additional
Allocate → distribute
Price, cost, investment
Price = amount the BUYER pays
Cost = amount SELLER pays for production of a good
Investment = money spent by BUSINESSES to improve their production
Goods vs Services
Goods- physical objects satisfying needs/wants
Consumer goods- created for direct consumption
Capital goods- indirect consumption help make consumer goods (knives, ovens, blenders)
Services- actions or activities one person performs for another
Accountants vs Economists
Accountants look only at EXPLICIT costs (out-of-pocket costs)
Economists look at EXPLICIT and IMPLICIT costs (opportunity costs like forgone time and income)
Classical economics- assumes people are completely rational—most efficient and optimal way
Behavior economics- combines elements of economics and psychology to understand how and why people behave the way they do in the real world (i.e. if you prefer to A to B and B to C you must also prefer A to C but that is not always the case)
Biases, risk aversion, sensitivity to fairness-
Psychological concept of loss aversion: Losses loom larger than gains—people experience/react to losses on average 2-2.5x more strongly than gains
Consider famous Samuelson bet where people are offered 50% chance of winning $200 or losing $100 most people decline the bet because they experience losses stronger even though statistically it is worth it—from an economists POV it can be vie
Microeconomics vs Macroeconomics
Microeconomics studies SMALL economic units such as individuals, firms, and industries (ex. supply, and demand in specific markets, production costs, labor markets, etc.)
Macroeconomics studies the large economy as a whole or economic aggregates (all together) (ex. economic growth, government spending, inflation, unemployment, GDP, international trade)
How is economics used:
Economists use the scientific method to make generalizations and abstractions to develop theories—theoretical economics
Theories applied to fix problems or meet economic goals—policy economics
Positive statements- based on facts avoid value judgements (“what is”)—can be tested and validated; Scientific economics
Normative statements- includes value judgements (“what ought to be”)—often used by policy-makers, voters, philosophers
i.e. it is “too” hot, you “should” turn in your assignments on time—assumes a normative value
Scarcity: society’s wants are unlimited ALL resources are limited
Trade-offs: due to scarcity choices must be made and each choice has a cost
Self-interests: Everyone’s goal is to make choices that maximize their satisfaction—everyone acts in their self-interests
Marginal costs/benefits: Everyone makes decisions by comparing the marginal costs and marginal benefits of every choice (cost/benefit from making one additional item)
Modeling: Real-life situations can be explained and analyzed through simplified models and graphs
Incentives- incentives to work, produce; ex. patents and copyright
Positive incentives- encourage people to make choices (i.e. bonuses, increased wages, sales)
Negative incentives- discourage people to make choices (i.e. fines, punishments)
Trade-offs- the principle that each opportunity means the loss of other things/opportunities
Qualitative—ALL the alternatives we give up whenever we choose one course of action over others
Opportunity Cost- highest value/most desirable alternative (second best option)
Quantitative-Calculate best opportunity that you give up whenever making a choice
Ex. Going to college 4 years tuition -$108k + implicit cost of money that could have been earned working -$110k = $228k
Ex. Working $35 dollars/hour; cutting grass yourself (2 hours) vs paying someone ($45) = $70 - $45 = $25
Marginal Thinking
Principle that trade creates value
Key terms
Ceteris paribus- holding everything else constant
Endogenous (factors that we know about and can control)
Exogenous (factors beyond our control)
Times watching the movie | Benefit (level of satisfaction) | Cost (ticket) |
1 | $50 | $10 |
2 | $15 | $10 |
2 | $5 | $10 |
Total | $50 | $30 |
Makes sense to only watch it 2 times because by the 3rd time the cost outweighs the benefit
Marginal analysis- involves making decisions based on the additional benefit vs additional cost (*Marginal = additional)
Decision-making process often is not an all or nothing question (should I or should I not do this)—marginal analysis is used more commonly than the all or nothing approach
Will continue to do so until marginal cost outweighs marginal benefit
Land- All natural resources (i.e. water, sun, trees, stone, animals, oil)
Labor- Any effort a person devotes to a task for which the person is paid (manual labor, lawyers, doctors etc.)
Physical capital- any human-made resource used to create other goods/services (tools, machinery, buildings, factories)
Human capital- skills/knowledge gained by a worker through education and experience (college degree, vocational training, etc.)
Entrepreneurship- ambitious leaders that combine other factors of production to create goods and services to obtain profit (Inventors, store owners, etc.)
Entrepreneurs- 1. Take the initiative 2. Innovate 3. Act as risk bearers to obtain profit
Most important components are manegeral skills and creativity (ex. Architects run their own business is still an entrepreneur)
4 Factor Payments
Land- rent
Labor- wage
Capital- Interest
Entrepreneurship- profit (people take risks to receive profit)
Trade-offs between possible production levels of TWO goods
PER unit Opportunity Cost
How much each marginal unit costs = Opportunity cost/units gained
Ex. Moving from A to B is loss of 2 bikes
Moving from C to D gain +2 computers lose from 9 → 5 bikes costs 4 bikes total; PER UNIT cost is 2 bikes (per computer)
Moving from D to E gain 2 computers lose 5 → 0 bikes 5 bikes total; PER unit cost is 5/2 bikes
Above line is unattainable
Distance between two points is the trade offs
Each point on PPC curve is productively efficient—maximizing use of resources
Productive Efficiency- Products produced in the least costly way/maximizing use of resources
EVERY point along the curve is productively efficient
Allocative efficiency- Products produced are most DESIRED by society
FEW points are allocatively efficient
Ex. Producing primarily size 20 shoes vs size 10 shoes—allocatively inefficient for allocating resources to size 20 shoes that less people wear → better to allocate to making size 10 shoes that have higher demand
Only two goods can be produced
Full employment of resources
Fixed resources
Fixed technology/advancement
Bonus: (Demand does NOT affect production)
Change in resource quantity or quality
Increase resources/labor quality—curve shifts to the right; decrease resources/labor quality—curve shifts to left)
Ex. Increase in population = increase in labor → shifts to right
Change in technology (may increase production)
Ex. technology improvement in pizza ovens—increases pizza production but max amount of robots produced is the same but at every single point amount of robots produced increases because less resources needed to produce pizza even when no improvements are made in robot production
Change in trade
Restricted trade (tariffs, quotas)—shift to left; free trade—shift to right)
Capital Goods and Future Growth- countries producing more capital goods (technology, transportation, etc.) will have more future growth than producing consumer goods
Practice Questions
New robot making technology
Increase max for robot making technology—max number of pizzas stays the same but number of pizzas increases at every single point
Decrease in demand for pizza
Change in demand does NOT affect production
Mad Cow disease kills 85% of cows
Decrease in pizza production
Consumer and Capital goods PPC practice
Destruction of power plants leads to severe electricity shortage- decrease capital and consumer goods
Faster computer hardware- increase in capital and consumer goods
*Many workers unemployed- DOES NOT affect production
PPC curve represents the max POTENTIAL production not existing; unemployment would be an underutilization of potential resources but does not change the POTENTIAL production
Significant increases in education- increase in capital and consumer goods
Comparative Advantage
Calculating which producer has LOWER opportunity cost
Ex. Country A- 800 corn max 400 computers max (2:1); Country B- 200 corn max 600 computers max (1:3)
Country A- 1 corn costs ½ computer (400/800); 1 computer costs 2 corn (800/400)—comparative advantage in corn production
Country B- 1 corn costs 3 computers (600/200); 1 computer costs 1/3 corn (200/600)—comparative advantage in computer production
*To calculate opportunity cost of item x → divide item y by item x
Beneficial trade any number between ½ and 3 for computers beneficial; any number between 1/3 and 2 for corn is beneficial
Practice Problems
US 20 planes or 2 cruise ships; France 12 planes or 2 cruise ships
Plane - US 1/10 ship and France plane 1/6 ship; Ship- US 10 planes and France 6 planes
Comparative Advantage: Plane—US; Ship—France
Terms of Trade- 1 Plane for between 1/10-1/6 ships; 1 ship for between 10-6 planes
Korea 3 cars 9 motorcycles; Germany 4 cars 8 motorcycles
Cars- Korea 3 motorcycles Germany 2 motorcycles; Motorcycles Korea 1/3 car Germany ½ car
Comparative advantage: Cars—Germany; Motorcycles—Korea
Terms of Trade- 1 car for between 2-3 motorcycles; 1 motorcycle for between 1/3-1/2 cat
Japan 4 laptops 12 phones; Brazil 1 laptop 5 phones
Laptops- Japan 3 phones Brazil 5 phones; Phones- Japan 1/3 laptop Brazil 1/5 laptop
Comparative Advantage- Laptops—Japan; Phones—Brazil
Terms of trade- 1 laptop for between 3-5 phones; 1 phone for between 1/5-1/3 laptop
Cuba 4 hours TV 12 hours Salsa; Mexico 1 hour TV 5 hours Salsa →
Cuba ¼ TV per hour 1/12 Salsa per hour; Mexico 1 TV per hour 1/5 salsa per hour
TV: Cuba 1/3 Salsa, Mexico 1/5 Salsa; Salsa: Cuba 3 TVs Mexico 5 TVs
Comparative Advantage- TV—Mexico; Salsa—Cuba
Terms of Trade- 1 TV for between 1/5-1/3 salsa; 1 Salsa for between 3-5 TVs
Rachel 2 hours bread 1 hour pie; Joey 4 hours bread 4 hours pie
→ Rachel ½ bread per hour 1 pie per hour; Joey ¼ bread and ¼ pie per hour
Rachel- 1 Bread-2 pie and 1 Pie- 1/2 bread
Joey- 1 Bread 1 pie and 1 Pie- 1 Bread
Comparative Advantage: Bread—Joey; Advantage Pie—Rachel
Terms of Trade: 1 Bread for between 1-2 pies. 1 Pie for between 1/2-1 bread
How trade produces more value
Textbook Method:
Ex. Both have 24 hours- Rachel can produce max 24 pies, 12 bread, or split time evenly—12 pies (12 hours) + 6 bread (12 hours)
Joey produces either 6 bread, 6 pies, or split time evenly—3 pies (6 hours) + 3 bread (6 hours)
Combined total for even production without trade: 12 + 3 = 15 pies and 6 + 3 = 9 bread
HOWEVER if Rachel specializes in pie production- 24 pies and Joey specialized in Bread production- 6 bread
Combined total gain of 9 pies and loss of 3 bread—net gain of 6 products
Trade Joey trades 4 bread for 6 pies (choose 1 bread for 1.5 pies)
Joey- 2 bread, 6 pies; Rachel- 4 bread, 18 pies
With trade: Rachel gains 6 pies though gives up 2 bread net gain of 4 products; Joey gains 3 pies and gives up 1 bread net gain of 2 products—both receive more products trading than stand-alone
Without Trade (Even production) | Max Production | After Exchange |
Rachel 12 pies 6 bread 18 total | Rachel 24 pies 0 bread 24 total | Rachel 18 pies 4 bread |
Joey 3 pies 3 bread 6 total | Joey 0 pies 6 bread | Joey 6 pies 2 bread |
Rossman’s Method:
Ex. Each person has 12 hours to produce
Rachel specializes in production of pies makes 12 pies—if making bread max number of breads is 6
Exchange trade rate of 0.6 Bread for all her pies → 7.2 > 6 able to reach a point for bread production previously impossible
Joey specializes in production of bread makes 3 breads max—if making pies 3 pies max
Exchange rate of 1.5 for all his bread → 4.5 > 3 pies able to reach a point for pie production previously impossible
Output vs Input problems
Inputs often take into account hours
Outputs hh
Demand vs Supply
Consumer’s willingness and ABILITY to buy an item at a given price
Willingness means buyers want the item
Ability means that buyers must have financial resources to afford the item
Demand refers to BEHAVIOR not a quantity
Law of Demand
Price of an item determines the quantity demanded
Lower the price the higher the quantity demanded— cheaper goods buy more
The higher the price the lower the quantity demanded—expensive goods buy less
*Therefore price of a good/service is INVERSELY related with quantity demanded
Reasons why the Law of Demand Exists
Income effect
When thing are expensive—money buys less
When things are cheap—money buys more
Substitution effect
When products are expensive and their substitutions are relatively cheap, buy less of the product and more of the substitute
Diminishing Marginal Unity
Each additional unit of an item purchased gives less marginal utility (satisfaction) than the previous unit therefore only will buy more if price is lower
Changes in Demand
Increase in Demand
More quantity demanded at all prices
Demand curve shifts to the RIGHT
Decrease in Demand
Less quantity demanded at all prices
Demand curve shifts to the LEFT
*Price DOES NOT CHANGE DEMAND it changes the quantity demanded
Changes in Demand