Chapter 2 - Conformations of Alkanes and Cycloalkanes 


  • Structural formulas are useful for demonstrating atom connection in a molecule.

    • They do not, however, frequently depict three-dimensional forms.
  • As chemists endeavor to understand more about the links between structure and chemical and physical characteristics of substances, understanding the three-dimensional forms of molecules becomes increasingly crucial.

    • Envision not just bond angles but also distances between distinct atoms and groups of atoms inside the molecules as three-dimensional objects.
    • We also discuss intramolecular strain, which is classified as torsional strain, steric strain, and angle strain.
  • It is helpful to create models of the molecules covered in this paper (either physically or using desktop modeling software such as Spartan).

    • The term bicycloalkane refers to an alkane that includes two rings that share two carbon atoms. The shared carbon atoms are known as bridgehead carbons, and the carbon chain that connects them is known as a bridge.
    • The term Strain is a fundamental term in organic chemistry, and is a measure of the energy stored in a chemical as a result of structural deformation.
  • @@Chemicals, like every macroscopic object, are physical entities with optimum structures. You place a load on the system when you change the optimal structure.@@

    • A stretched shape of a tree limb is one that bends in the wind. A bent branch has more energy than an undisturbed branch, and that energy is released as it relaxes between wind gusts.
    • %%We present strained forms of alkanes that interconvert with more optimum structures in this section.%%
  • Collisions and thermal movements cause the strained and relaxed structures to interconvert. Some constructions are permanently stretched and do not have an easy way out. \n

  • A bicycloalkane has the generic formula CnH2n22.

    • The image attached above depicts three bicycloalkane instances, along with their IUPAC and common names.
    • @@There are an unlimited number of ethane conformations that differ only in the degree of rotation about the carbon-carbon single bond.@@
    • Rotation is not totally free since there is a minor energy barrier between conformations.
    • Lowest energy (most stable) ethane structure is staggered shape
    • Eclipsed conformation has the most energy (least stable)
  • %%At normal temperature, ethane molecules collide with enough energy to pass the energy barrier between extreme conformations, and rotation about the carbon-carbon single bond from one conformation to another happens quickly.%%

    • Over the years, scientists have disagreed over the source of torsional strain in ethane's shadowed conformations.
    • This strain was supposed to be caused by repulsion between eclipsed hydrogen nuclei; they are separated by 255 pm in a staggered conformation but only 235 pm in an eclipsed conformation.
    • ^^It has also been proposed that the torsional strain was caused by repulsion between the electron clouds of the neighboring C-H bonds.^^
  • The measured C!C!C bond angles in cyclopropane are 608 (as shown in the attached image below), which is much less than the anticipated bond angle of 109.58 for sp3 hybridized carbon atoms.

    • This angle strain is introduced by the compression from the ideal bond angle.
    • Furthermore, due to the planar nature of cyclopropane, there are six pairs of totally eclipsed C!H bonds, which introduce a significant torsional strain.
    • In cyclopropane, the total angle and torsional strain energy is around 116 kJ (27.7 kcal)/mol.

  • Cyclopropane and its derivatives undergo various ring-opening processes not found in bigger cycloalkanes due to their severe intramolecular strain.
