What he did:
Bocchus handed Jugurtha to Sulla
Bocchus - subordinate of Marius
Defeated Marius in a struggle for supremacy over Rome
Contended w/Marius for command in the fight against Mithridates VI
Become consul in 89 BC
Ended First Mithridatic War by winning a lot of battles
First Roman general to lead a Roman army to occupy Rome itself
Did this to make sure that command over Mithridates VI wasn’t transferred to Marius
Battle of Colline Gate(82 BC) - Sulla defeats Marius and the Samnites
Declared emperor for life in 82 BC
Set up first proscription list that year too(list of enemies to be executed w/o trial)
Met Julius Caesar as a teenager, proclaimed “I see in him many a Marius” about him
Got Senate to pass Lex Valeria
Basically said that he could be dictator for life
82-73 BC, there was a revolt against his government by Sertorius, a veteran of Marius
He was a member of the Optimates party
Great-grandfather: Proca(a king of Alba Longa)
Grandfather: Numitor
Grand-uncle: Amulius(evil)
Usurped throne from Numitor
Mom: Rhea Silvia
Forced by Amulius to be a vestal virgin
Had Romulus+Remus w/Mars
Abandoned in Tiber River, suckled by a she-wolf
Romulus was on Palatine, Remus on Avantine
Romulus saw 12 vultures, Remus saw 6
Romulus killed Remus for jokingly jumping over the barriers, became king of Rome
First act: fortify the palatine hill
Created 100 senate seats
Romans stole Sabine women under his reign
Signed 100-year treaty after defeating Veii+Fidenae
Celeres - his 300-person cavalry bodyguards
Wife: Hersilia
Numa Pompilius(717-673)
Was a Sabine
Wife: Tatia(daughter of Titus Tatius)
Ancus Marcius’ grandfather
Built Temple of Janus
Divided year into 12 lunar months
Established priestly colleges+flamines
Frequently visited nymph Egeria for advice
Tullus Hostilius(673-641)
Was roman
Built Curia Hostilia, first senate house
Palace was on Caelian Hill
Fought Alba Longa
Horatii vs. Curiatii
Destroyed Alba Longa, made them all Roman, doubling the population
Death: struck by a thunderbolt after performing a sacrifice to Zeus improperly
Ancus Marcius(640-616)
Grandson of Numa Pompilius
Built pons sublicus
Built Tullianum, dungeon of the Mamertine
Founded Ostia(port city)
Created Plebeian class
Added Janiculum Hill
Adopted ius fetiale(legal procedure for declaring war)
Tarquinius Priscus(616-579)
First etruscan king
Original name: Lucumo
Murdered by an axe blow to the head by Ancus Marcius’ sons
Tanaquil(his wife) noticed eagles flying around his head during their journey to rome, it stole his hat and put it back on as he was entering the city
Interpreted it as a sign that he’d be king
Laid foundations for Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maxima
Built Cloaca Maxima
Captured Apiolae from Latins
Servius Tullius(578-535)
First king made king w/o consultation of plebs
Tanaquil saw his head spontaneously burst into flames, interpreting it as an omen that he’d one day be king
Both of his daughters married sons of Tarniquinius Priscus
Took first census, divided people into 5 classes+divided city into 4 regions
Built Servian Wall around city
Added 3 hills, lived on Esquiline
Built temple of Diana on Aventine hill
Died when his daughter and her husband, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, plotted against him and ran him over
Tarquinius Superbus(535-510)
Son-in-law fought against Romans in battle of Lake Regillus in 496
Was very proud and arrogant
Built Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Started 200 year war against Volscians
Nephew: Brutus
Kiss the ground story, oracle of Delphi
Tarquinius Superbus overthrown by Brutus
Augustus(27 BC - 14 AD)
First emperor
28 BC: elected consul
27 BC: voted proconsular imperium over both Spains, Gaul, Egypt, Syria
Adopts many children because he wants heirs, they all die
Ex: Gaius + Lucius Caesar
4 AD: adopts Tiberius(his successor)
Fights Cantabrians and Asturians in Spain
Tiberius(14 - 37 AD)
Sejanus: praetorian prefect who amassed control of rome when Tiberius was living on Capri
55 when he began his reign
Expanded Roman Empire into Germany
Jealous of Germanicus, his nephew/adopted son
Died in 19 AD after a great military career
Refused to go to his Livia’s(his mother) funeral in 29 AD
Delatores flourished under his reign
Caligula(37-41 AD)
Was a good emperor at the start, but went mad after an illness
Abolished the slave tax
After illness:
Forced Tiberius Gemellus and Macro to commit suicide
Executed father-in-law
Deified his sister Drusilla after her death in 38 AD
40 AD: attempts to invade Britain, goes to Straits of Dover and erects a lighthouse, orders troops to gather shells
Assassinated by Cassius Chaerea, someone he had insulted at the Palatine Games in 41 BC
Claudius(41-54 AD)
Brother of Germanicus, son of Drusus I(Tiberius’ brother)
Caligula’s uncle
Was deformed
Executed his niece and Tiberius’ granddaughter
Wives: Plautia Urgulanilla, Agrippina the Younger, and Messalina
Children: Octavian and Britannicus
Relied on his friends:
Conquered Britain in 43 AD
50 AD: adopted Nero
Nero(54-68 AD)
First five good years called quinquennium Neronis
Guided by Seneca + Burrus
Burrus replaced by Tigellinus in 62 AD after his death
Executed Callistus
Expelled Pallas
Poisoned Britannicus in 55 AD
Killed his mom, Agrippina the Younger
She was being too controlling for him
Pisonian Conspiracy: Gaius Calpurnius Piso plotted against Nero
Lucan (Seneca’s nephew) and several Praetorians were involved in it
As a result of it, Seneca, Lucan, Petronius all forced to commit suicide
64 AD: blames great fire of Rome on Christians, leads to their persecution
Jewish Revolt:
Judea was mad that Nero wasn’t protecting them from Greek raids
They besieged Jerusalem
Nero told Vespasian to stop the revolt
70 AD: Titus, Vespasian’s elder son, conquered Jerusalem
Flavius Silva took Masada, a rebel stronghold, causing everyone except 2 women and 5 children to commit suicide
Revolt of Julius Vindex in Gaul in 68 AD:
Lucius Verginius Rufus, Nero’s loyal commander in Upper Germany, led three legions into Gaul and defeated Vindex at Vesontio. Vindex committed suicide.
Nero had a faithful freedman kill him
Last words: “qualis artifex pereo”
Angered legions in the Rhine by recalling Verginius Rufus(beloved commander)
Wanted Vitellius as emperor instead
Appointed Lucius Calpurnius Piso Licinianus as his successor
Otho became angry, got Praetorians to make him emperor
Praetorians killed Galba
Supported by Praetorian Guard+Romans
People near Rhine still wanted Vitellius
Defeated part of Vitellius’ forces at Bedriacum
Otho’s forces were slaughtered by Vitellius’ forces, under command of Valens and Caecina
Otho committed suicide
Otho took the name Nero, restored his statues
First emperor who didn’t have roots in the old Republican aristocracy
Failed to prevent looting + violence in Cremona
Armies in East wanted Vespasian as emperor
Second Battle of Cremona: Vitellius’ forces get destroyed by the governor of Syria’s, under the command of Vespasian
Tried to surrender to Flavius Sabinus(Vespasian’s brother), but forces wouldn’t let him
Besieged him on the Capitoline Hill, destroyed the Temple of Jupiter Optimus and executed Flavius Sabinus
December 20, 69: Danubian troops fighting for Vespasian kill Vitellius, senate chooses Vespasian as new emperor
Born in 9 AD
Shut down revolt of Julius Civilis in Gaul in 70 AD
He attempted to form a Gallic nation
Son Titus captured Jerusalem for Nero
Reformed the army
Extended military recruitments to Gaul and Spain
Expanded the Senate
sent Petilius Cerialis, Frontinus, and Tacitus to conquer Britain, unfinished by Claudius + Nero
The Forum of Vespasian with the Temple of Peace in the center
The Arch of Titus
The Colosseum
New temple to Jupiter Capitolinus
Died in 79 AD of a fever
Famously says, “puto deus fio” (I think I’m becoming a god)
Successor: Titus
Tarentum invites Pyrrhus to come fight the Romans
Tarentines angry at Romans breaking a treaty for sailing in their harbor
Heraclea(280 BC)
Pyrrhus defeats consul Valerius Laevinius, uses 20 war elephants, scaring the Romans
Not a pyrrhic victory
Asculum(279 BC)
First Pyrrhic victory
Against Decius Mus the Third
Beneventum(275 BC)
Curius Dentatus defeats Pyrrhus at Maleventum in Campania
Renames Maleventum to Beneventum
Pyrrhus goes to Sicily to fight Carthage
Tarentum surrenders to Rome in 272
Tiberius Gracchus
Elected tribune of plebs in 133
Was first man over the wall of Carthage
Introduced his agrarian bill
Removed co-tribune Marcus Octavius when he refused to withdraw his veto of the bill
Scipio Nasica, pontifex maximus, led a mob of 300 of his supporters and killed Tiberius
Gaius Gracchus
Was tribune from 123-122 BC
Passed Lex Frumentaria
Made state buy/import overseas grain for sale to citizens in Rome
Passed Lex Militaris
Forbade drafting boys under 17
Required government to clothe+equip Roman soldiers
Shortened terms of service
Passed Lex Rubria
Provided foundation for colony of Junonia on site of Carthage
Passed Lex Acilia
Excluded senators + curule magistrates from the quaestio perpetua de rebus repetundis
In 122 BC, his co-tribune was his old friend Flaccus, they tried to get citizenship for the allies
While he was in Junonia, Marcus Livius Drusus was talking about how bad the citizenship bill was, threatened to veto it
Siphoned support from Gaius
Lucius Opimius passed a Senatus Consultum Ultimum and then got a mob to kill some of Gaius’ supporters, including Flaccus
Gaius ordered a slave to kill him
Untitled Flashcards Set
What he did:
Bocchus handed Jugurtha to Sulla
Bocchus - subordinate of Marius
Defeated Marius in a struggle for supremacy over Rome
Contended w/Marius for command in the fight against Mithridates VI
Become consul in 89 BC
Ended First Mithridatic War by winning a lot of battles
First Roman general to lead a Roman army to occupy Rome itself
Did this to make sure that command over Mithridates VI wasn’t transferred to Marius
Battle of Colline Gate(82 BC) - Sulla defeats Marius and the Samnites
Declared emperor for life in 82 BC
Set up first proscription list that year too(list of enemies to be executed w/o trial)
Met Julius Caesar as a teenager, proclaimed “I see in him many a Marius” about him
Got Senate to pass Lex Valeria
Basically said that he could be dictator for life
82-73 BC, there was a revolt against his government by Sertorius, a veteran of Marius
He was a member of the Optimates party
Great-grandfather: Proca(a king of Alba Longa)
Grandfather: Numitor
Grand-uncle: Amulius(evil)
Usurped throne from Numitor
Mom: Rhea Silvia
Forced by Amulius to be a vestal virgin
Had Romulus+Remus w/Mars
Abandoned in Tiber River, suckled by a she-wolf
Romulus was on Palatine, Remus on Avantine
Romulus saw 12 vultures, Remus saw 6
Romulus killed Remus for jokingly jumping over the barriers, became king of Rome
First act: fortify the palatine hill
Created 100 senate seats
Romans stole Sabine women under his reign
Signed 100-year treaty after defeating Veii+Fidenae
Celeres - his 300-person cavalry bodyguards
Wife: Hersilia
Numa Pompilius(717-673)
Was a Sabine
Wife: Tatia(daughter of Titus Tatius)
Ancus Marcius’ grandfather
Built Temple of Janus
Divided year into 12 lunar months
Established priestly colleges+flamines
Frequently visited nymph Egeria for advice
Tullus Hostilius(673-641)
Was roman
Built Curia Hostilia, first senate house
Palace was on Caelian Hill
Fought Alba Longa
Horatii vs. Curiatii
Destroyed Alba Longa, made them all Roman, doubling the population
Death: struck by a thunderbolt after performing a sacrifice to Zeus improperly
Ancus Marcius(640-616)
Grandson of Numa Pompilius
Built pons sublicus
Built Tullianum, dungeon of the Mamertine
Founded Ostia(port city)
Created Plebeian class
Added Janiculum Hill
Adopted ius fetiale(legal procedure for declaring war)
Tarquinius Priscus(616-579)
First etruscan king
Original name: Lucumo
Murdered by an axe blow to the head by Ancus Marcius’ sons
Tanaquil(his wife) noticed eagles flying around his head during their journey to rome, it stole his hat and put it back on as he was entering the city
Interpreted it as a sign that he’d be king
Laid foundations for Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maxima
Built Cloaca Maxima
Captured Apiolae from Latins
Servius Tullius(578-535)
First king made king w/o consultation of plebs
Tanaquil saw his head spontaneously burst into flames, interpreting it as an omen that he’d one day be king
Both of his daughters married sons of Tarniquinius Priscus
Took first census, divided people into 5 classes+divided city into 4 regions
Built Servian Wall around city
Added 3 hills, lived on Esquiline
Built temple of Diana on Aventine hill
Died when his daughter and her husband, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, plotted against him and ran him over
Tarquinius Superbus(535-510)
Son-in-law fought against Romans in battle of Lake Regillus in 496
Was very proud and arrogant
Built Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Started 200 year war against Volscians
Nephew: Brutus
Kiss the ground story, oracle of Delphi
Tarquinius Superbus overthrown by Brutus
Augustus(27 BC - 14 AD)
First emperor
28 BC: elected consul
27 BC: voted proconsular imperium over both Spains, Gaul, Egypt, Syria
Adopts many children because he wants heirs, they all die
Ex: Gaius + Lucius Caesar
4 AD: adopts Tiberius(his successor)
Fights Cantabrians and Asturians in Spain
Tiberius(14 - 37 AD)
Sejanus: praetorian prefect who amassed control of rome when Tiberius was living on Capri
55 when he began his reign
Expanded Roman Empire into Germany
Jealous of Germanicus, his nephew/adopted son
Died in 19 AD after a great military career
Refused to go to his Livia’s(his mother) funeral in 29 AD
Delatores flourished under his reign
Caligula(37-41 AD)
Was a good emperor at the start, but went mad after an illness
Abolished the slave tax
After illness:
Forced Tiberius Gemellus and Macro to commit suicide
Executed father-in-law
Deified his sister Drusilla after her death in 38 AD
40 AD: attempts to invade Britain, goes to Straits of Dover and erects a lighthouse, orders troops to gather shells
Assassinated by Cassius Chaerea, someone he had insulted at the Palatine Games in 41 BC
Claudius(41-54 AD)
Brother of Germanicus, son of Drusus I(Tiberius’ brother)
Caligula’s uncle
Was deformed
Executed his niece and Tiberius’ granddaughter
Wives: Plautia Urgulanilla, Agrippina the Younger, and Messalina
Children: Octavian and Britannicus
Relied on his friends:
Conquered Britain in 43 AD
50 AD: adopted Nero
Nero(54-68 AD)
First five good years called quinquennium Neronis
Guided by Seneca + Burrus
Burrus replaced by Tigellinus in 62 AD after his death
Executed Callistus
Expelled Pallas
Poisoned Britannicus in 55 AD
Killed his mom, Agrippina the Younger
She was being too controlling for him
Pisonian Conspiracy: Gaius Calpurnius Piso plotted against Nero
Lucan (Seneca’s nephew) and several Praetorians were involved in it
As a result of it, Seneca, Lucan, Petronius all forced to commit suicide
64 AD: blames great fire of Rome on Christians, leads to their persecution
Jewish Revolt:
Judea was mad that Nero wasn’t protecting them from Greek raids
They besieged Jerusalem
Nero told Vespasian to stop the revolt
70 AD: Titus, Vespasian’s elder son, conquered Jerusalem
Flavius Silva took Masada, a rebel stronghold, causing everyone except 2 women and 5 children to commit suicide
Revolt of Julius Vindex in Gaul in 68 AD:
Lucius Verginius Rufus, Nero’s loyal commander in Upper Germany, led three legions into Gaul and defeated Vindex at Vesontio. Vindex committed suicide.
Nero had a faithful freedman kill him
Last words: “qualis artifex pereo”
Angered legions in the Rhine by recalling Verginius Rufus(beloved commander)
Wanted Vitellius as emperor instead
Appointed Lucius Calpurnius Piso Licinianus as his successor
Otho became angry, got Praetorians to make him emperor
Praetorians killed Galba
Supported by Praetorian Guard+Romans
People near Rhine still wanted Vitellius
Defeated part of Vitellius’ forces at Bedriacum
Otho’s forces were slaughtered by Vitellius’ forces, under command of Valens and Caecina
Otho committed suicide
Otho took the name Nero, restored his statues
First emperor who didn’t have roots in the old Republican aristocracy
Failed to prevent looting + violence in Cremona
Armies in East wanted Vespasian as emperor
Second Battle of Cremona: Vitellius’ forces get destroyed by the governor of Syria’s, under the command of Vespasian
Tried to surrender to Flavius Sabinus(Vespasian’s brother), but forces wouldn’t let him
Besieged him on the Capitoline Hill, destroyed the Temple of Jupiter Optimus and executed Flavius Sabinus
December 20, 69: Danubian troops fighting for Vespasian kill Vitellius, senate chooses Vespasian as new emperor
Born in 9 AD
Shut down revolt of Julius Civilis in Gaul in 70 AD
He attempted to form a Gallic nation
Son Titus captured Jerusalem for Nero
Reformed the army
Extended military recruitments to Gaul and Spain
Expanded the Senate
sent Petilius Cerialis, Frontinus, and Tacitus to conquer Britain, unfinished by Claudius + Nero
The Forum of Vespasian with the Temple of Peace in the center
The Arch of Titus
The Colosseum
New temple to Jupiter Capitolinus
Died in 79 AD of a fever
Famously says, “puto deus fio” (I think I’m becoming a god)
Successor: Titus
Tarentum invites Pyrrhus to come fight the Romans
Tarentines angry at Romans breaking a treaty for sailing in their harbor
Heraclea(280 BC)
Pyrrhus defeats consul Valerius Laevinius, uses 20 war elephants, scaring the Romans
Not a pyrrhic victory
Asculum(279 BC)
First Pyrrhic victory
Against Decius Mus the Third
Beneventum(275 BC)
Curius Dentatus defeats Pyrrhus at Maleventum in Campania
Renames Maleventum to Beneventum
Pyrrhus goes to Sicily to fight Carthage
Tarentum surrenders to Rome in 272
Tiberius Gracchus
Elected tribune of plebs in 133
Was first man over the wall of Carthage
Introduced his agrarian bill
Removed co-tribune Marcus Octavius when he refused to withdraw his veto of the bill
Scipio Nasica, pontifex maximus, led a mob of 300 of his supporters and killed Tiberius
Gaius Gracchus
Was tribune from 123-122 BC
Passed Lex Frumentaria
Made state buy/import overseas grain for sale to citizens in Rome
Passed Lex Militaris
Forbade drafting boys under 17
Required government to clothe+equip Roman soldiers
Shortened terms of service
Passed Lex Rubria
Provided foundation for colony of Junonia on site of Carthage
Passed Lex Acilia
Excluded senators + curule magistrates from the quaestio perpetua de rebus repetundis
In 122 BC, his co-tribune was his old friend Flaccus, they tried to get citizenship for the allies
While he was in Junonia, Marcus Livius Drusus was talking about how bad the citizenship bill was, threatened to veto it
Siphoned support from Gaius
Lucius Opimius passed a Senatus Consultum Ultimum and then got a mob to kill some of Gaius’ supporters, including Flaccus
Gaius ordered a slave to kill him