Psychological Disorders are dysfunctional or maladaptive thoughts, emotions, behaviors
distress often accompanies psychological disorders
signs of a disorder occur when it interferes with work or leisure
Different Approaches to disorders include the medical model, biopsychosocial approach, and stress vulnerability model
the medical model approaches it as a disease that can be treated/cured with medicine and/or hospital stays
the biopsychosocial approach states that our behaviors, thoughts, or feelings are formed through biological, social, and psychological factors
the Stress Vulnerability Model that individual characteristics and environmental stressors increase/decrease developing a psych disorder
classification is used to help order and describe symptoms and suggest appropriate treatment
DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition) is used by US physicians and mental health workers to guide medical diagnosis and treatment
critics of the DSM-5 are that it is too wide (children could be diagnosed w/ ADHD when its normal childhood behavior)
critics of classification says that diagnostic labels are subjective and lead to viewing the person differently
Disorders do not increase risk of violence due to disorder
people with disorders are more likely to be victims of violence
use of alcohol/drugs, previous violence, ang gun avalivlity are much better predictors of violence
poverty is a predicor of mental disorders across all ethnic and gender lines
by 24, 75% of people experience their first symptoms of disorders
antisocial personality appears around 8
phobias appear around 10
Alcohol use, OCd, bipolar, and schizophrenia appear around 20
Major Depressive disorder appears around 25
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is marked by excessive and uncontrollable worry that persists for six months or more; can lead to high blood pressure
Panic disorder is characterized with recurrent irregular heartbeat, chest pains, shortness of breath, choking, trembling, dizziness; can lead people to develop agoraphobia
phobias=irrational fear and avoidance of objects, activity, or situations
OCD= obsessive and repetitive unwanted thoughts that seem they will never go away; behaviors are often response to those thoughts
PTSD occurs after traumatic events and is characterized by recurring hanging memories/nightmares, laser-focused attention to possible threats, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, and trouble sleeping
5-10% develop PTSD after a traumatic event
Conditioning, cognition, and biology can influence disorders, ODC, and PTSD
Major depressive Disorder occurs when there are at least 5 signs of depression lasting 2+ weeks with one of them being depressed mood or loss of interest/pleasure
9 signs of depressive disorders include depressed mood most of time, dramatically reduced interest or enjoyment in most activity most of the time, significant challenge regualting appetite and weight, significant challenges sleeping, physical agistaiton or lethargy, feeling listless ow with much less energy, feeling worthless or unwarranted guilt, problems thinking/concentrating/making decisions, and thinking repeatedly of death and suicide
Dipolar Disorder is characterized by bouncing back from one emotional extreme to another
most major depressive episodes self-terminate
there are genetic influences for Depression and bipolar disorder meaning it could run in families
norepinephrine and serotonin are scarce during depressive episodes
heavy Mediterranean diet can improve physical and emotional health
rumination= compulsive fretting/ overthinking problems
explanatory style has a big impact on depression
over 800,000 will choose to end their lives
self-injury can be cuts, burns, hitting themselves, inserting objects under nails/skin, self-administering tattoos
those who self-harm tend to be experiencing life stress, less tolerate and regulating emotion, and does lead to suicide
psychotic disorders are marked by irrational idea, distorted perception, and loss of connection with reality
positive schizophrenia means one may experience hallucinations, talk in disorganized and deluded ways, and exhibit inappropriate laugher, tear, or rage
negative schizophrenia is the absence of emotion in their voice, expression, or unmoving (mute/rigid body)
Schizophrenia usually strikes as younger people maturing into adulthood
chronic schizophrenia have low recovery rates and appear by early adulthood and progressed length in episode with aging
acute schizophrenia has higher recovery rate and ca respond to drug therapy
Brain abnormalities of schizophrenia include increased dopamine during episode, low frontal lobe brain activity, very active in core region of brain when hallucinating, and overactive amygdala
there are prenatal risks for schizophrenia
genetic factors include family (sibling/parent= 1/10 chance and 1-2 if a twin has it)
there are no environmental triggers to getting schizophrenia
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)= multiple personality disorder
No country other than US diagnoses DID
Antisocial personally disorder usually occurs in males with symptoms by age 8
people is Antisocial personality disorder tend to lack conscious, low emotional intelligence, low levels of adrenaline in non stressful events, family instability, poverty, childhood abuse, and can be called sociopaths or psychopaths
eating disorders are not signs of childhood sexual abuse like speculated, are usually from high achieving and competitive families, low self-evaluations
Freud’s therapeutic technique was to relieve repressed feelings
Psychodynamic therapy focuses on helping people with emphasis on relationships
Humanistic therapists give patients insight and help patients