eGr12TG GIT edited


General Information Technology (GIT)

  • Grade 12 GIT Notes

Competency 1: Exploring the Computer and its Potential

Introduction to a System

  • Definition: A system comprises rules, arrangements, or related elements working together for a specific goal.

  • Major parts of a system: Input, Process, Output (IPO) Model

    • Input: Information put into a system.

    • Process: Operations performed on the input data.

    • Output: Information produced by the system after processing.

  • Example: Computer system, which includes hardware, software, and users, operates based on the IPO model.

Basic Components of a Computer

  • Input Devices: Devices for entering data and instructions.

    • Examples: Keyboard, Mouse.

  • System Unit: Processes and converts input data into information.

  • Output Devices: Devices for displaying or outputting information.

    • Examples: Monitor, Printer.

  • Peripheral Devices: Additional hardware that expands a computer's capabilities.

    • Types: Input, Output, Input/Output, Storage Devices.

Types of Storage Devices

  • Magnetic: Hard drives, tape drives.

  • Optical: CD/DVD/Blu-Ray.

  • Solid State: Flash drives, memory cards.


  • Definition: Software refers to programs that operate computers.

  • Categories:

    • Application Software: Used to perform specific user tasks (e.g., Word Processor, Spreadsheet).

    • System Software: Manages computer hardware and provides a platform for running application software (e.g., OS, Device Drivers).

Competency 2: Representation of Data inside a Computer

Number System

  • Types of Number Systems: Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal.

Data and Information

  • Definition of Data: Raw facts represented as quantities, characters, or symbols.

  • Definition of Information: Organized data with meaningful values; characterized by relevance, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, reliability, and accessibility.

Data Representation in Computers

  • Bit: Smallest unit of data (0 or 1).

  • ASCII Encoding: 8-bit encoding for character representation, allows 256 symbols.

  • Unicode: 16-bit encoding, accommodates additional characters for international languages.

Competency 3: Using Computers Efficiently

Operating Systems (OS)

  • Definition: Software managing computer resources and providing user interfaces.

  • Basic Functions of an OS: Resource management, user interface, executing application programs.

  • Types of Operating Systems: Stand-alone, Network, Embedded.

User Interaction with OS

  • File Management: Creation, renaming, deletion, and moving files and folders.

  • Control Panel/Settings Panel: Centralized configuration area for system settings.

Competency 4: Application Software in Daily Activities

Word Processing Software

  • Definition: Software that composes, edits, formats, and prints documents.

  • Common Packages: Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer.

  • Components of GUI: Title Bar, Toolbar, Editing Area, Status Bar.

  • Editing Tools: Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste.

Spreadsheet Software

  • Definition: Application for storing, organizing, and calculating data.

  • Elements: Workbook, Worksheet, Cell, Range.

  • Features: Formulas, Functions, Data Formatting.

Presentation Software

  • Purpose: Create and edit slideshow presentations.

  • Examples: Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides.

  • Effective Presentation Characteristics: Clear structure, visual aids, engaging content.

Competency 5: Creating Multimedia Content

Editing Audio and Video

  • Audio Software: Examples include Audacity for recording and editing audio.

  • Video Editing Software: Used to create and edit video clips (e.g., Windows Movie Maker).

Competency 6: Using the Internet Effectively

Computer Networks

  • Definition: Linked systems facilitating communication and resource sharing.

  • Types of Networks: PAN, LAN, WAN.

  • Internet Services: WWW, Email, File Transfer Protocol.

  • Utilizing Search Engines and Browsers: Important for information retrieval online.

Competency 7: Developing Websites

Web Design Principles

  • HTML: Language for creating web pages; structured with tags.

  • Basic Elements of a Web Page: Text, Graphics, Audio, Video, Animation, Hyperlinks.

  • Website Structure: Homepage, Link Pages, Web Page elements.

Competency 8: ICT Efficiency in Life

Advantages and Disadvantages of ICT

  • Advantages: Enhances efficiency and ease of communication, global information sharing, educational opportunities.

  • Disadvantages: Potential for addiction, loss of privacy, and digital divide issues.

Career Opportunities in ICT

  • Roles include Software Engineer, Network Administrator, Web Developer, etc.

Security and Health Issues

  • Physical Security: Protecting hardware from damage or theft.

  • Software Security: Protecting sensitive data using antivirus, firewalls.

  • Health Concerns: Repetitive stress injuries, vision syndrome from prolonged computer use.
