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Have you heard of Roanoke, the first attempt at an English colony? Now you might be thinking it was Jamestown but Jamestown was the first successful attempt  the story started off with a man by the name of john white

 he was chosen to lead this colony, Roanoke, by a man named sir walter raleigh  white was chosen by the queen herself too! White was no leader at all but he  already visited the new world and brought back many artifacts to show  many  colonists were chosen by white and raleigh about it concluded of about  sixty men, some were outstanding farmers even  craftsman and assistants thats alot of men but we aren't even done there was close to twenty women and whites own daughter included I would never send my daughter to something such as that would you? But there's more  And 12 kids, two native men, including a man named Mateo the other to be unnamed White hoped Mateo would help the colonists with other natives John knew that they had problems with killing and diseases but John didn't tell Raleigh. Can you imagine why wouldn't you tell somebody about killings and diseases!

Back to the story John was 100 percent he could keep them safe with Mateo and  some soldiers at the fort. The people or colonists left portsmouth in April 26 1587 They had planned to meet with the soldiers and go to Chesapeake Bay North of Roanoke were the land was better for crops to be grown and more fertile were the water and harbor was much safer than were they were currently at

They sailed in 3 boats, all different types of boats: a fly boat, a pinnace and the flagship lyon . A lot of ships wonder why they needed so much. What do you think? FINALLY, after a month and a half at sea, they had reached the Americas I would have jumped off the boat and screamed and danced because of being on the boat so long but dont got excited yet the story hasn't really star, ted and then stopping first on several islands SEVERAL! Anyway the story continues seven colonists had eaten a green fruit who eats a fruit and they don't know what it is and the story gets worst that fruit made their lips swell not only that people drank from a pond and they're eyes got swollen the colonists called the water from the pond water so evil. Sooner or later the 16 colonists got so tired trying to haul huge turtles back onto the ship  for meat after a while the ship dropped the anchor john and fort of the men went to take the pinnace to shore to go and meet with the soldiers

then go on a journey to Chesapeake bay where they were going to stay but the ship's pilot Simon Fernandez refused to take them any further and put them all ashore at roanoke when white and the men reached the fort they found it destroyed all they found was a skeleton of the soldiers white and his men started to repair while work kept going a man named George howe alone he went fishing alone the others looked and found him shot with arrows the colonists thought the indians had killed him white sent the native mateo along with twenty men Croatoan island where the nearest natives where they came into the village with muskets which scared the croutons until they saw Mateo, Mateo had told them four soldiers were in a boat fishing thirty of their men attacked and surrounded the fort  two men were killed the others rowed away the croutons would ask for a token of friendship but they said no! I wonder why?? Later in the night the men attacked on the people they thought killed howe but these were the croatan but they were just going to gather tobacco peas corn and pumpkin since the enemies left  as a reward for service colonists christened mateo and called him the lord of Roanoke on august 18 whites daughter gave birth to Virginia Dare this was the first english child born in the america they were going to celebrate but the summer drawed near everybody worried  they were running low on supplies no one even knew they were on Roanoke they were supposed to be in chesapeake bay but they weren't! FIFTY MILES TO THE NORTH dang they really messed up! White was heading back to England but he was stressed leaving his Daughter and new Granddaughter but they were convinced so he buried his belongings and headed out on August 27 white left in a really bad storm he rushed to get supplies  but politics and war plus the spanish armada kept him away from Roanoke after 6 months  he tried to get back and sailed on two boats with fifteen people and supplies but the sailors wanted to pretend to be pirates  and that made the people they fought with steal the supplies  which injured them and made them go all the way back. Ugh could you imagine how annoying that would be?! And limped back to england. In march 20 1590  raleigh couldnt gather enough money to send any ships back to Roanoke! Well 5 months later after fights the ships finally arrived  at the tip of Croatoan  island White and the men could see smoke rising from Roanoke fort  in the morning the men tried to row ashore in two small boats  through waves one boat turned and seven men drowned  they reached the they tried to alert the colonists that they were here and sounded a trumpet but no one appeared where had they gone? In the morning they went to the fort and found white's belongings and saw the words Croaton on a tree. White had told the colonists to write the word croatoan on a tree with a cross if they are in danger but there was no sign of distress where had they gone? All they found was whites belongings in the fort? Well thats the end of the story do you have a theory on what might have happened after reading or just have a theory in general?



Have you heard of Roanoke, the first attempt at an English colony? Now you might be thinking it was Jamestown but Jamestown was the first successful attempt  the story started off with a man by the name of john white

 he was chosen to lead this colony, Roanoke, by a man named sir walter raleigh  white was chosen by the queen herself too! White was no leader at all but he  already visited the new world and brought back many artifacts to show  many  colonists were chosen by white and raleigh about it concluded of about  sixty men, some were outstanding farmers even  craftsman and assistants thats alot of men but we aren't even done there was close to twenty women and whites own daughter included I would never send my daughter to something such as that would you? But there's more  And 12 kids, two native men, including a man named Mateo the other to be unnamed White hoped Mateo would help the colonists with other natives John knew that they had problems with killing and diseases but John didn't tell Raleigh. Can you imagine why wouldn't you tell somebody about killings and diseases!

Back to the story John was 100 percent he could keep them safe with Mateo and  some soldiers at the fort. The people or colonists left portsmouth in April 26 1587 They had planned to meet with the soldiers and go to Chesapeake Bay North of Roanoke were the land was better for crops to be grown and more fertile were the water and harbor was much safer than were they were currently at

They sailed in 3 boats, all different types of boats: a fly boat, a pinnace and the flagship lyon . A lot of ships wonder why they needed so much. What do you think? FINALLY, after a month and a half at sea, they had reached the Americas I would have jumped off the boat and screamed and danced because of being on the boat so long but dont got excited yet the story hasn't really star, ted and then stopping first on several islands SEVERAL! Anyway the story continues seven colonists had eaten a green fruit who eats a fruit and they don't know what it is and the story gets worst that fruit made their lips swell not only that people drank from a pond and they're eyes got swollen the colonists called the water from the pond water so evil. Sooner or later the 16 colonists got so tired trying to haul huge turtles back onto the ship  for meat after a while the ship dropped the anchor john and fort of the men went to take the pinnace to shore to go and meet with the soldiers

then go on a journey to Chesapeake bay where they were going to stay but the ship's pilot Simon Fernandez refused to take them any further and put them all ashore at roanoke when white and the men reached the fort they found it destroyed all they found was a skeleton of the soldiers white and his men started to repair while work kept going a man named George howe alone he went fishing alone the others looked and found him shot with arrows the colonists thought the indians had killed him white sent the native mateo along with twenty men Croatoan island where the nearest natives where they came into the village with muskets which scared the croutons until they saw Mateo, Mateo had told them four soldiers were in a boat fishing thirty of their men attacked and surrounded the fort  two men were killed the others rowed away the croutons would ask for a token of friendship but they said no! I wonder why?? Later in the night the men attacked on the people they thought killed howe but these were the croatan but they were just going to gather tobacco peas corn and pumpkin since the enemies left  as a reward for service colonists christened mateo and called him the lord of Roanoke on august 18 whites daughter gave birth to Virginia Dare this was the first english child born in the america they were going to celebrate but the summer drawed near everybody worried  they were running low on supplies no one even knew they were on Roanoke they were supposed to be in chesapeake bay but they weren't! FIFTY MILES TO THE NORTH dang they really messed up! White was heading back to England but he was stressed leaving his Daughter and new Granddaughter but they were convinced so he buried his belongings and headed out on August 27 white left in a really bad storm he rushed to get supplies  but politics and war plus the spanish armada kept him away from Roanoke after 6 months  he tried to get back and sailed on two boats with fifteen people and supplies but the sailors wanted to pretend to be pirates  and that made the people they fought with steal the supplies  which injured them and made them go all the way back. Ugh could you imagine how annoying that would be?! And limped back to england. In march 20 1590  raleigh couldnt gather enough money to send any ships back to Roanoke! Well 5 months later after fights the ships finally arrived  at the tip of Croatoan  island White and the men could see smoke rising from Roanoke fort  in the morning the men tried to row ashore in two small boats  through waves one boat turned and seven men drowned  they reached the they tried to alert the colonists that they were here and sounded a trumpet but no one appeared where had they gone? In the morning they went to the fort and found white's belongings and saw the words Croaton on a tree. White had told the colonists to write the word croatoan on a tree with a cross if they are in danger but there was no sign of distress where had they gone? All they found was whites belongings in the fort? Well thats the end of the story do you have a theory on what might have happened after reading or just have a theory in general?