Cardiovascular system 

Hemoglobin transports oxygen form the lungs to the tissues of the body

The body’s entire blood supply is circulated every 1 minute

The smallest branches of arteries are called arterioles

Phagocytosis is a process by which leukocytes destroy pathogens or germs

The upper number of a blood pressure is called the systolic pressure

The blood cells that can fight infection are leukocytes

Phagocytes are not found in the blood

The blood cells that contain hemoglobin are the erythrocytes

The chamber of the heart that receives deoxygenated blood as it returns from the body cells is the right atrium

Platelets are not a major type of blood vessel

Blood pressure measures the amount of pressure applied against the walls of the vessels

An inflammation of a vein near the skin surface, with the formation of a clot is phlebitis

the largest artery in the body is the aorta

The valve between the left atrium and left ventricle that prevents blood from flowing back into the left atrium is the mitral valve

the blood vessels that are muscular and elastic than the other blood vessels are the arteries

the chamber of the ehart that receives oxygenated blood as it returns form the lungs is left atrium

The blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are arteries

An inherited disease that occurs almost exclusively in males in which the blood is unable to clot is hemophilia

The thickest and musclular layer of the heart is the myocardium

Dilated, swollen veins that have lost elasticity and the cayse stasis, or decreased blood flow are called varicose

monocytes help protect against disease, an elevated count usually indicates a chronic condition

thrombocytes are the smallest formed elements in the blood, also known as platelets

eosinophils are formed int he red bone marrow, and increase in response to allergic conditions

nuetrophils are majority of the white blood cells, elevated count indicates a bacterial infection

lympocytes protect the body from disease

phlebotomist take cares of a patient blood samples and prepares them for testing in the lab

Medical laboratory assistant works under the supervision of pathologist to study tissues, fluids and cells in the human body

basophils promote inflammatory response, elevated count may indicate to an allergic reaction
