What is weather? it is the condition of the air around us at a given time

meteorologist-a person who studies weather

Air rises when it is heated

Air sinks when it is cool

Types of severe weather-

Thunderstorm-rain clouds with thunder and lightning

Tornado- a fat spinning collision of air

hurricane- swirling storms that have an eye in the center

thermometer- a weather tool that measures temperature

rain gauge- tool that collects rain to see how much it has rained

wind vane- a tool that measures wind direction and spins on a rod

anemometer- has cups on the sides to catch and measure wind speed

wind sock- used at airports to show the direction and strength of the wind

weather balloon- instrument carries instruments aloft to send back information on atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity

barometer- instrument detects atmospheric changes (high pressure/low pressure) around you

When warm air mixes with cold air two things could happen.clouds could form and winds could pick up and if the temperature difference between the two air masses is large, a storm will form
