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Carbs (CC1 Lec)


Page 1:

  • Carbohydrates are the primary energy source stored primarily as glycogen in the muscle and liver.

  • Disease states involved hyperglycemia (INCREASE GLUCOSE LEVEL) and hypoglycemia (DECREASE PLASMA GLUCOSE).

  • Carbohydrates are hydrates of aldehydes or ketones and contain C, H, and O.

  • Classification of carbohydrates is based on the size of the base carbon chain, location of the carbonyl functional group, stereochemistry of the compound, and number of sugar units.

  • Monosaccharides are the simplest form of sugar and include fructose, glucose, and galactose.

  • Disaccharides are formed by the interaction of two monosaccharides and include maltose, lactose, and sucrose.

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  • Polysaccharides are formed by the linkage of many monosaccharide units and include starch, glycogen, cellulose, and oligosaccharides.

  • Carbohydrate models include Fischer projection and Haworth projection.

  • Glucose metabolism involves the digestion of complex sugars in the small intestine, absorption into the bloodstream, and circulation to different cells or tissues.

  • Insulin is the hormone responsible for lowering plasma glucose levels and promoting cell uptake of glucose, glycolysis, glycogenesis, and lipogenesis.

  • Glucose metabolism also involves glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, lipogenesis, and lipolysis.

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  • Glycolysis is the metabolism of glucose to lactate or pyruvate for energy production.

  • Gluconeogenesis is the formation of glucose-6-phosphate from non-carbohydrate sources such as fats and proteins.

  • Glycogenesis is the conversion of glucose to glycogen for storage in the liver and muscles.

  • Glycogenolysis is the breakdown of glycogen to glucose-6-phosphate.

  • Lipogenesis is the conversion of carbohydrates to fatty acids.

  • Lipolysis is the decomposition of fat.

  • Glucose metabolism is regulated by hormones, with insulin being the primary hormone responsible for decreasing blood glucose levels.

Regulation of Glucose Metabolism:

  • Glucose metabolism is controlled by hormones.

  • Insulin is the primary hormone responsible for decreasing blood glucose levels.

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  • Hormones involved in glucose regulation:

    • Insulin:

      • Synthesized by the β-cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas.

      • Regulates blood glucose by increasing glycogenesis, glycolysis, and lipogenesis.

      • Can be synthesized or produced outside the body and injected to a person with insulin deficiency.

    • Glucagon:

      • Synthesized by the alpha cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas.

      • Primary hormone responsible for increasing blood glucose.

      • Regulates blood glucose by increasing glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis.

    • Epinephrine:

      • Produced by the adrenal cortex in response to ACTH.

      • Increases plasma glucose by decreasing intestinal entry of glucose into the cell and increasing gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, and lipolysis.

      • Associated with stress and promotes the inhibition and secretion of insulin.

    • Cortisol (Glucocorticoids):

      • Produced by the adrenal cortex in response to ACTH.

      • Increases plasma glucose by lowering interstitial entry of glucose into the cell and promoting gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, and lipolysis.

    • Growth hormone:

      • Produced by the anterior pituitary gland.

      • Increases plasma glucose by decreasing glucose entry to cells and increasing glycolysis.

    • Thyroxine (T4):

      • Produced by the thyroid gland.

      • Increases plasma glucose by promoting glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, and glucose intestinal absorption.

    • Somatostatin:

      • Produced by the Delta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas and hypothalamus.

      • Affects glucagon and growth hormone.

      • Increases plasma glucose by inhibiting insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone.

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  • Hyperglycemia:

    • Elevated plasma glucose; increase in blood glucose levels.

    • Can be seen in physiologic and pathologic conditions.

    • Causes include stress, severe infection, dehydration, pregnancy, pancreatectomy, hemochromatosis, insulin deficiency or abnormal insulin receptor.

    • Fasting blood sugar levels:

      • Normal: 70-110 mg/dL.

      • Impaired fasting glucose/borderline fasting glucose: 111-125 mg/dL.

      • Diabetes mellitus: FBS levels ≥126 mg/dL.

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  • Diabetes Mellitus:

    • Metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin or both.

    • Types of DM: Type 1 (insulin-dependent), Type 2 (non-insulin dependent), Gestational.

    • Type 3 DM is a proposed type associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease.

  • Pathogenesis of Type 1 DM:

    • β-Cell destruction and absolute insulin deficiency linked to autoimmune disorder caused by genetic defect.

    • Autoantibodies involved: Islet cell autoantibodies, Insulin autoantibodies, Glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies, Tyrosine phosphatase IA-2 & IA-2B autoantibodies.

  • Pathogenesis of Type 2 DM:

    • Insulin resistance with insulin secretory defect.

    • Increased with age, obesity, and lack of exercise.

  • Gestational Diabetes Mellitus:

    • Due to metabolic and hormonal changes during pregnancy.

    • High risk for respiratory distress syndrome, hypocalcemia, and hyperbilirubinemia.

    • Mothers with GDM after pregnancy can develop type 2 DM.

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  • Characteristics of Type 1 DM:

    • Abrupt onset, insulin dependence, ketosis tendency.

    • Sign and Symptoms: Polydipsia, Polyphagia, Polyuria.

  • Characteristics of Type 2 DM:

    • Non-insulin dependent, milder symptoms than Type 1.

    • Sign and Symptoms: Polydipsia, Polyphagia, Polyuria.

  • Other associated conditions with diabetes: Genetic defects of β-cell function, pancreatic disease, endocrine disease, drug or chemical-induced, insulin receptor abnormalities, other genetic syndromes.

  • Laboratory findings in diabetes: Elevated urine specific gravity, ketones in serum and urine, decreased blood and urine pH, electrolyte imbalance.

  • Categories of fasting plasma glucose: Normal fasting glucose (FBG ≤110 mg/dL), Impaired fasting glucose (FBG 111-125 mg/dL), Provisional diabetes diagnosis (FBG >126 mg/dL).

  • Categories of oral glucose tolerance: Normal, Impaired glucose tolerance, Diabetes mellitus.

  • Diagnostic criteria for diabetes mellitus: Random plasma glucose ≥200mg/dL with symptoms, Fasting plasma glucose ≥126 mg/dL, 2-h plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dL during an OGTT.

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  • Normal glucose tolerance:

    • 2-h PG <140 mg/dL

  • Impaired glucose tolerance:

    • 2-h PG 14-199 mg/dL

  • Provisional diabetes diagnosis:

    • 2-h PG ≥200 mg/dL

  • Glucose load for different groups:

    • Non-pregnant female and male: 75g

    • Kids: 1.75g per kg body weight

    • Pregnant: 100g

  • Hypoglycemia:

    • Low/decreased plasma glucose level

    • Imbalance between glucose utilization and production

    • Symptoms:

      • Neurogenetic symptoms: tremors, palpitations, anxiety, diaphoresis

      • Neuroglycopenic symptoms: dizziness, tingling sensation, blurred vision, confusion, behavioral changes

    • Causes of hypoglycemia:

      • Patient appears healthy with no coexisting disease

      • Drugs

      • Insulinoma, Islet hyperplasia/Nesidioblastosis

      • Factitial hypoglycemia from insulin/sulfonylurea

      • Severe exercise, Ketotic hypoglycemia

  • Diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes mellitus:

    • 1-h plasma glucose ≥140 mg/dL during an OGTT + symptoms of gestational diabetes (100 grams glucose load)

    • 3-h plasma glucose:

      • Fasting (8-14 hrs) – >95 mg/dL

      • 1 hr – ≥180 mg/dL

      • 2 hrs – ≥155 mg/dL

      • 3 hrs – ≥140 mg/dL

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  • Compensated coexistent:

    • Drugs/disease

  • Laboratory findings:

    • Decreased glucose in plasma

    • Increased in patients with pancreatic βcells tumors (insulinoma) – high insulin levels

  • Inborn errors of metabolism:

    • Galactosemia:

      • Congenital deficiency of enzymes involved in galactose metabolism

      • Laboratory feature: elevated blood and urine galactose

      • Clinical features: jaundice, hepatomegaly, easy bruisability, galactosuria, E.coli, sepsis, cataract, hypotonia, sensory neural deafness

      • Diagnostic test: erythrocyte galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase activity

    • Essential fructosuria:

      • Autosomal recessive disorder characterized by fructokinase deficiency

      • Fructokinase catalyzes the conversion of fructose to glucose 1-phosphate

      • Diagnostic indicator: presence of fructose in urine

    • Hereditary fructose deficiency:

      • Defect of fructose 1-6-biphosphate aldolase B activity in the liver, kidney, and intestine

      • Inability to convert fructose-1-phosphate and fructose1-6-biphosphate into dihydroxyacetone phosphate, glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate, and glyceraldehydes

      • Clinical features: [no details provided]

    • Fructose 1-6-biphosphate deficiency:

      • Defect in fructose-1-6 biphosphate results in failure of hepatic glucose generation by gluconeogenic precursors such as lactate and glycerol

      • Clinical features: hypoglycemia, lactic acidosis, convulsions, and coma

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  • Glycogen storage disease:

    • Deficiency of specific enzymes involved in the metabolism of glycogen

    • Inherited autosomal recessive trait

    • Von-Gierke disease:

      • Most common glycogen storage disease (type 1A)

      • Affects liver and muscle

      • Clinical features: liver damage, muscular defect

      • Other GSD's: deficiencies of LDH, PK, phosphoglycerate kinase, and mutase

  • Types of GSD:

    • Ia (Von Gierke): Glucose 6-phosphatase deficiency (liver)

      • Clinical features: hepatomegaly, retarded growth, seizures

    • Ib: Same as Ia; recurrent bacterial infections

    • II (Pompe): Glucose-6-phosphatase translocase deficiency

      • Clinical features: cardiomegaly, infantile death

    • IIIa (Cori Forbes): De Brancher deficiency (liver and muscle)

      • Clinical features: hepatomegaly, muscle weakness, retarded growth, cardiomyopathy

    • IIIb: De Brancher deficiency (liver)

      • Clinical features: same as IIIa except muscle weakness

    • IV (Andersen): Brancher deficiency

      • Clinical features: cirrhosis, esophageal varices, ascites

    • V (McAndle): Muscle phosphorylase deficiency

      • Clinical features: myoglobinuria, muscle cramps

    • VI (Hers): Liver phosphorylase deficiency

      • Clinical features: hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia

    • VII (Tarui): Phosphofructokinase deficiency

      • Clinical features: pain and stiffness on exertion

    • VIII (Adenyl kinase): Urinary excretion of catecholamines

    • IXa: Phosphorylase kinase deficiency (liver)

      • Clinical features: hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia, delay in motor development

    • IXb: Phosphorylase deficiency (liver and muscle)

      • Clinical features: hepatomegaly, retarded growth, muscle hypotonia

    • X: Cyclic AMP-dependent

      • Clinical features: hepatomegaly

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  • Fanconi-Bickel

    • Glucose transporter-2

    • Hepatomegaly, rickets

    • Glycogen synthase

    • No Hepatomegaly; hypoglycemic symptoms in morning; mild growth delay


    • Lag phase

    • About 40-60% of the blood plasma glucose level

    • Affected or decreased whenever there is infection in the CNS; bacterial meningitis

    • Any changes in blood sugar are reflected in the CSF approximately one hour later because of the lag in CSF glucose equilibrium time

    • For comparison, a blood glucose specimen should be collected before the lumbar puncture

    • Markedly decreased CSF glucose (<40 mg/dL) and increased WBC count (neutrophil)

      • Increased levels: diabetes

      • Decreased levels: bacterial meningitis, tuberculosis, fungal and amebic meningitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, systemic hypoglycemia

    • Viral meningitis: CSF Glucose is unaffected because viruses do not utilize glucose. It needs a living host

      • Reference values: 40-70 mg/dL (adult)

      • 60-80 mg/dL (child)

      • Normal CSF-to-glucose ratio: <0.5


    • Formed during the conversion of pro-insulin (pre cursor molecule for the synthesis of insulin in the β -cells) to insulin

    • Level of insulin is directly proportional to the c-peptide formed

    • The amount of circulating C-peptide provides reliable indicators for pancreatic and insulin secretion (B-cell function)

    • Can be used to monitor individual responses to pancreatic surgery

    • This test mainly evaluates hypoglycemia and continues assessment of B-cell function

      • Specimen: fasting blood

      • Method for testing: Immunometric assay (anti-C peptide is the antibody reagent – react with the c-peptide)

      • Increased: insulinoma, type 2 DM, ingestion of hypoglycemia drugs

      • Decreased: type 1 DM

      • Reference values: 0.90-4.3 mg/mL (CF: 0.333)


    • WB glucose concentration 11% lower than plasma - To prevent false decrease

    • Serum or plasma must be refrigerated and separated from the cells within 1hr

    • Sodium fluoride (gray-top) can be used to inhibit glycolytic enzymes – if not inhibited, it could lead to false decrease

    • FBG should be obtained in the morning after 6 to 8 hours fasting (not longer than 16 hours)

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    • Nelson Somogyi

      • Copper reduction method (uses BaSO4 to remove saccharoids)

      • Glucose + arsenomolybdic acid à arsenomolybdenum blue

      • Utilizes direct colorimetric method (measured colorimetrically); increased absorbance

    • Hagedorn Jensen

      • Ferric reduction method (inverse colorimetry)

      • Glucose + Ferricyanide (yellow) à Ferrocyanide (colorless)

      • Color reactant is reduced to colorless; decreased absorbance

    • Ortho-toluidine (Dubowski)

      • Condensation of carbohydrates with aromatic amines producing Schiff bases (green)

      • Utilizes direct colorimetric method (measured colorimetrically); increased absorbance


    • Glucose oxidase (Saifer Gernstenfield)

      • B-D-glucose + H2O – glucose oxidase à gluconic acid + H2O2

      • H2O2 + reduce chromogen- peroxidase à oxidized chromogen + H2O

      • Couple reaction is known Trinder’s reaction

      • False low results due to ↑ uric acid, bilirubin, and ascorbic acid

      • O2 consumption electrode (polarographic glucose analyzers) can also measure oxygen depletion

      • Main enzyme: glucose oxidase

      • Measured: oxidized something

    • Hexokinase (reference method)

      • Glucose + ATP -hexokinase à glucose 6-PO4 + ADP

      • Glucose 6-PO4 + NADP+ ―G-6-PD à NADPH + H+ 6-phosphogluconate

      • ↑ in absorbance is measured at 340 nm

      • False low results due to gross hemolysis and ↑↑↑ bilirubin

      • Main enzyme: hexokinase

      • Secondary enzyme/coupling: G6PD

      • NADP- oxidized form

      • NADPH- reduced form

    • Clinitest

      • Reducing substance + Cu+2 à Cu+1O


    • Type 1 diabetes – 3 to 4 times/day


    • A solution containing 75g (adults) or 1.75g/kg (children) of glucose is administered, and a 2-Hour Postprandial Tests specimen is drawn 2 hrs later

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  • HBA1C

    • Index for long term plasma glucose control (2-3 months period), indicating compliance and efficacy of DM therapy.

    • Formed by the attachment of glucose to Hb to form a ketoamine

    • Specimen requirement is EDTA WB sample

    • Normal value: 4.5 to 8.0%

    • Normal: px complies/ medication is effective (for px diagnosed with diabetes)

    • High hba1c: px do not follow/medication is not effective



      • Polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies toward the glycated N- terminal group of the B chain of Hb


      • Separated based on chemical structure using boronate group to bind glycosylated proteins


      • Positive-charge resin bed attaches to negatively charged hemoglobin


      • Separation is based on differences in charge


      • Type of electrophoresis using isoelectric point to separate


    • Produced by the liver through metabolism of stored lipids

    • Increased in type 1 DM

    • 3 ketone bodies:

      • Acetone (2%)

      • Acetoacetic acid (20%) – most commonly tested

      • 3-B-hydroxybutyric acid (78%)

    • Ketonemia

      • Accumulation of ketones in blood

    • Ketonuria

      • Accumulation of ketones in urine

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    • Gerhardt’s Test

      • Acetoacetic acid + Ferric chloride à Red color

    • Nitroprusside

      • Acetoacetic acid + nitroprusside –alkaline pHà Purple color

    • Enzymatic

      • NADH + H+ + acetoacetic acid –β-HBDà NAD + βhydroxybutyric acid


    • Cation-exchange Chromatography

      • Positive-charge resin bed attaches to negatively charged hemoglobin

    • Electrophoresis

      • Separation is based on differences in charge

    • Isoelectric focusing

      • Type of electrophoresis using isoelectric point to separate

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  • HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography)

    • A form of ion-exchange chromatography

    • Used to separate all forms of HbA1C (A1a, A1b, A1c)


    • Diagnosis at an early-stage diabetic renal nephropathy and before the development of proteinuria

    • Persistent albuminuria in the range of 30-299 mg/24 hr or albumin creatinine ratio of 30 to 300 µg/mg

    • Normally reabsorbed.


Carbs (CC1 Lec)


Page 1:

  • Carbohydrates are the primary energy source stored primarily as glycogen in the muscle and liver.

  • Disease states involved hyperglycemia (INCREASE GLUCOSE LEVEL) and hypoglycemia (DECREASE PLASMA GLUCOSE).

  • Carbohydrates are hydrates of aldehydes or ketones and contain C, H, and O.

  • Classification of carbohydrates is based on the size of the base carbon chain, location of the carbonyl functional group, stereochemistry of the compound, and number of sugar units.

  • Monosaccharides are the simplest form of sugar and include fructose, glucose, and galactose.

  • Disaccharides are formed by the interaction of two monosaccharides and include maltose, lactose, and sucrose.

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  • Polysaccharides are formed by the linkage of many monosaccharide units and include starch, glycogen, cellulose, and oligosaccharides.

  • Carbohydrate models include Fischer projection and Haworth projection.

  • Glucose metabolism involves the digestion of complex sugars in the small intestine, absorption into the bloodstream, and circulation to different cells or tissues.

  • Insulin is the hormone responsible for lowering plasma glucose levels and promoting cell uptake of glucose, glycolysis, glycogenesis, and lipogenesis.

  • Glucose metabolism also involves glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, lipogenesis, and lipolysis.

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  • Glycolysis is the metabolism of glucose to lactate or pyruvate for energy production.

  • Gluconeogenesis is the formation of glucose-6-phosphate from non-carbohydrate sources such as fats and proteins.

  • Glycogenesis is the conversion of glucose to glycogen for storage in the liver and muscles.

  • Glycogenolysis is the breakdown of glycogen to glucose-6-phosphate.

  • Lipogenesis is the conversion of carbohydrates to fatty acids.

  • Lipolysis is the decomposition of fat.

  • Glucose metabolism is regulated by hormones, with insulin being the primary hormone responsible for decreasing blood glucose levels.

Regulation of Glucose Metabolism:

  • Glucose metabolism is controlled by hormones.

  • Insulin is the primary hormone responsible for decreasing blood glucose levels.

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  • Hormones involved in glucose regulation:

    • Insulin:

      • Synthesized by the β-cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas.

      • Regulates blood glucose by increasing glycogenesis, glycolysis, and lipogenesis.

      • Can be synthesized or produced outside the body and injected to a person with insulin deficiency.

    • Glucagon:

      • Synthesized by the alpha cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas.

      • Primary hormone responsible for increasing blood glucose.

      • Regulates blood glucose by increasing glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis.

    • Epinephrine:

      • Produced by the adrenal cortex in response to ACTH.

      • Increases plasma glucose by decreasing intestinal entry of glucose into the cell and increasing gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, and lipolysis.

      • Associated with stress and promotes the inhibition and secretion of insulin.

    • Cortisol (Glucocorticoids):

      • Produced by the adrenal cortex in response to ACTH.

      • Increases plasma glucose by lowering interstitial entry of glucose into the cell and promoting gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, and lipolysis.

    • Growth hormone:

      • Produced by the anterior pituitary gland.

      • Increases plasma glucose by decreasing glucose entry to cells and increasing glycolysis.

    • Thyroxine (T4):

      • Produced by the thyroid gland.

      • Increases plasma glucose by promoting glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, and glucose intestinal absorption.

    • Somatostatin:

      • Produced by the Delta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas and hypothalamus.

      • Affects glucagon and growth hormone.

      • Increases plasma glucose by inhibiting insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone.

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  • Hyperglycemia:

    • Elevated plasma glucose; increase in blood glucose levels.

    • Can be seen in physiologic and pathologic conditions.

    • Causes include stress, severe infection, dehydration, pregnancy, pancreatectomy, hemochromatosis, insulin deficiency or abnormal insulin receptor.

    • Fasting blood sugar levels:

      • Normal: 70-110 mg/dL.

      • Impaired fasting glucose/borderline fasting glucose: 111-125 mg/dL.

      • Diabetes mellitus: FBS levels ≥126 mg/dL.

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  • Diabetes Mellitus:

    • Metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin or both.

    • Types of DM: Type 1 (insulin-dependent), Type 2 (non-insulin dependent), Gestational.

    • Type 3 DM is a proposed type associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease.

  • Pathogenesis of Type 1 DM:

    • β-Cell destruction and absolute insulin deficiency linked to autoimmune disorder caused by genetic defect.

    • Autoantibodies involved: Islet cell autoantibodies, Insulin autoantibodies, Glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibodies, Tyrosine phosphatase IA-2 & IA-2B autoantibodies.

  • Pathogenesis of Type 2 DM:

    • Insulin resistance with insulin secretory defect.

    • Increased with age, obesity, and lack of exercise.

  • Gestational Diabetes Mellitus:

    • Due to metabolic and hormonal changes during pregnancy.

    • High risk for respiratory distress syndrome, hypocalcemia, and hyperbilirubinemia.

    • Mothers with GDM after pregnancy can develop type 2 DM.

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  • Characteristics of Type 1 DM:

    • Abrupt onset, insulin dependence, ketosis tendency.

    • Sign and Symptoms: Polydipsia, Polyphagia, Polyuria.

  • Characteristics of Type 2 DM:

    • Non-insulin dependent, milder symptoms than Type 1.

    • Sign and Symptoms: Polydipsia, Polyphagia, Polyuria.

  • Other associated conditions with diabetes: Genetic defects of β-cell function, pancreatic disease, endocrine disease, drug or chemical-induced, insulin receptor abnormalities, other genetic syndromes.

  • Laboratory findings in diabetes: Elevated urine specific gravity, ketones in serum and urine, decreased blood and urine pH, electrolyte imbalance.

  • Categories of fasting plasma glucose: Normal fasting glucose (FBG ≤110 mg/dL), Impaired fasting glucose (FBG 111-125 mg/dL), Provisional diabetes diagnosis (FBG >126 mg/dL).

  • Categories of oral glucose tolerance: Normal, Impaired glucose tolerance, Diabetes mellitus.

  • Diagnostic criteria for diabetes mellitus: Random plasma glucose ≥200mg/dL with symptoms, Fasting plasma glucose ≥126 mg/dL, 2-h plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dL during an OGTT.

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  • Normal glucose tolerance:

    • 2-h PG <140 mg/dL

  • Impaired glucose tolerance:

    • 2-h PG 14-199 mg/dL

  • Provisional diabetes diagnosis:

    • 2-h PG ≥200 mg/dL

  • Glucose load for different groups:

    • Non-pregnant female and male: 75g

    • Kids: 1.75g per kg body weight

    • Pregnant: 100g

  • Hypoglycemia:

    • Low/decreased plasma glucose level

    • Imbalance between glucose utilization and production

    • Symptoms:

      • Neurogenetic symptoms: tremors, palpitations, anxiety, diaphoresis

      • Neuroglycopenic symptoms: dizziness, tingling sensation, blurred vision, confusion, behavioral changes

    • Causes of hypoglycemia:

      • Patient appears healthy with no coexisting disease

      • Drugs

      • Insulinoma, Islet hyperplasia/Nesidioblastosis

      • Factitial hypoglycemia from insulin/sulfonylurea

      • Severe exercise, Ketotic hypoglycemia

  • Diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes mellitus:

    • 1-h plasma glucose ≥140 mg/dL during an OGTT + symptoms of gestational diabetes (100 grams glucose load)

    • 3-h plasma glucose:

      • Fasting (8-14 hrs) – >95 mg/dL

      • 1 hr – ≥180 mg/dL

      • 2 hrs – ≥155 mg/dL

      • 3 hrs – ≥140 mg/dL

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  • Compensated coexistent:

    • Drugs/disease

  • Laboratory findings:

    • Decreased glucose in plasma

    • Increased in patients with pancreatic βcells tumors (insulinoma) – high insulin levels

  • Inborn errors of metabolism:

    • Galactosemia:

      • Congenital deficiency of enzymes involved in galactose metabolism

      • Laboratory feature: elevated blood and urine galactose

      • Clinical features: jaundice, hepatomegaly, easy bruisability, galactosuria, E.coli, sepsis, cataract, hypotonia, sensory neural deafness

      • Diagnostic test: erythrocyte galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase activity

    • Essential fructosuria:

      • Autosomal recessive disorder characterized by fructokinase deficiency

      • Fructokinase catalyzes the conversion of fructose to glucose 1-phosphate

      • Diagnostic indicator: presence of fructose in urine

    • Hereditary fructose deficiency:

      • Defect of fructose 1-6-biphosphate aldolase B activity in the liver, kidney, and intestine

      • Inability to convert fructose-1-phosphate and fructose1-6-biphosphate into dihydroxyacetone phosphate, glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate, and glyceraldehydes

      • Clinical features: [no details provided]

    • Fructose 1-6-biphosphate deficiency:

      • Defect in fructose-1-6 biphosphate results in failure of hepatic glucose generation by gluconeogenic precursors such as lactate and glycerol

      • Clinical features: hypoglycemia, lactic acidosis, convulsions, and coma

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  • Glycogen storage disease:

    • Deficiency of specific enzymes involved in the metabolism of glycogen

    • Inherited autosomal recessive trait

    • Von-Gierke disease:

      • Most common glycogen storage disease (type 1A)

      • Affects liver and muscle

      • Clinical features: liver damage, muscular defect

      • Other GSD's: deficiencies of LDH, PK, phosphoglycerate kinase, and mutase

  • Types of GSD:

    • Ia (Von Gierke): Glucose 6-phosphatase deficiency (liver)

      • Clinical features: hepatomegaly, retarded growth, seizures

    • Ib: Same as Ia; recurrent bacterial infections

    • II (Pompe): Glucose-6-phosphatase translocase deficiency

      • Clinical features: cardiomegaly, infantile death

    • IIIa (Cori Forbes): De Brancher deficiency (liver and muscle)

      • Clinical features: hepatomegaly, muscle weakness, retarded growth, cardiomyopathy

    • IIIb: De Brancher deficiency (liver)

      • Clinical features: same as IIIa except muscle weakness

    • IV (Andersen): Brancher deficiency

      • Clinical features: cirrhosis, esophageal varices, ascites

    • V (McAndle): Muscle phosphorylase deficiency

      • Clinical features: myoglobinuria, muscle cramps

    • VI (Hers): Liver phosphorylase deficiency

      • Clinical features: hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia

    • VII (Tarui): Phosphofructokinase deficiency

      • Clinical features: pain and stiffness on exertion

    • VIII (Adenyl kinase): Urinary excretion of catecholamines

    • IXa: Phosphorylase kinase deficiency (liver)

      • Clinical features: hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia, delay in motor development

    • IXb: Phosphorylase deficiency (liver and muscle)

      • Clinical features: hepatomegaly, retarded growth, muscle hypotonia

    • X: Cyclic AMP-dependent

      • Clinical features: hepatomegaly

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  • Fanconi-Bickel

    • Glucose transporter-2

    • Hepatomegaly, rickets

    • Glycogen synthase

    • No Hepatomegaly; hypoglycemic symptoms in morning; mild growth delay


    • Lag phase

    • About 40-60% of the blood plasma glucose level

    • Affected or decreased whenever there is infection in the CNS; bacterial meningitis

    • Any changes in blood sugar are reflected in the CSF approximately one hour later because of the lag in CSF glucose equilibrium time

    • For comparison, a blood glucose specimen should be collected before the lumbar puncture

    • Markedly decreased CSF glucose (<40 mg/dL) and increased WBC count (neutrophil)

      • Increased levels: diabetes

      • Decreased levels: bacterial meningitis, tuberculosis, fungal and amebic meningitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, systemic hypoglycemia

    • Viral meningitis: CSF Glucose is unaffected because viruses do not utilize glucose. It needs a living host

      • Reference values: 40-70 mg/dL (adult)

      • 60-80 mg/dL (child)

      • Normal CSF-to-glucose ratio: <0.5


    • Formed during the conversion of pro-insulin (pre cursor molecule for the synthesis of insulin in the β -cells) to insulin

    • Level of insulin is directly proportional to the c-peptide formed

    • The amount of circulating C-peptide provides reliable indicators for pancreatic and insulin secretion (B-cell function)

    • Can be used to monitor individual responses to pancreatic surgery

    • This test mainly evaluates hypoglycemia and continues assessment of B-cell function

      • Specimen: fasting blood

      • Method for testing: Immunometric assay (anti-C peptide is the antibody reagent – react with the c-peptide)

      • Increased: insulinoma, type 2 DM, ingestion of hypoglycemia drugs

      • Decreased: type 1 DM

      • Reference values: 0.90-4.3 mg/mL (CF: 0.333)


    • WB glucose concentration 11% lower than plasma - To prevent false decrease

    • Serum or plasma must be refrigerated and separated from the cells within 1hr

    • Sodium fluoride (gray-top) can be used to inhibit glycolytic enzymes – if not inhibited, it could lead to false decrease

    • FBG should be obtained in the morning after 6 to 8 hours fasting (not longer than 16 hours)

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    • Nelson Somogyi

      • Copper reduction method (uses BaSO4 to remove saccharoids)

      • Glucose + arsenomolybdic acid à arsenomolybdenum blue

      • Utilizes direct colorimetric method (measured colorimetrically); increased absorbance

    • Hagedorn Jensen

      • Ferric reduction method (inverse colorimetry)

      • Glucose + Ferricyanide (yellow) à Ferrocyanide (colorless)

      • Color reactant is reduced to colorless; decreased absorbance

    • Ortho-toluidine (Dubowski)

      • Condensation of carbohydrates with aromatic amines producing Schiff bases (green)

      • Utilizes direct colorimetric method (measured colorimetrically); increased absorbance


    • Glucose oxidase (Saifer Gernstenfield)

      • B-D-glucose + H2O – glucose oxidase à gluconic acid + H2O2

      • H2O2 + reduce chromogen- peroxidase à oxidized chromogen + H2O

      • Couple reaction is known Trinder’s reaction

      • False low results due to ↑ uric acid, bilirubin, and ascorbic acid

      • O2 consumption electrode (polarographic glucose analyzers) can also measure oxygen depletion

      • Main enzyme: glucose oxidase

      • Measured: oxidized something

    • Hexokinase (reference method)

      • Glucose + ATP -hexokinase à glucose 6-PO4 + ADP

      • Glucose 6-PO4 + NADP+ ―G-6-PD à NADPH + H+ 6-phosphogluconate

      • ↑ in absorbance is measured at 340 nm

      • False low results due to gross hemolysis and ↑↑↑ bilirubin

      • Main enzyme: hexokinase

      • Secondary enzyme/coupling: G6PD

      • NADP- oxidized form

      • NADPH- reduced form

    • Clinitest

      • Reducing substance + Cu+2 à Cu+1O


    • Type 1 diabetes – 3 to 4 times/day


    • A solution containing 75g (adults) or 1.75g/kg (children) of glucose is administered, and a 2-Hour Postprandial Tests specimen is drawn 2 hrs later

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  • HBA1C

    • Index for long term plasma glucose control (2-3 months period), indicating compliance and efficacy of DM therapy.

    • Formed by the attachment of glucose to Hb to form a ketoamine

    • Specimen requirement is EDTA WB sample

    • Normal value: 4.5 to 8.0%

    • Normal: px complies/ medication is effective (for px diagnosed with diabetes)

    • High hba1c: px do not follow/medication is not effective



      • Polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies toward the glycated N- terminal group of the B chain of Hb


      • Separated based on chemical structure using boronate group to bind glycosylated proteins


      • Positive-charge resin bed attaches to negatively charged hemoglobin


      • Separation is based on differences in charge


      • Type of electrophoresis using isoelectric point to separate


    • Produced by the liver through metabolism of stored lipids

    • Increased in type 1 DM

    • 3 ketone bodies:

      • Acetone (2%)

      • Acetoacetic acid (20%) – most commonly tested

      • 3-B-hydroxybutyric acid (78%)

    • Ketonemia

      • Accumulation of ketones in blood

    • Ketonuria

      • Accumulation of ketones in urine

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    • Gerhardt’s Test

      • Acetoacetic acid + Ferric chloride à Red color

    • Nitroprusside

      • Acetoacetic acid + nitroprusside –alkaline pHà Purple color

    • Enzymatic

      • NADH + H+ + acetoacetic acid –β-HBDà NAD + βhydroxybutyric acid


    • Cation-exchange Chromatography

      • Positive-charge resin bed attaches to negatively charged hemoglobin

    • Electrophoresis

      • Separation is based on differences in charge

    • Isoelectric focusing

      • Type of electrophoresis using isoelectric point to separate

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  • HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography)

    • A form of ion-exchange chromatography

    • Used to separate all forms of HbA1C (A1a, A1b, A1c)


    • Diagnosis at an early-stage diabetic renal nephropathy and before the development of proteinuria

    • Persistent albuminuria in the range of 30-299 mg/24 hr or albumin creatinine ratio of 30 to 300 µg/mg

    • Normally reabsorbed.
