Ch. 22 - The Respiratory System

22.1 Anatomy of the Respiratory System

Variable affecting the efficiency of gas exchange in the alveolus - will be asked abt on the quiz

Oxyhemoglobin disassociation curve - may be questions on quiz


  • Respiration

    • can mean ventilation of the lungs (breathing) OR

    • use of oxygen in cellular metabolism

  • Functions of the respiratory system

    • Gas exchange: provides oxygen & CO2 exchange btw blood & air

    • Communication: serves for speech and other vocalization

    • Olfaction: sense of smell

    • Acid-Base balance: controls pH of the body fluid

    • Blood Pressure Regulation: help synthesize angiotensin II, a hormone that regulate BP

    • Platelet Production: half the blood platelets is made by megakaryocytes in the lungs

    • Blood and Lymph Flow: promote flow of lymph and venous blood bc breathing creates pressure gradients btw thorax & abdomen

    • Blood Filtration: filter small blood clots - preventing obstruction

    • Expulsion of abdominal contents: breath-holding & abdominal contraction help to expel abdominal contents during urination, defecation, & childbirth

  • Air flows along a dead-end pathway consisting essentially of bronchi → bronchioles → alveoli

  • Conducting zone: consisting of passage that serve only for airflow, essentially from nostrils through the major bronchioles

  • Respiratory Zone: consists of the alveoli and other gas-exchange regions of the distal airway

  • The Upper Respiratory Tract: nose through the larynx

  • The Lower Respiratory Tract: Trachea through the lungs

The Nose

  • Several functions: Warms, cleanses & humidifies inhaled air, detects oder, and serves as a resonating chamber that amplifies the voice

  • Nostrils or Nares: anterior openings

  • Posterior Nasal Apertures or choanae: posterior openings

  • Facial part of the nose is shaped by bone & Hyaline cartilage

    • Superior half is supported by a pair small nasal bones medially and the maxillae laterally.

    • The inferior half is supported by the lateral and alar cartilages

    • The flared portion on each side of the lower end of the nose called the ala nasi, shaped by the alar cartilages and dense connective tissue

  • Nasal Cavity - internal chamber of the nose

    • divides into right and left halves = nasal fossae

    • The dividing wall is a vertical plate called the nasal septum, which is composed of bone and hyaline cartilage

      • Vomer forms one-thrid

      • The perpendicular plate of the ethmoid forms the superior two thirds

      • Septal cartilage forms the non bony anterior part of the septum

    • Both the ethmoid & sphenoid compose the roof of the nasal cavity

    • paranasal sinuses and the nasolacrimal ducts of the orbit drain into the nasal cavity

    • Nasal cavity begins with a small dilated chamber called the vestibule just inside the nostril, bordered by the ala nasi

      • lined with stratified squamous epithelium, guard hairs, or vibrissae

    • Posterior to the vestibule, contained by three folds of tissue - the superior, middle, & inferior nasal conchae OR turbinates which project from the lateral walls toward the septum

      • Beneath each conchae are narrow air passages called a meatus

        • captures dust and air picks up moisture and heat from the mucosa - enables the the nose to cleanse, warm, & humidify the air more effectively

  • The Mucosa
