Photoshop Basic Tools

Toolbox Overview

  • Key tools in Adobe Photoshop: Each tool is designed for specific tasks and functionalities. Below are some of the most important tools:

    • Rectangular Marquee Tool (M): Makes rectangular selections.

      Rectangular Marquee Tool (M)
    • Elliptical Marquee Tool: Creates elliptical selections.

      Elliptical Marquee Tool (M)
      • Single Row Marquee Tool: Selects a single row of pixels, allowing for precise adjustments and edits in a narrow horizontal line.

        Single Row Marquee Tool
      • Single Column Marquee Tool: Selects a single column of pixels stretching from the top of the image to the bottom.

        Single Column Marquee Tool
    • Move Tool: Moves selections and layers around the canvas.

      Move Tool (V)
    • Lasso Tool (L): Allows to make irregular, freehand selections of the image.

      Lasso Tool (L)
      • Polygonal Lasso Tool: Makes straight-edged selections.

        Polygonal Lasso Tool (L)
      • Magnetic Lasso Tool: Clings to edges of an image.

        Magnetic Lasso Tool (L)
    • Slice Tool (K): Divides the images into segments which can be exported to form a HTML table.

      Slice Tool (K)
      • Slice Select Tool (K): Move and resize slices.

        Slice Select Tool (K)
    • Healing Brush Tool (J): Fixes blemishes by sampling areas nearby.

      Healing Brush Tool (J)
    • Patch Tool (J): Another image retouching tool which allows you to patch areas of the image.

      Patch Tool (J)
    • Brush Tool (B): Standard painting tool with adjustable settings.

      Brush Tool (B)
    • Clone Stamp Tool (C): Copies one part of the image to another.

      Clone Stamp Tool (C)
    • Pattern Stamp Tool (C): Paint a pattern on the canvas.

      Pattern Stamp Tool (C)
    • History Brush (Y): Similar to the Clone Stamp Tool but instead of allowing you to clone part of the image, it allows you to clone the part of the image as it appears in the previous stage of the History.

      History Brush (Y)
    • Eye Dropper (I): Select colors from the canvas, becoming the foreground color.

      Eye Dropper (I)
    • Color Sampler Tool (I): Selects color information from a specified point in your image.

      Color Sampler Tool (I)

    • Measure Tool (I): Measures areas on the screen.

      Measure Tool (I)
    • Hand Tool (H): Scroll around the document.

      Hand Tool (H)
    • Zoom Tool (Z): Selects a particular area to zoom into.

      Zoom Tool (Z)
    • Foreground/Background Color: If you click on it, you will be presented with a dialogue box for you to select the color.

      Foreground/Background Color
    • Art History Brush (Y): Transform conventional images into works of art.

      Art History Brush (Y)
    • Eraser Tool (E): Erases image parts, revealing the background.

      Eraser Tool (E)
    • Background Eraser (E): Makes erased area transparent.

      Background Eraser (E)
    • Magic Eraser (E): Similar to the Magic Wand Tool, it removes areas of similar color.

      Magic Eraser (E)
    • Gradient Tool (G): Click, draw a line in the canvas to create a gradient from the foreground color to the background color.

      Gradient Tool (G)
    • Paint Bucket (G): Fills an area of the screen with the foreground color.

      Paint Bucket (G)
    • Blur Tool (R): Blurs part of the image.

      Blur Tool
    • Sharpen Tool (R): Sharpen the image.

      Sharpen Tool
    • Smudge Tool (R): Smudges the image.

      Smudge Tool
    • Dodge Tool (O): Lighten parts of the image, either shadows, highlights, or mid tones using the Options Bar.

      Dodge Tool (O)
    • Burn Tool (O): Darkens parts of the image like the shadows, highlights, or mid tones using the Options Bar.

      Burn Tool (O)
    • Sponge Tool (O): Saturate or desaturate the image, making the colors more or less vivid.

      Sponge Tool (O)
    • Patch Selection Tool (A): Allows you to select vector graphics like the lines and shapes you can draw with the Pen Tools.

      Patch Selection Tool (A)
    • Direct Selection Tool (A): Allows you to manipulate vector graphics such as lines, shapes, and text.

      Direct Selection Tool (A)
    • Horizontal Type Tool (T): Creates horizontal type text.

      Horizontal Type Tool (T)
    • Vertical Type Tool (T): Creates vertical type text.

      Vertical Type Tool (T)
    • Pen Tool (P): Used to create paths into selections or objects that can have a stroke.

      Pen Tool (P)

Tool Functions

Selection Tools

  • Rectangular/Elliptical Marquee Tools: For basic shapes.

  • Magic Wand Tool (W): Selects similar colors in images; tolerance settings adjust the selection range.

  • Move Tool (V): Moves selections or layers on the canvas.

  • Crop Tool (C): Crops images to a specified area.

Retouching Tools

  • Healing Brush: Fixes imperfections by sampling an area.

  • Patch Tool: Patches images based on selections, can move source or destination patterns.

  • Clone Stamp Tool: Duplicates parts of an image, useful for covering areas.

Painting and Fill Tools

  • Brush Tool: Select from different brushes, set flow, and opacity.

  • Paint Bucket Tool (G): Fills areas with foreground color.

  • Gradient Tool: Creates color transitions on the canvas.

Layer Management

  • Layers: Photoshop allows working with multiple layers stacked on top of each other. This enables complex image composition.

  • Layers Palette: Essential for managing layer order, visibility, and blending settings.

The Layers Palette

Layer Types and Blending Modes

  • Normal Layer: Default blending setting.

  • Various Blending Modes: Adjust how layers interact with each other (e.g., Multiply, Screen, Overlay).

Selection Technique

  • Selection is crucial for sophisticated image manipulation. Use tools like the Rectangular Marquee, Lasso Tools, and Magic Wand.

  • Utilize the selection menu for operations like Inverse, Modify, and Color Range.

Edit Menu

  • Frequent tasks like Undo (Ctrl+Z), Copy (Ctrl+C), and Paste (Ctrl+V).

Image Menu

  • Adjustments affecting overall image properties (size, color mode).

    • Image Size, Canvas Size: Resize images or the workspace.

    • Crop: Isolate specific areas of an image.

Filter Menu

  • Offers effects to enhance or change the image (e.g., Artistic filters).

    • Examples include Film Grain, Colored Pencil, and Fresco.
