Aseptic Technique

Aseptic Technique in Bacterial Transfer

  • Aseptic technique aims to transfer a bacterial culture into fresh media without introducing contaminants.

  • All fresh media should be appropriately labeled with the names of the bacterial cultures being used.

Tools for Transferring Bacteria

  • Inoculating Loop: A thin wire loop used to transfer samples of bacteria.

  • Inoculating Needle: A straight wire used mainly for stab inoculation into agar medium.

Sterilizing the Inoculating Tools

  • Pass inoculating tools through the hottest part of the flame of a Bunsen burner, which is the blue cone.

  • This sterilization process kills any contaminants on the tool.

  • Important Note: After sterilization, do not touch or set down the inoculating tool on any surface.

  • Always work close to the flame to maintain an aseptic environment, as the flame reduces airborne contaminants.

Transferring Bacteria from Culture to Agar Plate

  1. Prepare for Transfer:- Hold the sterilized inoculating tool in your dominant hand.

    • Your other hand should hold the bacterial culture (test tube).

  2. Handling the Culture:- Remove the cap of the test tube using your dominant hand while keeping the other hand steady.

    • Pass the mouth of the test tube through the flame several times to sterilize it.

  3. Inoculating the Medium:- Dip the sterilized inoculating tool into the liquid culture, then remove it.

    • Sterilize the mouth of the test tube again before replacing the cap.

  4. Inoculating the Agar Plate:- Lift the lid of the agar plate at a 45-degree angle using your free hand, holding it as a shield against contaminants.

    • Streak the inoculating tool over the entire surface of the agar plate in all directions.

    • Rotate the plate a quarter turn between streaking to ensure even placement of bacteria across the surface.

    • Confirm that bacteria are evenly distributed across the plate.

Completing the Process

  • After inoculation, sterilize the inoculating tool again using the flame.

  • Properly discard all contaminated tools and waste into a biohazard container to maintain safety.

  • Disinfect the bench surface to ensure a clean working area for future experiments.
