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FCS Final

MPIES the 5 areas of child development

Moral- what is considered right or wrong

Physical- large and small motor groups

Intellectual- intellectual development

Emotional- how we grow and learn to deal with our emotions

Social- how we learn to interact with the people around us

Maslow’s- hierarchy of needs

John Locke-blank slate ( when we are born)

Brain Development: in the womb connections are being made

“Use it or lose it” what we don’t use gets pruned away.

Wiring- neurons that make connections

Synapses-a junction between nerve cells

Pruning- brain removed connections not needed-think of pruning a trees dead branches

Prefrontal cortex-LAST PART OF THE BRAIN TO DEVELOP-can make teens impulsive and risk takers

“Window of Opportunity” when it is the easiest to learn a new skill

Nature versus Nurture-how do they affect development both are important to understand child development

Theorist who we studied help to explain child development

Safety- car seats, baby swings, play pens, tubs ect…

Storytelling- children like repetition, stories they can relate to, appreciate a love of learning, we read from left to right, relationship between written word and spoken language

Digestion- where are nutrients absorbed primarily the small intestine

Viili-Increase surface area of absorption of nutrients in the small intestine

Building block of teeth and bones- calcium

Protein-growth, maintenance and repair of body tissues

Carbohydrate-Sugars, starches, and fiber

Nutrient dense fruits and vegetables- dark in color and rich in vitamins and minerals

Carbohydrate choices- 100% stone ground whole wheat,  limit sugar( simple sugars like soda and candy)

Six major nutrients- Fat pigs can’t move very well

Fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, water

My Plate-  recommended by the USDA for food guidelines ½ your foods should be fruits and vegetables

Food Label- regulated by the FDA, ingredients go from greatest amount to least

Healthiest fats are unsaturated: omega 3, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated

Saturated Fats- animal fats, any animal or animal bi- product

Fiber- non digestible carbohydrate-helps flush out intestine by absorption of fat

Trans fat- worst type of fat, typically in packaged foods, long shelf life, doesn't go rancid

Danger Zones for bacteria 40-140 degrees f. -freezing food doesn’t kill bacteria, ground beef carries a very high risk for bacteria, defrost foods in the refrigerator to slow down bacterial growth

Sanitation- best place is the dishwasher because water can get very hot. Or use a bleach solution- wooden cutting boards harbor bacteria

Food borne illness can result in fever, diarrhea and nauseous

Cost of Convenience: what is your time worth? Convenience foods are expensive, but save you time in preparation

Budget-a spending plan for your money

Debit Card-funds are immediately withdrawn from consumer’s account

Credit Card- buy now pay later

Loan-if you cosign a loan for someone, you become responsible for repaying the loan if the person defaults.

Lenders can deny giving credit when they have outstanding debt

Lenders decide to approve loans when they examine your bill paying history and income

Signing a lease-read carefully and understand all the terms.

Lease- agreement between the renter and the landlord

Fixed expense - amount stays the same (rent)

Flexible expenses- the cost will vary.(utilities)

Insurance quote- the insurance company’s estimate of what they can offer you and at what cost

Deductible-the amount of money the insured person must pay before the insurance company starts payment

Insurance adjuster-a person who investigates and settles insurance claims

Collusion- practices that eliminate competition through secret agreements

Redress-money or benefits that a consumer receives as fair compensation for a company’s mistake

Lemon Law-rights to the consumer who purchased a defective item usually cars

Technology/ Government/ Regional Agriculture- who is responsible?

Credit - money given in exchange for a promise for future payment

Credit card statement-a monthly statement showing cardholder what is owed and what was purchased

Debit card-funds are directly withdrawn from bank account

Federal trade commission-promotes consumer protection and eliminates harmful anti-competitive business practices.

Annual percentage Rate- the interest rate over the period of one year that applies to credit cards and loans

Debt-what the borrower owes the bank that lent them money

Deductions-money that is subtracted or taken from your paycheck

Gross pay-the amount of money in a paycheck before deductions are made

Net pay-(fishing) what you actually take home

Rate-how much you are paid per hour

Overtime-working extra hours usually for more money

Federal taxes-a percentage of an employee’s wages go to the federal government

Reading and understanding a food label-


FCS Final

MPIES the 5 areas of child development

Moral- what is considered right or wrong

Physical- large and small motor groups

Intellectual- intellectual development

Emotional- how we grow and learn to deal with our emotions

Social- how we learn to interact with the people around us

Maslow’s- hierarchy of needs

John Locke-blank slate ( when we are born)

Brain Development: in the womb connections are being made

“Use it or lose it” what we don’t use gets pruned away.

Wiring- neurons that make connections

Synapses-a junction between nerve cells

Pruning- brain removed connections not needed-think of pruning a trees dead branches

Prefrontal cortex-LAST PART OF THE BRAIN TO DEVELOP-can make teens impulsive and risk takers

“Window of Opportunity” when it is the easiest to learn a new skill

Nature versus Nurture-how do they affect development both are important to understand child development

Theorist who we studied help to explain child development

Safety- car seats, baby swings, play pens, tubs ect…

Storytelling- children like repetition, stories they can relate to, appreciate a love of learning, we read from left to right, relationship between written word and spoken language

Digestion- where are nutrients absorbed primarily the small intestine

Viili-Increase surface area of absorption of nutrients in the small intestine

Building block of teeth and bones- calcium

Protein-growth, maintenance and repair of body tissues

Carbohydrate-Sugars, starches, and fiber

Nutrient dense fruits and vegetables- dark in color and rich in vitamins and minerals

Carbohydrate choices- 100% stone ground whole wheat,  limit sugar( simple sugars like soda and candy)

Six major nutrients- Fat pigs can’t move very well

Fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, water

My Plate-  recommended by the USDA for food guidelines ½ your foods should be fruits and vegetables

Food Label- regulated by the FDA, ingredients go from greatest amount to least

Healthiest fats are unsaturated: omega 3, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated

Saturated Fats- animal fats, any animal or animal bi- product

Fiber- non digestible carbohydrate-helps flush out intestine by absorption of fat

Trans fat- worst type of fat, typically in packaged foods, long shelf life, doesn't go rancid

Danger Zones for bacteria 40-140 degrees f. -freezing food doesn’t kill bacteria, ground beef carries a very high risk for bacteria, defrost foods in the refrigerator to slow down bacterial growth

Sanitation- best place is the dishwasher because water can get very hot. Or use a bleach solution- wooden cutting boards harbor bacteria

Food borne illness can result in fever, diarrhea and nauseous

Cost of Convenience: what is your time worth? Convenience foods are expensive, but save you time in preparation

Budget-a spending plan for your money

Debit Card-funds are immediately withdrawn from consumer’s account

Credit Card- buy now pay later

Loan-if you cosign a loan for someone, you become responsible for repaying the loan if the person defaults.

Lenders can deny giving credit when they have outstanding debt

Lenders decide to approve loans when they examine your bill paying history and income

Signing a lease-read carefully and understand all the terms.

Lease- agreement between the renter and the landlord

Fixed expense - amount stays the same (rent)

Flexible expenses- the cost will vary.(utilities)

Insurance quote- the insurance company’s estimate of what they can offer you and at what cost

Deductible-the amount of money the insured person must pay before the insurance company starts payment

Insurance adjuster-a person who investigates and settles insurance claims

Collusion- practices that eliminate competition through secret agreements

Redress-money or benefits that a consumer receives as fair compensation for a company’s mistake

Lemon Law-rights to the consumer who purchased a defective item usually cars

Technology/ Government/ Regional Agriculture- who is responsible?

Credit - money given in exchange for a promise for future payment

Credit card statement-a monthly statement showing cardholder what is owed and what was purchased

Debit card-funds are directly withdrawn from bank account

Federal trade commission-promotes consumer protection and eliminates harmful anti-competitive business practices.

Annual percentage Rate- the interest rate over the period of one year that applies to credit cards and loans

Debt-what the borrower owes the bank that lent them money

Deductions-money that is subtracted or taken from your paycheck

Gross pay-the amount of money in a paycheck before deductions are made

Net pay-(fishing) what you actually take home

Rate-how much you are paid per hour

Overtime-working extra hours usually for more money

Federal taxes-a percentage of an employee’s wages go to the federal government

Reading and understanding a food label-