Every Command ON Compsci Test

Term: print()
Definition: Outputs text to the console or terminal.

Flashcard #2
Term: str()
Definition: Converts any value (usually a number) to a string.

Flashcard #3
Term: int()
Definition: Converts a value to an integer.

Flashcard #4
Term: math.sqrt()
Definition: Calculates the square root of a number.

Flashcard #5
Term: math.pow()
Definition: Raises a number to the power of another number.

Flashcard #6
Term: math.floor()
Definition: Rounds a number down to the nearest integer.

Flashcard #7
Term: math.ceil()
Definition: Rounds a number up to the nearest integer.

Flashcard #8
Term: round()
Definition: Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.

Flashcard #9
Term: math.abs()
Definition: Returns the absolute value of an integer.

Flashcard #10
Term: math.fabs()
Definition: Returns the absolute value of a floating point number.

Flashcard #11
Term: random.randint()
Definition: Generates a random integer between two specified values.

Flashcard #12
Term: random.uniform()
Definition: Generates a random float between two specified values.

Flashcard #13
Term: random.choice()
Definition: Selects a random item from a list.

Flashcard #14
Term: find()
Definition: Returns the index position of a character/substring starting from 0; returns -1 if not found.

Flashcard #15
Term: index()
Definition: Returns the index position of a value searched starting from 0; raises an error if not found.

Flashcard #16
Term: rfind()
Definition: Returns the position of the last occurrence of a value being searched; returns -1 if not found.

Flashcard #17
Term: replace()
Definition: Replaces an old substring with a new substring.

Flashcard #18
Term: center()
Definition: Returns a centered string within a specified number of spaces.

Flashcard #19
Term: count()
Definition: Returns the number of times a specific character occurs in a string.

Flashcard #20
Term: swapcase()
Definition: Returns a string where lowercase letters become uppercase and vice versa.

Flashcard #21
Term: len()
Definition: Returns the number of characters in a string.

Flashcard #22
Term: lstrip()
Definition: Removes leading whitespace from a string.

Flashcard #23
Term: rstrip()
Definition: Removes trailing whitespace from a string.

Flashcard #24
Term: strip()
Definition: Removes whitespace from both ends of a string.

Flashcard #25
Term: islower()
Definition: Returns True if all letters are lowercase.

Flashcard #26
Term: isupper()
Definition: Returns True if all letters are uppercase.

Flashcard #27
Term: isalpha()
Definition: Returns True if the string contains only letters.

Flashcard #28
Term: isdigit()
Definition: Returns True if the string contains only digits.

Flashcard #29
Term: isalnum()
Definition: Returns True if the string contains only letters and/or digits.

Flashcard #30
Term: isspace()
Definition: Returns True if the string contains only whitespace characters.

Flashcard #31
Term: startswith()
Definition: Returns True if the string starts with a specified value.

Flashcard #32
Term: endswith()
Definition: Returns True if the string ends with a specified value.

Flashcard #33
Term: isidentifier()
Definition: Returns True if the string is a valid identifier.

Flashcard #34
Term: append()
Definition: Adds an item to the end of a list.

Flashcard #35
Term: insert()
Definition: Inserts an item at a specified index in a list.

Flashcard #36
Term: extend()
Definition: Adds elements from another list to the end of the current list.

Flashcard #37
Term: remove()
Definition: Removes the first occurrence of an item from the list.

Flashcard #38
Term: pop()
Definition: Removes and returns an item at a specified index from the list.

Flashcard #39
Term: reverse()
Definition: Reverses the order of items in the list.

Flashcard #40
Term: sort()
Definition: Sorts the elements of the list in ascending order.

Flashcard #41
Term: copy()
Definition: Creates a shallow copy of the list.
