Draw and label the growth curve of bacterial batch culture
Explain the factors that affect microbial survival and growth in foods
Describe the impacts of the survival and growth of microorganisms in foods
Apply the principles of microbial growth in food processing, preservation, and fermentation
Classical growth curve comprises four phases: lag, logarithmic growth, stationary, and logarithmic death.
Exponential growth rule
Lag phase: relatively flat, no apparent growth, viable cells produce necessary enzymes for use of new medium
Exponential phase: doubling of cells at a steady rate, limited by absence of nutrients or increase in harmful metabolites, generation time (doubling time)
Stationary phase: no net increase in microbial population, very little cell division, variation in cell morphology, spores may be produced, toxins are produced
Death phase: rapid decline in population, marked difference between viable and total count
Intrinsic factors (substrate limitations)
Extrinsic factors
Processing factors
Implicit parameters
Moisture content (water activity)
pH and acidity
Nutrient content
Biological structure
Redox potential
Anti-microbial barriers and constituents
Each microbial species has a definite pH growth range and growth optimum.
Acidophiles (opt. 0-5.5), neutrophiles (opt. 5.5-8.0), alkalophiles (opt. 5-11.5)
Effect of pH on microorganisms: energy required to maintain cell's internal pH, cell membrane integrity, affect/denature membrane transport proteins, affect enzyme activity, denaturation of proteins, DNA, and other molecules, ionization of nutrients, microorganisms have mechanisms for maintaining internal pH close to neutral
Aerobes: grow in the presence of atmospheric O2
Anaerobes: grow in absence of O2
Facultative anaerobes: do not require O2 for growth but grow well in its presence
Aerotolerant anaerobes: ignore O2 and grow well whether it is present or not
Strict or obligate anaerobes: do not tolerate O2 at all and die in its presence
Microaerophiles: require O2 levels below atmospheric levels
Aw = Psoln/Pwater = 1/100 x Relative humidity
Microorganisms vary in their aw requirement, most grow well at values around 0.98 or higher
Aw is affected by solute concentrations
Halophiles: capable of living in salty environments
Osmophiles: organisms able to live in environments high in sugar
Xerophiles: able to live in very dry environments
Moulds: Aspergillus chevalieri (0.71), Aspergillus ochraceus (0.78), Aspergillus flavus (0.80), Penicillium verrucosum (0.79), Fusarium moniliforme (0.87)
Yeasts: Saccharomyces rouxii (0.62), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (0.90)
Bacteria: Bacillus cereus (0.92), Clostridium botulinum (proteolytic) (0.93), Clostridium botulinum (non-proteolytic) (0.97), Escherichia coli (0.93), Salmonella (0.95), Staphylococcus aureus (0.83)
Aw > 0.98: Fresh meats, fresh fish, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, canned vegetables in brine
Aw 0.93 - 0.98: Fermented sausages, processed cheese, bread, evaporated milk, tomato paste
Microbial flora: C. perfringens, Salmonella, Pseudomonas, lactobacilli, bacilli, and micrococci
Range of aW in foods and their microbial flora:
0.85 - 0.93:
S. aureus
Mycotoxin producing moulds
Spoilage yeasts and moulds
Dry fermented sausages
Raw ham (17% salt, saturated sucrose)
0.6 - 0.85:
Xerophilic fungi
Osmophilic yeasts
Dried fruit
Salted fish
< 0.6:
No growth but may remain viable
Dried egg, milk
Aw range:
Microbial flora
NaCl and glucose concentrations and corresponding Aw values at 25°C:
0.00% w/w NaCl
0.00% w/w Glucose
1.74% w/w NaCl
8.90% w/w Glucose
3.43% w/w NaCl
15.74% w/w Glucose
6.57% w/w NaCl
28.51% w/w Glucose
9.38% w/w NaCl
37.83% w/w Glucose
11.90% w/w NaCl
43.72% w/w Glucose
14.18% w/w NaCl
48.54% w/w Glucose
16.28% w/w NaCl
53.05% w/w Glucose
18.18% w/w NaCl
58.45% w/w Glucose
% w/w NaCl
Effect of water activity on lag time of S. aureus in UHT milk at 12°C:
Lag time (h)
Water activity (aw)
Effect of salt concentration on time to botulinum toxin production:
Salt Concentration (%)
Redox reactions:
Oxidation is the removal of electrons from an atom or molecule. Usually generates energy
Reduction is the gaining of one or more electrons by an atom or molecules
Redox potential (Eh):
A measurement of the ease by which a substance gains or loses electrons
Measured in terms of millivolts
Major groups of microorganisms based on Eh for growth are aerobes, anaerobes, facultative aerobes, and microaerophiles
Redox potential (Eh):
Eh ranges for growth:
Aerobes: +500 to +300 mV
Facultative anaerobes: +300 to -100 mV
Anaerobes: +100 to <-250 mV
Relationship of Eh to growth can be significantly affected by the presence of salt and other food constituents
Eh of foods vary with several factors, e.g. pH and buffering capacity, microbial growth, packaging, the partial pressure of oxygen in the environment, chemical composition.
Redox potential (Eh):
The O/R potential of a food is determined by the following:
The characteristic O/R potential of the original food
The poising capacity; that is the resistance to change in potential of the food
The oxygen tension of the atmosphere about the food
The access that the atmosphere has to the food.
Micro-organisms require nutrients for growth
Main elements required by the active cells of micro-organisms are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus
Elements needed in smaller quantities are Mg, Mn, Ca, Na, K, Cl, Cu, Fe, Zn, Co, Mo
The inability of an organism to utilize a major constituent of a food material will limit its growth. It will thus be at a competitive disadvantage to those microbes that make use of the food constituents
Intrinsic factors - Nutrients
Intrinsic factors - Nutrients:
Proteolytic microbes (e.g. Pseudomonas) grow well in protein-rich food (e.g. Meat, fish, milk)
Glycolytic microbes grow well in food with high sugar-/ carbohydrate-content (e.g. Fruits)
Nutrients required by one microbe can be provided by others if not present in food (e.g. peptides produced by Streptococcus thermophilus used by Lactobacillus bulgaricus)
Naturally occurring and added antimicrobials:
Plant-based antimicrobial constituents:
Essential oils, e.g. eugenol in cloves, allicin in garlic prevents general bacteria growth
Naturally occurring and added antimicrobials:
Animal-based antimicrobials:
Lactoferrin, conglutinin and lactoperoxidase system in cow’s milk
Lysozyme in eggs and milk prevent growth of Gram negative bacteria
Antimicrobials formed during processing:
Chemical preservatives – Cranberry has benzoic acid which prevent growth of fungi
Extrinsic factors (Environmental limitations):
Relative humidity
Gaseous atmosphere
Types of packaging/atmospheres
Microorganisms are poikilothermic – temperature varies with that of the external environment.
Microbial growth has a fairly characteristic temperature dependence with 3 distinct cardinal temperatures
Minimum, optimum and maximum. The optimum is always closer to the maximum.
The cardinal temperatures vary greatly between microorganisms
Growth temperatures for particular organisms usually span over 30 ˚C
Stenothermals have smaller ranges
Eurythermals have wider ranges
How temperature affects growth rate of a bacterial population:
C (Minimum)
B (Optimum)
A (Maximum)
Five classes of microorganisms based on their temperature requirements:
Psychrophiles – Can grow at 0 ˚C; Optimum temp. 15 ˚C or lower; Maximum temp. around 20 ˚C.
Psychrotrophs or facultative psychrophiles – can grow at 0 ˚C, but their optima are between 20 and 30 ˚C
Mesophiles – Minimum temp. 15-20 ˚C; Optima temp. around 20-45 ˚C. Maxima is about 45 ˚C.
Thermophiles – Minimum temp. around 45 ˚C; Optima between 55 and 65 ˚C;
Extreme (Hyper) thermophiles –Have optima between 80 and about 110 ˚C.
Temperature affects bacteria:
Lag phase
Growth rate
Final cell numbers
Enzymatic and chemical composition of cells
Membrane structure & Nutritional requirements
Limits for other factors influencing growth through the change in
Temperature range for growth of pathogenic bacteria:
Pathogenic bacteria
E. coli
S. aureus
C. botulinum (proteolytic)
C. botulinum (non-proteolytic)
B. cereus
1 = Mesophilic
2 = Psychrotrophic
Temperature range for growth of toxigenic mould species:
Log Numbers of S. typhimurium at different temperatures over time
Vacuum-packed hot smoked trout
Salt concentration = 0.5%
Relationship between temperature and time to botulinum toxin production
Interrelation between relative humidity and water activity
Condensation in high relative humidity environments
Germination and growth of propagules in localized areas
Influence of growth on water activity and other organisms
Occurrence in grain silos and storage tanks
Inhibitory effect of CO2 on microorganisms
Variation in sensitivity among different microorganisms
Increase in inhibition effect with decrease in temperature
Bacteriostatic effect of CO2 on pH
Similar action to weak organic acid
Definition of reduced oxygen packaging
Examples of packaging procedures
Cook-chill process
Sous-vide process
Comparison of cook-chill and sous-vide processes
Process of vacuum packaging
Absorption of residual oxygen in the bag
Application of vacuum packaging to cooked meats, fish, and salads
Prevention of aerobic growth due to high CO2 and low O2 tension
Dominance of lactic acid bacteria over gram-negative aerobes
Risk of Clostridium botulinum
Flushing package with gas mixture containing CO2, O2, and N2
Changes in gas composition during storage
Consideration of gas composition for product stability
Role of oxygen in maintaining red appearance of oxymyoglobin
Delay of oxidative rancidity by excluding oxygen
Use of nitrogen to prevent pack collapse
Inhibitory effect of CO2 on aerobes
Steps in the mechanism of CO2's effect on microbial cells
Gas mixtures used for different food products
Use of impermeable packaging for bulk storage and transport of food
Examples of controlled atmosphere storage for fruits, vegetables, and lamb carcasses
Impact on cell membrane, solute transport, enzymes, and proteins
Influence of organism properties, growth rate, substrate affinity, physiological state, history, stress response, competitive microflora, and microbial interactions
Importance of microorganism in food microflora determined by specific growth rate
Dominance of bacteria over moulds at low pH
Impact of substrate affinity on growth competition
Sensitivity of exponential phase cells to heat, low pH, and antimicrobials
Relationship between growth rate and sensitivity to treatments
Pre-adaptation to adverse conditions
Increase in heat resistance through culturing at higher temperatures
Increase in acid resistance through pre-exposure to moderately low pH
Reduction of minimum growth temperature through growth at progressively lower temperatures
Role of cell-to-cell communication in stress response
Induction of stress response in nearby cells through molecules secreted by stressed cells
Mutualism and its effects on growth stimulation
Safety implications of mutualism in certain food products
Nutrient availability and removal of inhibitory components through microbial interactions
Microbial interactions
Micro-organisms may be antagonistic towards one another.
Some produce inhibitory compounds or sequester essential nutrients such as iron to prevent other microbial populations from growing/surviving
Example: lactic cultures in fermented foods
Processing factors
Ecosystem of Food
Direct influence on number/type of micro-organisms
Indirect influence by change of intrinsic factors
Chemical and Physical conditions of food
Implicit parameters
Micro-organisms, growth characteristics, interactions
Relative humidity (r