Managers: are individuals who coordinate and oversee the work of other people so that organisational goals can be reached
Classification of managers:
The hierarchy table decreases in the amount of employees as we go up the triangle
Top Managers: individuals who are responsible for making organisation-wide decisions and establishing plans and goals that affect the organisation
Bottom: individuals who manage the work of first-line managers
First-line managers: Individuals who manage the work of non-managerial employees.
Non-managerial employees: individuals who work directly on a job, and have no responsibility of overseeing the work of others
Managerial concerns:
Efficiency: “doing things right”, getting the most output for the least input
→ low resource usage/waste (means)
Effectiveness: “doing the right things”, attaining organisational goals
→ high goal attainment (ends)
What do managers do?
Planning: defining goals, establishing strategies to achieve goals, developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities → creating
Organising: arranging and structuring work to accomplish organisational goals → arranging
Leading: working with and through people to accomplish goals → motivating
Controlling: monitoring, comparing, and correcting work
→ All these functions help achieve the organisation’s stated purpose
Management roles:
Interpersonal roles (figurehead, leader, liaison)
Informational roles (monitor, disseminator, spokesperson)
Decisional roles (disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator)
Managers have to:
Interact with others, the organisation, and the external context of the organisation
Reflect ~ thoughtful thinking
Action ~ practical doing
Skills managers should have:
Technical skills: knowledge and proficiency in a specific field
→ most important in lower management
Human skills: the ability to work well with other people
→ most important in middle management
Conceptual skills: the ability to think and conceptualise about abstract and complex situations concerning the organisation
→ most important in top management
How a manager’s job is changing:
Changing consumer needs: high quality products/customer service
Innovation: doing things differently, exploring new territory, taking risks
What is an organisation?
A deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose
→ individuals can’t accomplish them alone
Distinct purpose (goal)
Composed of people
Deliberate structure
The universality of management is that it is needed in all aspects of an organisation, no matter how small or large