Word Part | Meaning | Example Words |
ab | away | absent, abnormal, absorb |
ab | away | absent, abnormal, absorb |
able/ible | capable of | reversible, breakable, visible |
ad | to; toward | adhere, adjoin, adapt |
al | having to do with | herbal, factual, seasonal |
amb/ambi | around; both | ambient, ambiguous, amble |
ante | before | anterior, antebellum, antecedent |
anthrop | human | anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropist |
anti | against | antibiotic, antisocial, antifreeze |
aqu | water | aquarium, aqueduct, aquifer |
ast | star | astronomy, astrology, asteroid |
aud | hear | audio, audience, auditorium |
auto | self | autograph, automobile, autobiography |
ben/bene | good | benefit, benign, benevolent |
bi | two | bicycle, bilingual, bisect |
bio | life | biology, biography, biopsy |
cent | hundred | century, percent, centipede |
chrono | time | chronic, chronological, chronicle |
circum | around | circumvent, circumscribe, circumference |
co/con | with; together | construct, collaborate, confer |
counter | opposing | counterbalance, counterfiet, counteract |
cred | believe | incredible, discredit, credence |
cycl | circle | recycle, bicycle, cyclone |
dec | ten | decade, decimal, decibel |
dem/demo | people | democracy, demographics, epidemic |
di/du | two | duet, dissect, dialogue |
dia | across; through | dialogue, diameter, diagnosis |
dic/dict | speak; say | dictionary, dictate, contradict |
dis | not | disagree, disinfect, disobey |
ence/ance | state; condition | performance, conference, insurance |
equ | equal | equator, equality, equation |
ex | former; past | ex-girlfriend, ex-president, ex-mayor |
fer | carry | transfer, conifer, aquifer |
frac/frag | break | fraction, fragment, fragile |
ful | full of | thoughtful, painful, helpful |
gen | born | gene, gender, genesis |
geo | earth | geology, geode, geography |
grad | step | graduation, graduate, gradual |
graph | write | paragraph, calligraphy, autograph |
hydro/hydra | water | hydrate, hydrogen, hydroplane |
hyper | over; beyond | hyperactive, hyperlink, hyperventilate |
ian | related to; like | librarian, pedestrian, historian |
ic/tic | having to do with | realistic, organic, metallic |
ile | related to | reptile, sterile, juvenile |
in | not | incapable, incomplete, inaudible |
inter | between | internet, intermission, international |
intra | within | intrastate, intramural, intrapersonal |
ism | condition; belief in | racism, tourism, journalism |
ist | person who does | soloist, artist, cyclist |
ity | state of being | creativity, disability, equality |
ject | throw | eject, reject, interject |
junct | join | juncture, junction, adjunct |
less | without | homeless, useless, wireless |
log | word | monologue, prologue, eulogy |
ly | how; how often | quickly, hourly, carefully |
magn | large; great | magnify, magnitude, magnificent |
mal | bad; evil | malady, malaria, malice |
man | hand | manicure, manage, manual |
medi | middle | mediocre, medium, medieval |
mega | large | megabyte, megaphone, megalith |
meter | measure | diameter, perimeter, thermometer |
micro | small | microscope, microwave, microbe |
min | small | miniature, minute, minimum |
mis | wrong | misbehave, misspell, miscount |
miss/mit | send | missile, transmit, dismiss |
mon/mono | one | monument, monologue, monorail |
mort | death | immortal, mortify, mortuary |
multi | many | multicolored, multicolored, multigrain |
non | not | nonviolent, nonstop, nonfiction |
oct/octo | eight | octopus, octagon, octave |
ology | study of | biology, zoology, psychology |
ortho | straight | orthodontist, orthopedic, orthodox |
ous | having | virtuous, adventurous, hazardous |
pan | all | panorama, pandemic, pantheon |
para | beside; related | parallel, parasite, paramedic |
path | disease; feeling | pathogen, psychopath, sympathy |
ped | foot | pedal, pedestrian, pedometer |
phobia | fear | claustrophobia, hydrophobia, arachnophobia |
phon | sound | telephone, saxophone, microphone |
photo | light | photon, photography, photosynthesis |
phys | body; nature | physician, physical, physique |
plex | parts; units | complex, cineplex, duplex |
poly | many | polygon, polytheism, polygraph |
port | carry | airport, transport, import |
pos | put; place | position, compose, deposit |
post | after | posterior, postscript, postpone |
pre | before | pregame, preview, prepay |
psych | mind | psychology, psychic, psychiatrist |
quad | four | quadruple, quadrant, quadratic |
re | again | rebuild, refund, renew |
retro | back; backwards | retrospect, retroactive, retrograde |
rupt | break | disrupt, interrupt, erupt |
scope | look; see | periscope, telescope, microscope |
script/scrib | write | scribble, prescribe, manuscript |
sect | cut | section, dissect, intersect |
semi | half | semicircle, semifinal, semicolon |
sens/sent | to feel | sentimental, sensitive, consent |
soci | people | sociology, social, associate |
sol | alone | solo, solitary, desolate |
spec | see | inspect, spectacle, spectator |
spir | breathe | conspire, inspire, respiratory |
struct | build | construction, structure, instruct |
sub | under | subway, submarine, subtitle |
super | over; greater | superior, supervisor, superimpose |
syn/sym | with; together | sympathy, synonym, symptom |
tech | craft; skill | technique, technology, technician |
tele | far | television, telephone, telescope |
terr/terra | land; earth | terrain, terrace, territory |
the/theo | god | theology, monotheism, polytheism |
therm | heat | thermometer, thermos, hypothermia |
tion | action; state of being | infection, addition, celebration |
tract | drag; pull | attract, subtract, contraction |
trans | across; through | transform, transaction, translate |
tri | three | tripod, tricycle, triple |
un | not | unhappy, unhealthy, unsafe |
uni | one | unicycle, uniform, united |
vac | empty | vacuum, vacant, evacuate |
ven | come | prevent, venue, invent |
vert/vers | turn | conversation, introvert, reverse |
vid/vis | see | visible, video, television |
zoo | animal | zoology, |