
The pattern of stressed (accented, long) and unstressed (unaccented, short) syllables in poetry.


Rhythm that is not truly regular.


The analysis of meter and its variations in poetry.


A unit of meter with two or three syllables, one of which is usually stressed:

Iambic foot: Two syllables, stress on the second (most common in English poetry).

Trochaic foot: Two syllables, stress on the first (e.g., "Double, double, toil and trouble").

Anapestic foot: Three syllables, stress on the third.

Dactylic foot: Three syllables, stress on the first.

Spondaic foot: Two stressed syllables.

Pyrrhic foot: Two unstressed syllables (rare).

Dipodic foot: Four syllables (unaccented, lightly accented, unaccented, heavily accented).

Other Terms

Anacrusis: Prefixing an unstressed syllable that forms no metrical part of the line.

Feminine ending: A final unstressed syllable in iambic or anapestic lines.

Catalexis: Dropping unaccented syllables at the end of a line.

Metrical lines: Classified by the number of feet (monometer, dimeter, trimeter, etc.).

Sprung rhythm: Gerard Manley Hopkins’s term for variable meter.

Stanza Types

Couplet: Two lines (aa).

Triplet: Three lines (aaa).

Quatrain: Four lines with rhyme schemes like abab, abba, etc.

Quintet: Five lines.

Sestet: Six lines.

Septet: Seven lines.

Octave: Eight lines.

Heroic Couplet: Two rhyming lines with a complete thought (usually iambic pentameter).

Terza Rima: Three-line stanzas with an interwoven rhyme scheme (aba, bcb, etc.).

Spenserian Stanza: Nine lines (8 iambic pentameter + 1 alexandrine).


Rhyme and Sound

Types of Verse

Rhymed verse: Has end rhyme and regular meter.

Blank verse: Iambic pentameter without rhyme.

Free verse: No regular meter or rhyme.

Rhyme Types

End rhyme: At the end of lines.

Internal rhyme: Within a line.

Masculine rhyme: One syllable.

Feminine rhyme: Two syllables.

Leonine rhyme: Rhyme before and at the end of a caesura.

Other Sound Devices

Alliteration: Repetition of initial sounds.

Assonance: Repetition of vowel sounds.

Consonance: Repetition of consonant sounds.

Onomatopoeia: Words imitating sounds.

Repetition: Reiterating words or phrases.

Enjambment: Running one line into another.


Ideas and Figures of Speech

Simile: Comparison using "like" or "as."

Metaphor: Implied comparison.

Personification: Human traits to nonhuman things.

Hyperbole: Exaggeration.

Litotes: Emphasis by understatement.

Oxymoron: Combining opposite ideas (e.g., "sweet sorrow").

Allusion: Reference to literature or history.


Forms of Poetry


First letters form a word or phrase.


Narrative poem suitable for singing.

Blank Verse

Unrhymed iambic pentameter (e.g., Paradise Lost).


Five lines with a syllabic structure of 2-4-6-8-2.


Long narrative poem detailing heroic deeds.


Three lines (5-7-5 syllables) focusing on nature.


Humorous five-line poem with an aabba rhyme scheme.


Formal and elaborate, often in praise of something.


14 lines in iambic pentameter:

Petrarchan: Octave and sestet (abbaabba cdecde).

Shakespearean: Three quatrains and a couplet (abab cdcd efef gg).


19-line poem with repeated lines and an aba rhyme scheme.


39 lines with a complex word-repetition structure.

Other Forms

Elegy: Mourning the dead.

Epistle: In letter format.

Spenserian Sonnet: Unique rhyme scheme (abab bcbc cdcd ee).
