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Unit 5 Study Guide

Define mystery according to theological terms - A mystery is something that isn't incomprehensible, but inexhaustible.

How can we come to better understand mysteries - Through investigation, inquiry, examining evidence, effort, and interest.

Where does the mystery of the trinity fall in the hierarchy of truth - At the top

How does Augustine describe each person of the trinity? what analogy does he use - The Father is the mind, The Son is the word and thought, and the Holy Spirit is the breath and love

Explain what it means that the trinity is 3 in 1. Distinguish between nature and person and identify how many natures God has and how many persons he is - The Trinity is 3 person in 1 nature. nature is what you are and person is who you are

Why cant we say that the persons of the trinity are identical - They are all their own person even though they share an intellect and a will

Describe the three common errors in understanding regarding the trinity - 3 Hats: Says God is one person with 3 different roles and plays just one at a time. It's wrong because all 3 persons of God are active at all times 3 levels: Says the Father is greater than the Son who is greater than the Holy Spirit. False because they're all equal 3 ages: Says the different persons were present at different times. This is false because they are all eternal and have been here for eternity

Differentiate begetting and creating. what does it mean that the son was begotten by the father - To beget means to become the father of (something of the same substance). To create is to make something of a different substance or nature. The father and the son are the same age as they are both eternal

Who are you and what are you to God - Who: the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. What: God

Summarize official church dogma regarding the incarnation - God the Son assumed Human nature and became man to bring salvation to the human nature. He was fully man and fully divine/God.

Incarnation - From the Latin, meaning "to become flesh," referring to the mystery of Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God, becoming man. In the Incarnation, Jesus Christ became truly man while remaining truly God.

In the incarnation what does jesus remain - He remains fully divine and fully God.

What does jesus take on - Human nature

Who and what are you to Jesus - Who: Jesus/the son What: Man and God

Hypostatic Union - The union of Jesus Christ's divine and human natures in one Divine Person.

Is jesus a human or divine person - He is fully divine and becomes fully human

How many intellects and wills does jesus have - Jesus has 2 intellects and wills, one for each nature

Why did God become man to save us from sin - He had to become man because man has to save man but no human was powerful enough to save all of mankind alone but God is

How did jesus' death effect the trinity - It didn't

What two events from the Old Testament support the idea of God giving heavenly food and requiring us to eat - Passover and Manna

what miraculous feedings occurred in the gospel - the feeding of the 5000 and the feeding of the 4000

What do the synoptic gospels say regarding the eucharist - They say it's jesus' actual body and blood

What does John say in his bread of life discourse - He says the eucharist is jesus' actual body and blood. This upholds catholic belief because the synoptic gospels said the same thing

How does the story of the road to Emmaus support the church teaching of the eucharist - The apostles didn't recognize Jesus until he broke bread and they realized it was him because the eucharist is Jesus' body

Why do we eat the Eucharist? - Our spiritual soul needs food and drink and sin entered the world through eating so it will leave the world through eating

What does St Paul say abt the eucharist in his first letter to the Corinthians - He says not everyone can consume the eucharist and those who do take it as a unified community

what two groups cannot recieve the eucharist - Non-catholics and catholics who are not in a state of grace

Identify the difference between substance and accidents - Accidents are physical characteristics that can change while substance is permanent

What happens in the transubstantiation - Accidental change- just accidents change Substantial change- accidents and substance changes Transubstantiation - just substance changes

what did romans think about early christians - They thought they were cannibals

what did early christians believe about the eucharist - They believed it was the actual body and blood of Christ so they protected it as it was. St. Clement said'"Eat My Flesh," He says, "and drink My Blood." The Lord supplies us with these intimate nutrients. He delivers over His Flesh, and pours out His Blood; and nothing is lacking for the growth of His children. O incredible mystery!"


Unit 5 Study Guide

Define mystery according to theological terms - A mystery is something that isn't incomprehensible, but inexhaustible.

How can we come to better understand mysteries - Through investigation, inquiry, examining evidence, effort, and interest.

Where does the mystery of the trinity fall in the hierarchy of truth - At the top

How does Augustine describe each person of the trinity? what analogy does he use - The Father is the mind, The Son is the word and thought, and the Holy Spirit is the breath and love

Explain what it means that the trinity is 3 in 1. Distinguish between nature and person and identify how many natures God has and how many persons he is - The Trinity is 3 person in 1 nature. nature is what you are and person is who you are

Why cant we say that the persons of the trinity are identical - They are all their own person even though they share an intellect and a will

Describe the three common errors in understanding regarding the trinity - 3 Hats: Says God is one person with 3 different roles and plays just one at a time. It's wrong because all 3 persons of God are active at all times 3 levels: Says the Father is greater than the Son who is greater than the Holy Spirit. False because they're all equal 3 ages: Says the different persons were present at different times. This is false because they are all eternal and have been here for eternity

Differentiate begetting and creating. what does it mean that the son was begotten by the father - To beget means to become the father of (something of the same substance). To create is to make something of a different substance or nature. The father and the son are the same age as they are both eternal

Who are you and what are you to God - Who: the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. What: God

Summarize official church dogma regarding the incarnation - God the Son assumed Human nature and became man to bring salvation to the human nature. He was fully man and fully divine/God.

Incarnation - From the Latin, meaning "to become flesh," referring to the mystery of Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God, becoming man. In the Incarnation, Jesus Christ became truly man while remaining truly God.

In the incarnation what does jesus remain - He remains fully divine and fully God.

What does jesus take on - Human nature

Who and what are you to Jesus - Who: Jesus/the son What: Man and God

Hypostatic Union - The union of Jesus Christ's divine and human natures in one Divine Person.

Is jesus a human or divine person - He is fully divine and becomes fully human

How many intellects and wills does jesus have - Jesus has 2 intellects and wills, one for each nature

Why did God become man to save us from sin - He had to become man because man has to save man but no human was powerful enough to save all of mankind alone but God is

How did jesus' death effect the trinity - It didn't

What two events from the Old Testament support the idea of God giving heavenly food and requiring us to eat - Passover and Manna

what miraculous feedings occurred in the gospel - the feeding of the 5000 and the feeding of the 4000

What do the synoptic gospels say regarding the eucharist - They say it's jesus' actual body and blood

What does John say in his bread of life discourse - He says the eucharist is jesus' actual body and blood. This upholds catholic belief because the synoptic gospels said the same thing

How does the story of the road to Emmaus support the church teaching of the eucharist - The apostles didn't recognize Jesus until he broke bread and they realized it was him because the eucharist is Jesus' body

Why do we eat the Eucharist? - Our spiritual soul needs food and drink and sin entered the world through eating so it will leave the world through eating

What does St Paul say abt the eucharist in his first letter to the Corinthians - He says not everyone can consume the eucharist and those who do take it as a unified community

what two groups cannot recieve the eucharist - Non-catholics and catholics who are not in a state of grace

Identify the difference between substance and accidents - Accidents are physical characteristics that can change while substance is permanent

What happens in the transubstantiation - Accidental change- just accidents change Substantial change- accidents and substance changes Transubstantiation - just substance changes

what did romans think about early christians - They thought they were cannibals

what did early christians believe about the eucharist - They believed it was the actual body and blood of Christ so they protected it as it was. St. Clement said'"Eat My Flesh," He says, "and drink My Blood." The Lord supplies us with these intimate nutrients. He delivers over His Flesh, and pours out His Blood; and nothing is lacking for the growth of His children. O incredible mystery!"