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Mongol Rule in China

  • Conquered a weak Song Empire in 1279

    • Dismantled Confucian Exam System

    • Fired Confucian scholars that advised the emperor

    • Changed language of government to Turkic

    • Forbade Chinese to marry Mongols or learn Turkic

  • Unified and revitalized China under Yuan Dynasty

    • Kublai Khan ruled and sought the Mandate of Heaven

    • Brought people of talent from other lands to help rule

      • Marco Polo, a merchant from Venice, served 17 years

    • Fair tax system for farmers & Created paper currency

    • Supported Buddhism

      • Many Mongols converted to Buddhism

    • Supported Chinese culture and the arts (theater)

    • Expanded trade & supported goods from Chinese artisans

    • Came to respect Confucianism over time

      • Kublai gave his son a Confucian education

      • Re-hired some Confucian scholars to advise

    • More social freedom for Mongol women served as a role model for how Chinese women could be treated - Kublai listened to his wife, Chabi

Mongol Rule in Persia

  • Conquered a weak Abbasid Empire in 1258

    • Abbasid Caliph refused to surrender

    • Mongols attacked and brutally destroyed Baghdad

    • Destroyed mosques, the House of Wisdom, and
      advanced irrigation systems for farming (Qanats)

    • Abbasid Empire had been in decline for some time

      • Hired Seljuk Turks to fight for them

      • Turks were taking over the real power

  • Mongols rebuilt and respected Islamic Civilization

    • Many Mongols converted to Islam

    • Mongols rebuild some mosques

    • Many Mongols married Persian women and assimilated to Persian culture

  • Mongols relocated talented government officials 

    • Persian officials went to China to help govern

    • Persian scholar, Juvaini, wrote histories of Mongols

  • Mongols promoted long-distance trade connecting Persia to Central Asia and China

    • The wine industry flourished in Persia, along with other industries

Mongol Rule in Russia

  • Conquered a weak Feudal Russia in 1223

    • Feudalism made it hard to fight the Mongols

    • Princes that resisted were brutally defeated

  • The Mongols ruled Russia as a Tributary State

    • Forests were not good for grazing animals

    • Russian culture did not compel them to stay

    • Mongols ruled from the steppes but collected taxes

    • The Prince of Moscow increased power as the tax
      collector for the Mongols

    • Daily life was less impacted/changed than China & Persia

    • Eastern Orthodox Church continued to thrive

  • Russia was integrated into Eurasian trade

    • New trade goods were exchanged to and from Russia

    • Russia adopted Asian cultural influences, like dress & hairstyles

  • Russia unified under a Tsar as a result of the Mongols

    • Ivan the Terrible used wealth from tax collection to unify the state

Mongol Empire in Central Asia & Beyond

  • Genghis Khan unified the Mongols, 1205

    • Temujin united the tribes and created a CODE

    • Armies organized under the decimal system

    • Armies sent in all directions to conquer neighbors

  • The Mongol Empire

    • United Eurasia under one state in an era of peace,
      called Pax Mongolica

    • Mongols physically protected trade on the Silk Road

    • Caravanserais gave travelers a place to stay

    • The Mongol Yam System was messenger or postal system that connected Eurasia

  • Mongol Capital, Karakorum, established in 1220

    • City in Central Asia that housed the Great Khan

    • Center for metalworks run by talented artisans from all over the empire

    • Dignitaries from all over the world, such as European William of Rubruck, visited to treat with the Great Khan



Mongol Rule in China

  • Conquered a weak Song Empire in 1279

    • Dismantled Confucian Exam System

    • Fired Confucian scholars that advised the emperor

    • Changed language of government to Turkic

    • Forbade Chinese to marry Mongols or learn Turkic

  • Unified and revitalized China under Yuan Dynasty

    • Kublai Khan ruled and sought the Mandate of Heaven

    • Brought people of talent from other lands to help rule

      • Marco Polo, a merchant from Venice, served 17 years

    • Fair tax system for farmers & Created paper currency

    • Supported Buddhism

      • Many Mongols converted to Buddhism

    • Supported Chinese culture and the arts (theater)

    • Expanded trade & supported goods from Chinese artisans

    • Came to respect Confucianism over time

      • Kublai gave his son a Confucian education

      • Re-hired some Confucian scholars to advise

    • More social freedom for Mongol women served as a role model for how Chinese women could be treated - Kublai listened to his wife, Chabi

Mongol Rule in Persia

  • Conquered a weak Abbasid Empire in 1258

    • Abbasid Caliph refused to surrender

    • Mongols attacked and brutally destroyed Baghdad

    • Destroyed mosques, the House of Wisdom, and
      advanced irrigation systems for farming (Qanats)

    • Abbasid Empire had been in decline for some time

      • Hired Seljuk Turks to fight for them

      • Turks were taking over the real power

  • Mongols rebuilt and respected Islamic Civilization

    • Many Mongols converted to Islam

    • Mongols rebuild some mosques

    • Many Mongols married Persian women and assimilated to Persian culture

  • Mongols relocated talented government officials 

    • Persian officials went to China to help govern

    • Persian scholar, Juvaini, wrote histories of Mongols

  • Mongols promoted long-distance trade connecting Persia to Central Asia and China

    • The wine industry flourished in Persia, along with other industries

Mongol Rule in Russia

  • Conquered a weak Feudal Russia in 1223

    • Feudalism made it hard to fight the Mongols

    • Princes that resisted were brutally defeated

  • The Mongols ruled Russia as a Tributary State

    • Forests were not good for grazing animals

    • Russian culture did not compel them to stay

    • Mongols ruled from the steppes but collected taxes

    • The Prince of Moscow increased power as the tax
      collector for the Mongols

    • Daily life was less impacted/changed than China & Persia

    • Eastern Orthodox Church continued to thrive

  • Russia was integrated into Eurasian trade

    • New trade goods were exchanged to and from Russia

    • Russia adopted Asian cultural influences, like dress & hairstyles

  • Russia unified under a Tsar as a result of the Mongols

    • Ivan the Terrible used wealth from tax collection to unify the state

Mongol Empire in Central Asia & Beyond

  • Genghis Khan unified the Mongols, 1205

    • Temujin united the tribes and created a CODE

    • Armies organized under the decimal system

    • Armies sent in all directions to conquer neighbors

  • The Mongol Empire

    • United Eurasia under one state in an era of peace,
      called Pax Mongolica

    • Mongols physically protected trade on the Silk Road

    • Caravanserais gave travelers a place to stay

    • The Mongol Yam System was messenger or postal system that connected Eurasia

  • Mongol Capital, Karakorum, established in 1220

    • City in Central Asia that housed the Great Khan

    • Center for metalworks run by talented artisans from all over the empire

    • Dignitaries from all over the world, such as European William of Rubruck, visited to treat with the Great Khan
