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Multiple, continuous, or cumulative cycling may increase the risk of serious bodily injury or death to a subject. As such, once a successful CEW contact is made, a member, or if there are multiple members who have made successful CEW contacts on a person, shall not exceed three (3), five (5) second cycles in total. Rare exceptions may exist. In circumstances where member(s) exceed the three (3), five (5) second cycle threshold, members shall complete a well-articulated Use of Force Report explaining why each successive cycle of the CEW was administered. These exceptions include but are not limited to the following: a. Persons whose continuing physical aggression is so intense that the member is forced to weigh the use of deadly force as one of the remaining use of force options; b. Persons who are aggressively resisting being taken into custody and where alternate uses of force such as baton strikes, striking, punching, kicking are ineffective or may be causing greater harm to the person than the continued use of the CEW; or c. Situations where lone members, while waiting for backup to arrive, are facing aggressively resisting persons who pose a reasonable perceived risk of serious physical harm to the member or others and there is no other reasonable alternative to diminish that risk. 11.A CEW in the hands of a suspect is considered deadly active force when no other member is present to provide deadly force cover. A lone member risks the possibility that the CEW may be used against them and that deadly force may be forthcoming as a result of the member’s incapacitation. If multiple members are present, the presence of a CEW in the hands of a suspect is in and of itself not cause to use deadly force unless it can be clearly articulated that a member or innocent party was in imminent danger of serious physical injury or death. 304.7 - 4.3 Prohibited Use The CEW shall not be used in the following circumstances: a. To threaten or elicit information from a person; b. To prevent the destruction of evidence; c. Flight unaccompanied by any reasonable suspicion or probable cause to believe that an individual has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a crime; d. On women known or believed to be pregnant unless deadly force is the only option; e. On a person that has come in contact with highly flammable liquids, substances, or volatile gases (e.g. chemical spray, gasoline, propane, natural gas, etc.); or is in a flammable atmosphere; f. On a person that is in a position where falling could cause injury that exceeds the reasonableness of the use of the TASER X2 CEW; g. On a person operating a motor vehicle or heavy machinery. The TASER X2 CEW may be used against individuals situated in parked vehicles or machines but only where there is no foreseeable risk that the suspect will be able to place the vehicle or machinery into motion; h. On a person riding a bicycle (or other similar object [e.g. skateboard]) and the use of the TASER X2 CEW has the potential to cause injury that exceeds the reasonableness of the stop; and i. On a person that appears to be under the age of 13 or over the age of 60, due to the potential of falling when incapacitated, unless the encounter rises to a deadly force situation. 304.7 - 4.4 Special Populations As a general matter, members shall avoid using the TASER X2 CEW against “special populations” (i.e. individuals who, because of some condition [age, a medical or mental condition, size, or stature] are unable to comply with a member’s verbal commands). If the TASER X2 CEW is used against a person suspected to be classified as “special populations,” the following process shall occur: a. Force Investigations shall be notified. Once briefed on the circumstances, Force Investigations shall make an initial determination on whether the member discharged the TASER X2 CEW or used the TASER X2 CEW in drive-stun mode against an individual that should be classified as “special population”; and b. If it is determined by Force Investigations that the suspect is appropriately classified as “special population,” Force Investigations will conduct the investigation and will be tasked with determining whether the member’s actions were justified notwithstanding the general prohibition. 304.7 - 4.5 Warning Arcs Warning arcs are permitted only for supplementing a member’s verbal warning with a visual indication of the member’s intent to use the device or to help demonstrate the efficacy of the device. A warning arc may only be used under the following circumstances: a. Even after the member has verbalized their intent to use the TASER X2 CEW, the suspect remains non-compliant; b. There is adequate time and opportunity to safely issue a warning arc; and c. The circumstances are such that a reasonable law enforcement officer at the scene would believe that issuing a warning arc would encourage the suspect to become compliant. D E T R O I T P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T M A N U A L 304.7 TASER X2 CONDUCTED ENERGY WEAPON (CEW) 2022 Page 8 of 14 304.7 - 4.6 Use of Taser X2 CEW on Handcuffed Person CEW usage on a handcuffed or restrained person is warranted only in the most limited of circumstances. Extreme caution, judicious decision-making, and reasonableness shall also be the subject of a well-articulated Use of Force Report. This report shall be in addition to any other forms required in a use of force incident. These circumstances may include but are not limited to the following: a. Highly combative persons who are actively engaged in causing serious physical harm by way of biting, head butting, kicking, or if the handcuffed/restrained person has gained access to a deadly weapon; or b. The handcuffed/restrained person has mobility, has escaped physical custody, and is placing themselves or others in extreme peril such as where the direction of flight is towards a location where others may be waiting to launch a deadly assault, vehicular traffic, or where a fall from a building or structure can cause serious physical harm or death. 304.7 - 4.7 Drive-stun Mode

  1. Use of the TASER X2 CEW in drive-stun mode is generally prohibited and presumably not in compliance with this directive. Although rare exceptions to this general prohibition may exist, the burden of overcoming the presumption of noncompliance rests entirely with the member. This burden is to be considered high. Although not determinative on the issue of whether the member's use constitutes a valid exception to the general prohibition against use of the drive-stun mode, the following factors may be considered: a. Use of a CEW in probe mode would be authorized but is not feasible; b. The member was facing an actively aggressive subject and was in immediate danger of serious harm; c. No other device, tactic, action, or technique could reasonably have been expected to stop the imminent threat of injury; and d. Use of the device was otherwise reasonable and necessary.

  2. In the event a member uses the device in drive-stun mode, the device shall be confiscated until the member’s commanding officer conducts a preliminary review of the facts and circumstances surrounding the incident. Only upon written recommendation by the member’s commanding officer, and approval by the member’s deputy chief, shall the TASER X2 CEW be returned. 304.7 - 4.8 Use of Taser X2 CEW on Animals CEWs have been shown to be effective in some incidents of controlling or minimizing threats posed by animals. While it may be extremely difficult to shoot an animal accurately and effectively with a CEW, the use of a CEW on an aggressive animal is permissible 304.7 - 5 Medical Treatment Following a CEW discharge, members shall adhere to the following protocol: a. After a CEW discharge, only qualified medical personnel shall remove CEW probes from a person. Qualified medical personnel includes doctors, nurses, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel; b. If EMS personnel determine that the probes should be removed at the scene of a CEW discharge, only EMS personnel shall remove the probes. If EMS personnel remove the probes at the scene, members shall be guided by EMS personnel whether the person shall be transported to the Detroit Detention Center or to the nearest hospital for treatment. If EMS personnel determine that the person shall be transported to the nearest hospital for treatment, one member shall accompany the person in the EMS rig during transport with another member following in a vehicle; c. For persons who are in custody but who remain combative or violent, (thereby constituting a danger to medical personnel or others) the supervisor shall not expose medical personnel, Department members, or innocent bystanders to danger but rather shall have the members transport the person to a hospital for examination, ensuring that the hospital is advised of the incoming person. Members shall ensure that any refusal of treatment by the person is documented in any subsequent reports; d. Members shall monitor the person for signs of medical distress for as long as the person is in police custody. As abnormal breathing can be an indication of positional asphyxia, the member shall immediately reposition the person to avoid asphyxia; e. If the TASER X2 CEW is used on a juvenile, elderly, pregnant, or physically disabled person, they shall be transported to the nearest hospital for treatment; f. Transport suspects for emergency medical care immediately in the following situations:  The suspect experiences or complains of difficulty breathing, chest pains, or loss of consciousness;  The member believes the suspect requires medical attention (whether or not the suspect requests attention); and/or  The member becomes aware afterward of a medical condition (e.g. epilepsy or a heart ailment) that a CEW may aggravate. 304.7 - 6 Reporting Procedures

  3. Each attempted CEW discharge or drive-stun application against a person, whether the probes or electrodes make contact with the person or not, is considered a use of force, and members shall adhere to all the requirements contained under Directive 201.11, Use of Force/Detainee Injury Reporting and Investigation and Directive 304.2, Use of Force, for proper reporting requirements. Consistent with these directives, members shall notify the zone dispatcher and request a non-involved supervisor to respond to the scene.

  4. In addition to the requirements listed above, the following incidents shall be considered Category 1 Use of Force Investigations and Force Investigations shall respond to the scene and be responsible for conducting a complete investigation: a. Any incident involving a drive stun; and b. Any incident involving a probe strike to a person’s head, face, and/or genitals.

  5. Following any discharge or application of the device in drive-stun mode, the member shall present their TASER X2 CEW to the responding/investigating supervisor as part of the Use of Force Reporting protocol. The supervisor shall ensure that all data is appropriately downloaded from the device and follow the below protocol: a. A copy of the data report shall be electronically attached to the member’s incident report. A physical copy of the downloaded data report shall accompany the Use of Force Report; b. If the download is not available, a notation explaining why the download is not attached shall be included in the incident report and in the Use of Force Report; and c. The supervisor shall forward the download as soon as it is available. An instructional booklet on CEW downloading shall be maintained at the front desk of each precinct.

  6. Members shall complete the CEW Tracking Form. Members shall include a brief summary of the incident whenever the TASER X2 CEW is utilized, and specify whether the TASER X2 CEW took effect, did not take effect, had an accidental discharge, acquired a target or was un-holstered (none of the above). A supervisor shall complete the bottom portion of this form including a brief summary of their review.

  7. If any defects (e.g. replacement battery needed, improper functioning, etc.) pertaining to the TASER X2 CEW are discovered, such defects shall be reported to a supervisor as soon as possible following discovery. The member discovering the defect shall record all pertinent information on their Activity Log. The entry shall include the circumstances of the discovery and a thorough description of the defect. 304.7 - 7 Investigating TASER X2 CEW Incidents

  8. In addition to any requirements set forth under Directives 201.11 and 304.2, responding/investigating supervisors shall ensure that any evidence resulting from the use of the TASER X2 CEW is preserved.

  9. A TASER CAM HD shall be affixed to any TASER X2 CEW carried by a member that is not regularly issued a BWC. TASER CAM HD media constitutes evidence. Responding/investigating supervisors shall ensure that this media is downloaded to Evidence Sync and uploaded to

  10. The TASER X2 CEW maintains a “Trilogy Log” within its internal memory. The Trilogy Log constitutes evidence. Responding/investigating supervisors shall ensure that the data is downloaded to Evidence Sync and uploaded to The Trilogy Log has the following three (3) components: a. The Event Log; b. The Pulse Log; and c. The Engineering Log.  The Event Log tracks events. An event begins when the safety is moved to the up (ARMED) position and ends when it is moved to the down (SAFE) position.  The Event Log stores discharge events for each cartridge which includes cartridge type, discharge status (whether the cartridge was actually discharged or not), duration of cycle, and the voltage and current delivered of each individual pulse.  The Event Log stores the Cartridge Advance Events. This is any time a cartridge advance occurs between the start and end of a session.  The Event Log stores System Configuration Change Events. This is any time a system configuration is changed. For example, if the date, time, language, LASER, or flashlight on/off settings are changed, then the system log records when these changes occurred. System Configuration also refers to firmware updates. The system log records the date and time of the update, version information, and whether the update succeeded or not.  The Pulse Log records any pulse activity (e.g. probe discharges and warning arc displays).  The records include how long the CEW was discharged, whether contact was made or not, and the voltage, current, and resistance of every pulse.  The Pulse Log records arc displays that were initiated via the ARC switch. The record of an arc display includes the event duration and the voltage and current of every pulse.  The Engineering Log monitors the performance of every key subsystem within the TASER X2 CEW and provides alerts to the user if any subsystem is not performing properly and if maintenance is advisable. Any internal circuitry errors that occur inside the TASER X2 CEW are written to this log. This information is used for diagnostics and warranty issues.

  11. The TASER X2 CEW is programmed to GMT at the factory. Every time the X2 CEW is connected to services, the system will perform a time synchronization to GMT. The conversion to local time, including adjustments to daylight saving time, are all computed in the PC-based software. There is no need to program the TASER X2 CEW to local time or to reprogram the CEW to daylight savings time.

  12. When a TASER X2 Smart Cartridge is expended, the responding/investigating supervisor shall collect the now-expended cartridge, wires, and probes as one single unit when possible. a. The cartridge wire shall be loosely collected along with the cartridge and probes, secured in an evidence envelope, and entered into the TRACKER system. b. An incident report shall accompany all TASER X2 CEW discharges. The Smart Cartridge wire shall not be tightly wrapped or rolled up. The probe should be double or triple wrapped in paper to resist puncturing the evidence envelope. c. The evidence envelope shall be clearly marked so that it contains a clear indication that the contents include a used TASER X2 CEW cartridge probe.

  13. Every time a Smart Cartridge is discharged, at least 20-30 small confetti-like Anti-Felon Identification (AFID) tags are ejected. Each AFID tag is printed with the corresponding TASER X2 CEW serial number of the cartridge discharged, allowing determination of which user discharged the cartridge. a. Following any discharge, supervisors shall, if feasible, collect a sample of AFID tags sufficient to evidence whether a member discharged the TASER X2 CEW. b. If the location of AFID tags constitutes relevant evidence, the investigating supervisor shall ensure the “spread” of the AFID tags is photographed.

  14. In the event of a death from the application of the TASER X2 CEW, the Homicide Task Force and Force Investigations shall respond to the scene. In addition to their standard practices, the responding Homicide Task Force/Force Investigations members shall ensure that photographs of the impact area are taken. 304.7 - 8 CEW Replacement Cartridges/Batteries

  15. After a member has fired a Smart Cartridge, absent circumstances requiring confiscation of the TASER X2 CEW, supervisory personnel shall ensure that the member is issued a replacement cartridge prior to resuming regular duties.

  16. Information pertaining to the replacement cartridge shall be included in the member’s incident report and, if applicable, the member’s Use of Force Report detailing the expenditure of the prior cartridge.

  17. Replacement cartridges shall be logged and maintained in a secured location by the precinct/unit supervisor. The commanding officer is responsible for contacting Firearms Inventory for an adequate supply of Smart Cartridge.

  18. The TASER X2 CEW holster shall be worn on the non-weapon side of the member’s body (opposite from where the firearm is holstered). This reduces the risk of drawing a firearm while under stress when the use of a firearm is not intended.

  19. All full duty sworn members shall carry their TASER X2 CEW while on duty and in uniform.

  20. Members shall be required to self-inspect their TASER X2 CEW and related equipment. Members shall be required to “spark test” their TASER X2 CEW following roll call. Members shall conduct the “spark test” in a safe, enclosed, private area out of the view of public.

  21. A supervisor shall ensure that a TASER X2 CEW is downloaded under the following circumstances: a. Upon receipt of a citizen complaint;  Supervisors shall attempt to identify any devices implicated in the complaint.  If any evidence of the complaint is found, the supervisor shall immediately download TASER X2 CEW, regardless if whether the member carrying the TASER X2 CEW was the “focus” of the complaint. b. Where a member self-reports the discharge of the TASER X2 CEW or the use of drive stun against a person.

  22. All TASER X2 CEWs and related equipment shall be inspected concurrently with firearms on a quarterly basis. Inspections shall entail the following: a. A confirmation via visual inspection that the member is in possession of the assigned CEW; b. A confirmation that the serial numbers on the TASER X2 CEW and related equipment correlates to the serial number of the TASER X2 CEW recorded as being assigned to that member; c. A spark test and battery level check. Page 14 of 14

  23. Members found to be in possession of a defective TASER X2 CEW or related equipment shall be required to prepare an incident report. The member will not be permitted to carry the defective device or any related equipment and shall be immediately referred to Firearms Inventory for replacement. 304.7 - 11 TASER X2 CEW Random Inspections

  24. Civil Rights Division will be responsible for conducting random quarterly audits of Tasers. Civil Rights will notify commands of the specific members to be audited. Once those members are identified, supervisors shall conduc


Multiple, continuous, or cumulative cycling may increase the risk of serious bodily injury or death to a subject. As such, once a successful CEW contact is made, a member, or if there are multiple members who have made successful CEW contacts on a person, shall not exceed three (3), five (5) second cycles in total. Rare exceptions may exist. In circumstances where member(s) exceed the three (3), five (5) second cycle threshold, members shall complete a well-articulated Use of Force Report explaining why each successive cycle of the CEW was administered. These exceptions include but are not limited to the following: a. Persons whose continuing physical aggression is so intense that the member is forced to weigh the use of deadly force as one of the remaining use of force options; b. Persons who are aggressively resisting being taken into custody and where alternate uses of force such as baton strikes, striking, punching, kicking are ineffective or may be causing greater harm to the person than the continued use of the CEW; or c. Situations where lone members, while waiting for backup to arrive, are facing aggressively resisting persons who pose a reasonable perceived risk of serious physical harm to the member or others and there is no other reasonable alternative to diminish that risk. 11.A CEW in the hands of a suspect is considered deadly active force when no other member is present to provide deadly force cover. A lone member risks the possibility that the CEW may be used against them and that deadly force may be forthcoming as a result of the member’s incapacitation. If multiple members are present, the presence of a CEW in the hands of a suspect is in and of itself not cause to use deadly force unless it can be clearly articulated that a member or innocent party was in imminent danger of serious physical injury or death. 304.7 - 4.3 Prohibited Use The CEW shall not be used in the following circumstances: a. To threaten or elicit information from a person; b. To prevent the destruction of evidence; c. Flight unaccompanied by any reasonable suspicion or probable cause to believe that an individual has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a crime; d. On women known or believed to be pregnant unless deadly force is the only option; e. On a person that has come in contact with highly flammable liquids, substances, or volatile gases (e.g. chemical spray, gasoline, propane, natural gas, etc.); or is in a flammable atmosphere; f. On a person that is in a position where falling could cause injury that exceeds the reasonableness of the use of the TASER X2 CEW; g. On a person operating a motor vehicle or heavy machinery. The TASER X2 CEW may be used against individuals situated in parked vehicles or machines but only where there is no foreseeable risk that the suspect will be able to place the vehicle or machinery into motion; h. On a person riding a bicycle (or other similar object [e.g. skateboard]) and the use of the TASER X2 CEW has the potential to cause injury that exceeds the reasonableness of the stop; and i. On a person that appears to be under the age of 13 or over the age of 60, due to the potential of falling when incapacitated, unless the encounter rises to a deadly force situation. 304.7 - 4.4 Special Populations As a general matter, members shall avoid using the TASER X2 CEW against “special populations” (i.e. individuals who, because of some condition [age, a medical or mental condition, size, or stature] are unable to comply with a member’s verbal commands). If the TASER X2 CEW is used against a person suspected to be classified as “special populations,” the following process shall occur: a. Force Investigations shall be notified. Once briefed on the circumstances, Force Investigations shall make an initial determination on whether the member discharged the TASER X2 CEW or used the TASER X2 CEW in drive-stun mode against an individual that should be classified as “special population”; and b. If it is determined by Force Investigations that the suspect is appropriately classified as “special population,” Force Investigations will conduct the investigation and will be tasked with determining whether the member’s actions were justified notwithstanding the general prohibition. 304.7 - 4.5 Warning Arcs Warning arcs are permitted only for supplementing a member’s verbal warning with a visual indication of the member’s intent to use the device or to help demonstrate the efficacy of the device. A warning arc may only be used under the following circumstances: a. Even after the member has verbalized their intent to use the TASER X2 CEW, the suspect remains non-compliant; b. There is adequate time and opportunity to safely issue a warning arc; and c. The circumstances are such that a reasonable law enforcement officer at the scene would believe that issuing a warning arc would encourage the suspect to become compliant. D E T R O I T P O L I C E D E PA R T M E N T M A N U A L 304.7 TASER X2 CONDUCTED ENERGY WEAPON (CEW) 2022 Page 8 of 14 304.7 - 4.6 Use of Taser X2 CEW on Handcuffed Person CEW usage on a handcuffed or restrained person is warranted only in the most limited of circumstances. Extreme caution, judicious decision-making, and reasonableness shall also be the subject of a well-articulated Use of Force Report. This report shall be in addition to any other forms required in a use of force incident. These circumstances may include but are not limited to the following: a. Highly combative persons who are actively engaged in causing serious physical harm by way of biting, head butting, kicking, or if the handcuffed/restrained person has gained access to a deadly weapon; or b. The handcuffed/restrained person has mobility, has escaped physical custody, and is placing themselves or others in extreme peril such as where the direction of flight is towards a location where others may be waiting to launch a deadly assault, vehicular traffic, or where a fall from a building or structure can cause serious physical harm or death. 304.7 - 4.7 Drive-stun Mode

  1. Use of the TASER X2 CEW in drive-stun mode is generally prohibited and presumably not in compliance with this directive. Although rare exceptions to this general prohibition may exist, the burden of overcoming the presumption of noncompliance rests entirely with the member. This burden is to be considered high. Although not determinative on the issue of whether the member's use constitutes a valid exception to the general prohibition against use of the drive-stun mode, the following factors may be considered: a. Use of a CEW in probe mode would be authorized but is not feasible; b. The member was facing an actively aggressive subject and was in immediate danger of serious harm; c. No other device, tactic, action, or technique could reasonably have been expected to stop the imminent threat of injury; and d. Use of the device was otherwise reasonable and necessary.

  2. In the event a member uses the device in drive-stun mode, the device shall be confiscated until the member’s commanding officer conducts a preliminary review of the facts and circumstances surrounding the incident. Only upon written recommendation by the member’s commanding officer, and approval by the member’s deputy chief, shall the TASER X2 CEW be returned. 304.7 - 4.8 Use of Taser X2 CEW on Animals CEWs have been shown to be effective in some incidents of controlling or minimizing threats posed by animals. While it may be extremely difficult to shoot an animal accurately and effectively with a CEW, the use of a CEW on an aggressive animal is permissible 304.7 - 5 Medical Treatment Following a CEW discharge, members shall adhere to the following protocol: a. After a CEW discharge, only qualified medical personnel shall remove CEW probes from a person. Qualified medical personnel includes doctors, nurses, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel; b. If EMS personnel determine that the probes should be removed at the scene of a CEW discharge, only EMS personnel shall remove the probes. If EMS personnel remove the probes at the scene, members shall be guided by EMS personnel whether the person shall be transported to the Detroit Detention Center or to the nearest hospital for treatment. If EMS personnel determine that the person shall be transported to the nearest hospital for treatment, one member shall accompany the person in the EMS rig during transport with another member following in a vehicle; c. For persons who are in custody but who remain combative or violent, (thereby constituting a danger to medical personnel or others) the supervisor shall not expose medical personnel, Department members, or innocent bystanders to danger but rather shall have the members transport the person to a hospital for examination, ensuring that the hospital is advised of the incoming person. Members shall ensure that any refusal of treatment by the person is documented in any subsequent reports; d. Members shall monitor the person for signs of medical distress for as long as the person is in police custody. As abnormal breathing can be an indication of positional asphyxia, the member shall immediately reposition the person to avoid asphyxia; e. If the TASER X2 CEW is used on a juvenile, elderly, pregnant, or physically disabled person, they shall be transported to the nearest hospital for treatment; f. Transport suspects for emergency medical care immediately in the following situations:  The suspect experiences or complains of difficulty breathing, chest pains, or loss of consciousness;  The member believes the suspect requires medical attention (whether or not the suspect requests attention); and/or  The member becomes aware afterward of a medical condition (e.g. epilepsy or a heart ailment) that a CEW may aggravate. 304.7 - 6 Reporting Procedures

  3. Each attempted CEW discharge or drive-stun application against a person, whether the probes or electrodes make contact with the person or not, is considered a use of force, and members shall adhere to all the requirements contained under Directive 201.11, Use of Force/Detainee Injury Reporting and Investigation and Directive 304.2, Use of Force, for proper reporting requirements. Consistent with these directives, members shall notify the zone dispatcher and request a non-involved supervisor to respond to the scene.

  4. In addition to the requirements listed above, the following incidents shall be considered Category 1 Use of Force Investigations and Force Investigations shall respond to the scene and be responsible for conducting a complete investigation: a. Any incident involving a drive stun; and b. Any incident involving a probe strike to a person’s head, face, and/or genitals.

  5. Following any discharge or application of the device in drive-stun mode, the member shall present their TASER X2 CEW to the responding/investigating supervisor as part of the Use of Force Reporting protocol. The supervisor shall ensure that all data is appropriately downloaded from the device and follow the below protocol: a. A copy of the data report shall be electronically attached to the member’s incident report. A physical copy of the downloaded data report shall accompany the Use of Force Report; b. If the download is not available, a notation explaining why the download is not attached shall be included in the incident report and in the Use of Force Report; and c. The supervisor shall forward the download as soon as it is available. An instructional booklet on CEW downloading shall be maintained at the front desk of each precinct.

  6. Members shall complete the CEW Tracking Form. Members shall include a brief summary of the incident whenever the TASER X2 CEW is utilized, and specify whether the TASER X2 CEW took effect, did not take effect, had an accidental discharge, acquired a target or was un-holstered (none of the above). A supervisor shall complete the bottom portion of this form including a brief summary of their review.

  7. If any defects (e.g. replacement battery needed, improper functioning, etc.) pertaining to the TASER X2 CEW are discovered, such defects shall be reported to a supervisor as soon as possible following discovery. The member discovering the defect shall record all pertinent information on their Activity Log. The entry shall include the circumstances of the discovery and a thorough description of the defect. 304.7 - 7 Investigating TASER X2 CEW Incidents

  8. In addition to any requirements set forth under Directives 201.11 and 304.2, responding/investigating supervisors shall ensure that any evidence resulting from the use of the TASER X2 CEW is preserved.

  9. A TASER CAM HD shall be affixed to any TASER X2 CEW carried by a member that is not regularly issued a BWC. TASER CAM HD media constitutes evidence. Responding/investigating supervisors shall ensure that this media is downloaded to Evidence Sync and uploaded to

  10. The TASER X2 CEW maintains a “Trilogy Log” within its internal memory. The Trilogy Log constitutes evidence. Responding/investigating supervisors shall ensure that the data is downloaded to Evidence Sync and uploaded to The Trilogy Log has the following three (3) components: a. The Event Log; b. The Pulse Log; and c. The Engineering Log.  The Event Log tracks events. An event begins when the safety is moved to the up (ARMED) position and ends when it is moved to the down (SAFE) position.  The Event Log stores discharge events for each cartridge which includes cartridge type, discharge status (whether the cartridge was actually discharged or not), duration of cycle, and the voltage and current delivered of each individual pulse.  The Event Log stores the Cartridge Advance Events. This is any time a cartridge advance occurs between the start and end of a session.  The Event Log stores System Configuration Change Events. This is any time a system configuration is changed. For example, if the date, time, language, LASER, or flashlight on/off settings are changed, then the system log records when these changes occurred. System Configuration also refers to firmware updates. The system log records the date and time of the update, version information, and whether the update succeeded or not.  The Pulse Log records any pulse activity (e.g. probe discharges and warning arc displays).  The records include how long the CEW was discharged, whether contact was made or not, and the voltage, current, and resistance of every pulse.  The Pulse Log records arc displays that were initiated via the ARC switch. The record of an arc display includes the event duration and the voltage and current of every pulse.  The Engineering Log monitors the performance of every key subsystem within the TASER X2 CEW and provides alerts to the user if any subsystem is not performing properly and if maintenance is advisable. Any internal circuitry errors that occur inside the TASER X2 CEW are written to this log. This information is used for diagnostics and warranty issues.

  11. The TASER X2 CEW is programmed to GMT at the factory. Every time the X2 CEW is connected to services, the system will perform a time synchronization to GMT. The conversion to local time, including adjustments to daylight saving time, are all computed in the PC-based software. There is no need to program the TASER X2 CEW to local time or to reprogram the CEW to daylight savings time.

  12. When a TASER X2 Smart Cartridge is expended, the responding/investigating supervisor shall collect the now-expended cartridge, wires, and probes as one single unit when possible. a. The cartridge wire shall be loosely collected along with the cartridge and probes, secured in an evidence envelope, and entered into the TRACKER system. b. An incident report shall accompany all TASER X2 CEW discharges. The Smart Cartridge wire shall not be tightly wrapped or rolled up. The probe should be double or triple wrapped in paper to resist puncturing the evidence envelope. c. The evidence envelope shall be clearly marked so that it contains a clear indication that the contents include a used TASER X2 CEW cartridge probe.

  13. Every time a Smart Cartridge is discharged, at least 20-30 small confetti-like Anti-Felon Identification (AFID) tags are ejected. Each AFID tag is printed with the corresponding TASER X2 CEW serial number of the cartridge discharged, allowing determination of which user discharged the cartridge. a. Following any discharge, supervisors shall, if feasible, collect a sample of AFID tags sufficient to evidence whether a member discharged the TASER X2 CEW. b. If the location of AFID tags constitutes relevant evidence, the investigating supervisor shall ensure the “spread” of the AFID tags is photographed.

  14. In the event of a death from the application of the TASER X2 CEW, the Homicide Task Force and Force Investigations shall respond to the scene. In addition to their standard practices, the responding Homicide Task Force/Force Investigations members shall ensure that photographs of the impact area are taken. 304.7 - 8 CEW Replacement Cartridges/Batteries

  15. After a member has fired a Smart Cartridge, absent circumstances requiring confiscation of the TASER X2 CEW, supervisory personnel shall ensure that the member is issued a replacement cartridge prior to resuming regular duties.

  16. Information pertaining to the replacement cartridge shall be included in the member’s incident report and, if applicable, the member’s Use of Force Report detailing the expenditure of the prior cartridge.

  17. Replacement cartridges shall be logged and maintained in a secured location by the precinct/unit supervisor. The commanding officer is responsible for contacting Firearms Inventory for an adequate supply of Smart Cartridge.

  18. The TASER X2 CEW holster shall be worn on the non-weapon side of the member’s body (opposite from where the firearm is holstered). This reduces the risk of drawing a firearm while under stress when the use of a firearm is not intended.

  19. All full duty sworn members shall carry their TASER X2 CEW while on duty and in uniform.

  20. Members shall be required to self-inspect their TASER X2 CEW and related equipment. Members shall be required to “spark test” their TASER X2 CEW following roll call. Members shall conduct the “spark test” in a safe, enclosed, private area out of the view of public.

  21. A supervisor shall ensure that a TASER X2 CEW is downloaded under the following circumstances: a. Upon receipt of a citizen complaint;  Supervisors shall attempt to identify any devices implicated in the complaint.  If any evidence of the complaint is found, the supervisor shall immediately download TASER X2 CEW, regardless if whether the member carrying the TASER X2 CEW was the “focus” of the complaint. b. Where a member self-reports the discharge of the TASER X2 CEW or the use of drive stun against a person.

  22. All TASER X2 CEWs and related equipment shall be inspected concurrently with firearms on a quarterly basis. Inspections shall entail the following: a. A confirmation via visual inspection that the member is in possession of the assigned CEW; b. A confirmation that the serial numbers on the TASER X2 CEW and related equipment correlates to the serial number of the TASER X2 CEW recorded as being assigned to that member; c. A spark test and battery level check. Page 14 of 14

  23. Members found to be in possession of a defective TASER X2 CEW or related equipment shall be required to prepare an incident report. The member will not be permitted to carry the defective device or any related equipment and shall be immediately referred to Firearms Inventory for replacement. 304.7 - 11 TASER X2 CEW Random Inspections

  24. Civil Rights Division will be responsible for conducting random quarterly audits of Tasers. Civil Rights will notify commands of the specific members to be audited. Once those members are identified, supervisors shall conduc
