1. Public Health Issues
●Air Pollution
●Increasing Allergens
●Change in Vector Ecology
●Water Quality Impacts
●Water and Food Supply Impacts
●Environmental Degradation
●Extreme Heat
●Severe Weather
2. Acid Rain
3.Ozone Layer Depletion
5.Ocean Acidification
6.Loss of Biodiversity
7.Waste Disposal
9.Global Warming
●Man-Made Causes
- Deforestation
- Use of Vehicle
- Chloroflourocarbon
- Industrial Development
- Agriculture
- Overpopulation
●Natural Causes
- Volcanoes
- Water Vapor
- Melting of Permafrost
- Forest Blazes
●Effects of Global Warming
- Rise in Temperature
- Threats to the Ecosystem
- Climate Change
- Spread of Diseases
- High Mortality Rate
- Loss of Natural Habitat
10. Pollution
( mediums: air, water, soil)
(sources: antropic pollution (man), natural pollution)
(location: mobile or stationary sources)
(transformation: primary pollutants (directly), secondary pollutants)
UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention and Climate Change
CBD - Convention on Biological Diversity
RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility
NGO's - Non-gonvernmental Organizations
●RA 8749 - Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
●RA 9275 - Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
●RA 9003 - Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
●RA 6969 - Toxic Substances and Hazardous Waste Control Act of 1990
●PD 1586 - Environmental Impact Assessment System
DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources
EMB - Environmental Management Bureau
FMB - Forestry Management Bureau
BMB - Biodiversity Management Bureau
MGB - Mines and Geosciences Bureau
LLDA - Laguna Lake Development Authority
CCC - Climate Change Coalition
NWRB - National Water Resources Board
H - 1.0078
C - 12.0010
O - 15.9997
Ca - 40.0780
P - 30.9738
Mg - 24.3050
Cl - 35.4530
N - 14.0068