
Understanding Testing Cycles in Relation to YTP

  • The concept of cycles of testing concerns assessing performance and adaptation over time.

Testing Cycles

  • Definition: Three consecutive cycles of testing refer to repeated assessments to analyze progress.

  • Purpose: To gauge the effectiveness of training programs and the impact on athlete performance.

YTP (Yearly Training Plan)

  • Chicken and Egg Scenario: Training load and testing are interdependent; the results from testing can influence training plans, while the training itself can affect testing performance.

Timing of Testing Relative to YTP

  • Considerations:

    • Energy Availability: Testing should occur when the athlete is adequately rested and fueled to ensure accurate results.

    • Training Volume and Intensity: Intensity of training leading up to tests might affect energy levels; thus testing too soon after peak training intensity may yield inaccurate measures of performance.

    • Recovery Phases: Strategic placement of testing after recovery phases in the YTP can enhance performance reliability.

  • Recommendation: Align testing with low volume or intensity periods in the training cycle for optimal results.


  • Testing should be strategically positioned within the training regimen to balance out the impacts of training load and recovery, hence improving the reliability and validity of the performance evaluations.
