Tools you can use tomorrow: Leslie Fisher
- Canva
- Canva- Canva for Education- Canva for premium is free.
- Search- google classroom headers
- You can add bitmoji to canva
- Canva video of editor- Customize in Canva
- Worksheets- You can use Canva to create worksheets
- Slide Templates
- Slides: You can screen record
- Hierarchy of difficulty: Google Slides>> Canva>> Power point
- Slide Interactions
- D- Drum roll
- Q- quiet
- Numbers- starts a timer
- C- Confetti
- Canva live, students can chat with the teacher.
Book Creator:
Allows for collaboration and other features.
App smash in book creator
Iorad: the tutorial builder
- The free version you can create as many as you want
- The videos can be as long as you want
- $10 a month/ or Free version
- Video
- a step by step pdf
- It can change the language as well
- You can generate voice in every step
- Closed captioning for differentiation supercool as objective or teaching tool
Link shortening-
- tool for the notes you take
- Gameify your note taking
- And also quiz you on your notes
- Research notes into a quiz
Crowd Buzzer: Buzzer for games
New Features
- camera icon upper right corner
- Notifications are new
- Ios and android app, have parody to the website
Gimkit- kit collab