SAT Vocabulary
a- \[ without; not \]
an-, ana- \[ against \]
anti- \[ against; opposite \] {similar to an, ana-}
auto- \[ self \]
co-, con- \[ with; together \]
contra- \[ against \]
de- \[ reduce; remove \]
ex- \[ out \]
im-, in- \[ not; without \] {same as a-}
magna- \[ great; large \]
mis- \[ bad; wrong; hate \]
morph- \[ shape \]
non- \[ not; without \] {same as a- and im-, in-}
omni- \[ all \]
peri- \[ around \]
post- \[ after \]
pre- \[ before \]
re- \[ again \]
sub- \[ under \]
super- \[ higher; better \]
trans- \[ across \]
vol- \[ to wish; to will; to want \]
bene- \[ kindness; goodness \]
mal- \[ bad; ill; wrong \]
ambi- \[ both; changing \]
equi- \[ equal \]
voc- \[ speaking \]
plac- \[ to calm or \]