Providing a safety net for citizens, businesses, and companies
Market failure- When the market cannot distribute resources efficiently, the government (Public Sector) steps in
dust bowl
standard oil
American system
Market crash
Public Goods- a shared good or service that would be inefficient or impractical to make consumers pay for
Law enforcement
National parks
Traffic control
Public Sector- part of the economy that is funded by the government
teacher, politicians, police/fire departments
Private Sector- part of the economy that is funded by individual businesses
The Federal Reserve Bank is the US central bank. It sets “monetary policy”
What tools does the Fed use to influence the economy?
Reserve requirement, the amount of actual cash a bank is required to have in its vault at any one time
Discount rate/fed funds rate:- The interest rate the Fed charges banks to borrow money on a short-term basis
Open market operations, the Fed constantly buys back and sells government debt (US Treasuries)
SEC- Securities and Exchange Commission- Federal Government agency that regulates the purchase and sale of securities (any financial investment)
Administers Security Broker’s licensing exams (series 7 etc)
Requires risk horizon analysis for investors to ensure their safety in the marketplace
Files federal corruption charges for fraud etc.
FDIC- federal deposit insurance corporation
Federal government agency that insures deposits up to 250,000
Financial crisis of 2008
Glass-steagall regulations removed in 1999 by clinton and congress
Investment and commercial banks become combines (JPMorgan, chase, citigroup, bank of America)
Allowed banks to become “too big to fail” (their failure would have massive economic implications)
Many investment banks took on very risky investments including subprime (high risk) mortgages”
Lehman bros. And other big banks failed (went bankrupt), Citi, JPMorgan etc. and AIG accepted a $700 Billion Govt. bailout (Troubled asset relief program or TARP)
The treasury: Manages government revenue, prints currency, and oversees the IRS
CBO: provids economic data and budgetary analysis to congress
IRS: collects federal taxes and enforce tax laws
Fredie Mac/Fannie Mae- government sponsored enterprises that provide stability and affordability in the housing market by backing mortgages
our government play a limited but integral role in combating poverty
federal welfare programs are designed to redistribute money and services to those in need
TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)- federal government gives money to the states to design their own welfare programs
social security: collects payroll taxes from current workers and redistributes that money to retired people or people unable to work
Unemployment Insurance: Compensation checks are given to workers who have lost their jobs as long as they show proof they have made efforts to get work
Worker’s compensation: insurance program for workers injured or disabled on their job
In kind benefit- when the government provides goods and services for free or at greatly reduced prices
food stamps, subsidized housing, legal aid
Free Rides- when some individuals either consume more than their fair share for a common resource or pay less than their fair share of the cost of a common resource
Free lunch- a situation in which a good or service is received at no cost
our definition of this term as it applies to economics means that a truly free lunch does not and cannot exist
externalities- economic side effects of the purchase or sale of any good/service
a positive or negative cost to someone the good/service was not intended to effect
Subsidy- The government makes a direct or indirect payment to an individual or institution to reduce the price of a good or a service because the government deems that good/service “in the national interest”
Child tax credit subsidy- incentivising people to have a family
student loans
subsidized- a loan for which a borrower is not responsible for the interest while in an in school, grace or deferment status
Unsubsidized- a loan for which the borrower is fully responsible for paying the interest regardless of the loan status. Interest on unsubsidized loans accrues from the data of disbursement
Poverty threshold
Some americans are considered too poor to support a family or household
Poverty threshold- income level below which one cannot support a family/household without govt assistance
Minivans at the Food Pantry
The coronavirus pandemic and ensuing quarantine led to an increase of the US unemployment rate from %3.8 to around %15 within weeks
Many middle class working families found themselves struggling to put food on the table
General term that refers to all government aid for the poor
FDR’s new deal: the basis for many of the welfare programs we have today
Ie social security
All working americans pay this tax, the money is invested and given back to individuals in retirement
A combination approach
AFDC: Aid to families with dependent children 1935
First welfare system, relied heavily on the “give a fish” approach
TANF: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families 1997
From welfare to workfare. More accountability and incentives
Living Wage vs. Minimum Wage
Living wage- the minimum amount a person in a particular region must make in order to live without direct government assistance
Minimum wage- a price floor that prohibits employers from paying a rate lower than… $15.00/hour in NY
What is a living wage
A living wage is the minimum hourly wage income necessary for a worker to meet basic needs (for an extended period of time or for a lifetime)
Having enough money to pay for food, shelter, clothing, utilities, healthcare, transportation, child care, basic personal items
Poverty threshold/ poverty line
When an individual does not have the resources to meet their basic needs for healthy living
Their income is insufficient to provide the food, shelter and clothing needed to preserve health
Majority of countries facing high poverty levels were colonized throughout history
Purchasing power- The value of a currency expressed in terms of the number of goods or services that one unit of money can buy.
Corporate Tax Rates and Economic Performance (1950-1979)
Corporate tax rate: 52-71%
GDP growth 4.4% annually
Unemployment: below 5% for most of the period
middle class: strong wage growth increased home ownership
corporate profits: grow steadily despite high tax rates
Wages vs. Inflation: wages keep pace with inflation, maintaining purchasing power
Effect of Tax Cuts
Tax reform act of 1986: cut corporate tax rate to 34%
GDP growth- 3.2% annually
Unemployment:fluctuated reaching 7.5% in 1992
middle class: slower growth compared to the 1950s-70s
Wealth concentration: top 10% owned 65% of total US wealth by 2000
Wages vs. Inflation: wage growth falls behind inflation, reducing buying power
Corporate Tax cuts since 2017
Tax cuts and jobs act lowered rate to 21%
GDP growth: 2.5% annually (pre pandemic)
Unemployment rate hit a historic low of 3.5% in 2019
Who benefited the most
Stockholders and executives: corporate=e profits hit record highs
Workers: wage growth remained slow despite low unemployment
Federal revenue: corporate tax revenue fell from 2% to 1% of GDP of 20 billion
Wages vs. Inflation: real wages stagnated, inflation outpaced wage growth
Corporate Stock Buybacks and Impact
Definition: when corporates use profits to buy their own stock, rising share prices
Buybacks post 2017 tax cuts: reach $1 trillion in 2018
Investors and executives: stock prices surges
Workers: few saw wage increases or job investors
Government: less corporate tax revenue, less funding for public services
Wages vs. inflation: no significant impact on worker wages despite economic expansion
Economic Inequality and tax policy
Ceo to worker pay ratio
50s- 20:1
Millionaire wealth increase (2017-2023): up 50%
Corporate power: wealth concentrated among top earners, fewer tax contributions