Course Information
University of Cumbria
Course Code: HRBP5215
Session: 0000
Understand key concepts of research design and methodology.
Discuss the difference between methodology and method.
Identify the key stages in developing a research method.
Refers to the overarching design of the research (e.g., Quantitative or Qualitative).
Refers to the specific techniques used for data collection (e.g., experiment or survey).
Includes the stages in executing the research.
Proposal Elements:
What you intend to do.
How you intend to do it.
Why you intend to do it.
Sample and Recruitment:
Identify who the participants will be and the recruitment methods to use.
Determine what data will be collected and the collection method.
Outline how the study will be executed in a step-by-step manner.
Quality / Rigour of Research:
Assess the overall robustness and validity of the research.
Data Analysis:
Outline how data will be analyzed post-collection.
Ethical Considerations:
Ensure ethical standards are upheld throughout the research process.
Sampling Methods:
Convenience or Random sampling methods may be employed.
Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria:
Define what qualifies participants for inclusion or exclusion from the study.
Recruitment Strategy:
Establish methods for how participants will be recruited.
Sample Size Considerations:
Depends on the target population; larger samples typically yield better representation.
A good proposal would suggest an ideal sample number:
Experiments: ideally around 30 participants.
Surveys: typically require 50 – 100 respondents.
What to Measure:
Specify the variables and elements of interest.
How to Measure:
Determine methods (instruments or equipment) for measuring the data.
Assess how well the measure reflects what it is intended to measure.
Evaluate the consistency and repeatability of the measurements.
A detailed, step-by-step description of the data collection process:
It should be comprehensive enough for another researcher to replicate.
Include visual aids like pictures or flowcharts to clarify procedures.
Title: Nursing and Healthcare Research at a Glance
Edited by: Alan Glasper and Colin Rees
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016
Source: ProQuest Ebook Central link
Focuses on Part 2: Quantitative Research.