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Copy of World History Study Guide Ch. 11a

World History Study Guide Ch. 11a

Some of the definitions and the key people will be used for a matching section, and some for multiple choice questions.

Know these Definitions:

  1. Treaty of Tordesillas- agreement between Spain and Portugal aimed at settling conflicts over lands newly discovered or explored by Christopher Columbus and other late 15th-century voyagers.

  2. Circumnavigate- sail around

  3. Conquistador- conquerors

  4. Tenochtitlan-the capitol of the aztec empire

  5. Encomienda- the right to demand labor or tribute from native americans in a particular area

  6. Mestizo- people of the native american and european descent

  7. Mulatto-african and european descent

Know what each of these People accomplished:

  1. Prince Henry the Navigator-wanted to find an easier way to reach Asia, believed he could convert africans to Christianity

  2. Bartholomeu Dias- rounded the southern tip of africa

  3. Vasco da Gama- led 4 ships around the Cape of good hope, also reached the great spice port of calicut on the west coast of India

  4. Christopher Columbus-sailed west across the atlantic, made in 1492 with three ships

  5. Ferdinand Magellan- set out from spain with 5 ships to find a way to reach the pacific, he pushed across the east indies, was killed in 1521

  6. Matteo Ricci-european jesuit priest, his goal was to convert upper-class chinese to christianity

  7. Hernán Cortés-earliest conquistadors, land owner in cuba, believed he could succeed where none had before, arranged alliances with the aztec gods

  8. Moctezuma- Aztec emperor

  9. Francisco Pizarro- went to the inca leader and urged him to convert him to christianity and when he refused killed him

  10. Bartolomé de las Casas-bold priest, condemned the evils of the encomienda system

Big picture questions to consider:

  • Why did Europeans start exploring? Where did they go? Who explored where?

  • Why did Japan and China not want to trade with exploring Europeans?

  • How did the Spanish conquer their empire in Central and South America?

Copy of World History Study Guide Ch. 11a

World History Study Guide Ch. 11a

Some of the definitions and the key people will be used for a matching section, and some for multiple choice questions.

Know these Definitions:

  1. Treaty of Tordesillas- agreement between Spain and Portugal aimed at settling conflicts over lands newly discovered or explored by Christopher Columbus and other late 15th-century voyagers.

  2. Circumnavigate- sail around

  3. Conquistador- conquerors

  4. Tenochtitlan-the capitol of the aztec empire

  5. Encomienda- the right to demand labor or tribute from native americans in a particular area

  6. Mestizo- people of the native american and european descent

  7. Mulatto-african and european descent

Know what each of these People accomplished:

  1. Prince Henry the Navigator-wanted to find an easier way to reach Asia, believed he could convert africans to Christianity

  2. Bartholomeu Dias- rounded the southern tip of africa

  3. Vasco da Gama- led 4 ships around the Cape of good hope, also reached the great spice port of calicut on the west coast of India

  4. Christopher Columbus-sailed west across the atlantic, made in 1492 with three ships

  5. Ferdinand Magellan- set out from spain with 5 ships to find a way to reach the pacific, he pushed across the east indies, was killed in 1521

  6. Matteo Ricci-european jesuit priest, his goal was to convert upper-class chinese to christianity

  7. Hernán Cortés-earliest conquistadors, land owner in cuba, believed he could succeed where none had before, arranged alliances with the aztec gods

  8. Moctezuma- Aztec emperor

  9. Francisco Pizarro- went to the inca leader and urged him to convert him to christianity and when he refused killed him

  10. Bartolomé de las Casas-bold priest, condemned the evils of the encomienda system

Big picture questions to consider:

  • Why did Europeans start exploring? Where did they go? Who explored where?

  • Why did Japan and China not want to trade with exploring Europeans?

  • How did the Spanish conquer their empire in Central and South America?