Class 10 IT (402) Employability Skills - PART A

Page 1: Introduction

  • Employability Skills textbook for Class X by NCERT.

  • Emphasizes the significance of equipping students with skills for the workforce.

Page 2: Publication Details

  • First Edition published in February 2020.

  • Rights reserved by national educational authorities.

  • Includes ISBN for reference.

Page 3: Foreword

  • The National Curriculum Framework–2005 (NCF–2005) integrates work and education, shaping valuable skills such as self-reliance and creativity.

  • Highlights the importance of vocational education and training (VET).

  • Outlines the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) and its structured learning levels.

Page 4: Foreword Continued

  • Discussion on the role of PSSCIVE in developing vocational education modules and curricula.

  • Notes on essential skills embedded within job roles across sectors.

Page 5: About the Textbook

  • Defines employability skills as essential soft skills sought by employers, enhancing performance and client satisfaction.

  • Examples: Effective communication, teamwork, stress management, and digital literacy.

  • Emphasizes entrepreneurial and green skills for sustainable practices in professional settings.

Page 6: Textbook Use

  • Advocates for the use of blended learning through text and interactive e-learning.

  • Emphasis on teacher guidance for participatory learning activities.

Page 7: Acknowledgement

  • Thanks the project board and contributors to the textbook development.

Page 8: Contributions to Textbook

  • Acknowledges various professionals and organizations that contributed to the textbook design and content.

Page 9: Contents Overview

  • Lists units and sessions covering communication skills, self-management, ICT skills, entrepreneurial skills, and green skills.

Page 10: Educational Rights

  • Highlights the 86th Constitutional Amendment that makes education a fundamental right for children aged 6-14.

  • Advocates for equal educational opportunities for girls and women.

Page 11: Introduction to Communication Skills

  • Stresses the significance of language and communication in various occupations.

  • Session overview on methods of communication, aiming to improve student engagement and effectiveness.

Page 12: Communication Skills Overview

  • Communication has three key components: transmitting messages, listening, and providing feedback.

  • Example dialogue highlights effective communication in a retail context—customer interaction and response.

Page 13: Communication Process and Elements

  • Explanation of communication cycle including sender, message, and receiver.

  • Includes basic concepts related to encoding and decoding messages through various channels.

Page 14: Elements of Communication Cycle

  • Sender, message, receiver, channel, and feedback defined.

  • Emphasizes the importance of choosing appropriate communication methods depending on context and audience.

Page 15: Methods of Communication

  • Lists various methods, such as face-to-face communication, email, posters, and business meetings, with advantages and appropriate contexts for each.

Page 16: Practical Exercises in Communication

  • Suggests exercises to practice communication skills, including role play and drawing communication cycles.

Page 17: Verbal Communication

  • Discusses the forms of verbal communication such as interpersonal, written, small group, and public communication with examples.

Page 18: Advantages & Disadvantages

  • Lists advantages like ease of communication and disadvantages such as potential misunderstandings due to miscommunication.

Page 19: Practical Exercises for Verbal Communication

  • Activities revolve around role-playing and peer feedback to enhance verbal communication skills.

Page 20: Non-verbal Communication Overview

  • Defines non-verbal communication and its significance in expressing emotions, gestures, postures, and more.

Page 21: Importance of Non-verbal Communication

  • Illustrates how non-verbal cues often communicate more than spoken words—over 90% of communication is non-verbal.

  • Examples include expressions, gestures, posture, and paralanguage.

Page 22: Positive Non-verbal Communication

  • Discusses how effective non-verbal communication enhances professional interactions and establishes rapport.

Page 23: Visual Communication and Examples

  • Discusses visual communication methods such as signs and pictograms, emphasizing their universal accessibility.

Page 24: Practical Exercises for Non-verbal Communication

  • Activities focus on role-playing and addressing body language mistakes.

Page 25: Summary & Check Your Progress

  • Review of key concepts, follow-up questions to enhance understanding, covering various topics on communication.

Page 26: Feedback Importance

  • Explains the role of feedback in effective communication and how it supports learning and improvement in interpersonal and organizational contexts.

Page 27: Barriers to Effective Communication

  • Discusses barriers such as linguistic, interpersonal, and organizational challenges that affect communication effectiveness.

Page 28: Overcoming Communication Barriers

  • Offers strategies to mitigate barriers, including simplifying language and being respectful of cultural differences.

Page 29: Practical Exercises for Communication

  • Suggestions for practical role-plays and discussions to solidify understanding of communication barriers.

Page 30: Writing Skills – Parts of Speech Overview

  • Introduces the importance of different parts of speech in writing skills; includes practical exercises to enhance understanding.

Page 31: Writing Skills – Overview of Parts of Speech

  • Detailed examples and definitions of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are provided alongside practical activities.

Page 32: Writing Qualities and Sentence Structures

  • Discusses the key components of a sentence: subject, verb, and object, along with types of objects.

Page 33: Active and Passive Sentence Structure

  • Explanation and differences between active and passive sentences with practice examples for clarity.

Page 34: Different Types of Sentences

  • Details on declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative sentences about purpose.

Page 35: Constructing Paragraphs

  • Describes how to form coherent paragraphs around a central idea, with examples.

Page 36: Practical Exercises on Writing and Structuring Sentences

  • Group activities focused on practicing different sentence types and structures.

Page 37: Self-management Skills Introduction

  • Introduction to self-management skills, encompassing emotional control and personal effectiveness.

Page 38: Essential Self-management Skills

  • Highlights key skills necessary for self-management: self-awareness, responsibility, adaptability, and timeliness.

Page 39: Stress Management Overview

  • Introduction to stress, its causes and handling methods; aims to equip students with techniques for maintaining balance.

Page 40: Stress Management Techniques

  • Illustrates practical techniques for managing stress, such as time management, physical exercise, and positive thinking.

Page 41: The Importance of Self-awareness

  • Discusses recognizing personal strengths and weaknesses as a foundation for personal growth and development.

Page 42: Steps for Self-awareness

  • Offers practical steps and techniques for evaluating strengths and weaknesses.

Page 43: Self-motivation Overview

  • Defines self-motivation and discusses its crucial role in achieving personal and professional goals.

Page 44: Building Self-motivation

  • Provides strategies for enhancing self-motivation, including setting goals and staying dedicated.

Page 45: Goal Setting Principles

  • Discusses the significance of setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) goals.

Page 46: Practical Steps in Time Management

  • Time management is framed as a foundational skill for both academic and personal success.

Page 47: Basic Computer Operations Overview

  • Introduces basic computer operations and hardware vs software concepts.

Page 48: File Operations

  • Discusses organizing and managing files and folders, reinforcing computer literacy.

Page 49: Importance of Computer Maintenance

  • Emphasizes the need for regular upkeep and maintenance of computers to prolong their lifespan.

Page 50: Begin Creating and Managing Files

  • Introduces file creation processes using text editors, fostering hands-on experience with basic file operations.

Page 51: Keeping Devices Clean

  • Suggests cleaning and maintaining electronic devices to enhance performance and durability.

Page 52: Data Protection Strategies

  • Discusses proactive measures for data protection including backups and installations of anti-virus software.

Page 53: Introduction to Entrepreneurship

  • Engages with the concept of entrepreneurship, emphasizing traits of successful entrepreneurs.

Page 54: Entrepreneurship in Society

  • Discusses the economic impact of entrepreneurship and how it contributes to community growth.

Page 55: Entrepreneurial Functions

  • Describes various roles undertaken by entrepreneurs in their businesses including marketing and decision-making.

Page 56: Myths About Entrepreneurship

  • Addresses common misconceptions about entrepreneurship, encouraging open-mindedness towards new ideas.

Page 57: Exploring Entrepreneurship as a Career

  • Discusses how entrepreneurship differs from wage employment highlighting the nuances of both paths.

Page 58: Engaging Case Studies

  • Encourages students to gather insights from local entrepreneurs, bridging theory with real-world application.

Page 59: Green Skills Overview

  • Discusses the importance of sustainability and the role of green practices in personal and community well-being.

Page 60: Initiatives for Sustainable Development

  • Engages with practical applications of sustainability initiatives, encouraging active participation in environmental stewardship.
